Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Coming Soon: Black Storm Trooper III

Hey gang!

Its been a busy couple of months.  I've been working on a couple of great projects that I can't tell you about just yet...

What I can tell you is that work has begun on Donald Faison's Black Stormtrooper: Part III!

Here are some preview pics taken via Hipstamatic!

Donald prepping to animate.
(That's his serious animation face!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Plain White T's Boomerang BTS Pics

Here are a few behind the scenes pictures from Plain White T's video shoot for their single "Boomerang"

It was directed by Tim Nackashi and produced by Fuliane Petikyan

Plain White T's perform under a whirlwind of confetti
while Director Tim Nackashi and 1st A.D. KC Grim look on.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Foo Fighters Video Preview Pic!

I recently worked as Animation Director for a Foo Fighters music video!

Here's a preview pic!

The video was directed by my friend Pete Levin and the shoot was a blast, with a great cast & crew!

I'll be posting the video itself and a few more behind the scenes pictures shortly.

Stay Tuned!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Simpsons "Willis & Crumble" BTS Pics

Its been a while since its aired, but as promised here are some behind the scenes photos from the Simpsons parody of Wallace & Gromit.

Chiodo:Team Simpsons! (from L-R) Assistant Animator Tim Smyth, Art Director Charles Chiodo,  Director Stephen Chiodo, Lead Animator Teresa Drilling, Me, Producer/Editor Edward Chiodo, Producer/Consultant David Silverman

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Acura Transformation BTS Pics

I've been seeing the Acura spot I animated on last year, pretty regularly on the TV these days.

Here are some behind the scenes pics of the 3 day, all night shoot.


Lead Animator Kevin Glick double checks his marks.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Carls Jr. BTS Pics

Two weeks ago I got to work on another Carl's Jr web spot over at Bix Pix with Director Karni Baghdikian. This time as Animation Director.

I'll be sure to post it when its finished.

In the meantime here are some behind the scenes pics from the previous Carls Jr. web spots for the Philly Cheesteak Burger.

The job was fun but I'm not sure how I feel about the burger... 
(To be fair, I haven't actually tried it.)

Lead animator Nancy Parczyk prepares for a shot.