Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In Which I Share a Few Amazing Videos

Hi guys!

This is literally one of the most random posts I have ever done, but I felt that I needed to do it. This post is just a collection of a few short films I've watched these past few days that I felt everyone else needed to watch, like ASAP. I cried and laughed with these videos and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did!

Video 1: Gift of Life

My mom was the one who showed me this video (just a couple of minutes ago, in fact) and I absolutely loved it. It's actually a commercial but anyway, it will warm your hearts no matter how unlikely it may seem. So without further ado, enjoy:

If you loved that video, feel free to vote for it HERE because it is an entrant to The Webby Awards and it would be completely amazing to see it get the praise it deserves, so vote if you can please! :) As seen above, it is called "Gift of Life" made by TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno. Good luck to them!

You can click the picture to vote for Gift of Life. :)

Video 2: Cargo

This short film was just amazing. The fact that someone was able to come up with this concept is nothing short of brilliant. Cargo was an entrant for Tropfest Australia 2013 and came out as a finalist but in my heart, it was the winner. Enjoy!

Video 3: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

For those of you who haven't gotten addicted to this web-series yet, you. Need. To. It's such a cute and hilarious show! I'm pretty bummed it's over but it was super fun while it lasted. I am now about to feed your soon-to-be addiction. You're welcome.

Okay, friends! That's it! Those are the videos I wanted you to watch and I hope that you loved them. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts and/or violent reactions. Mwah.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In Which We Claim Our Blog (in Bloglovin') and Prepare for the Apocalypse (aka the Demise of GFC)

Hi guys!

I'm sure you've all heard the whispered rumors that Google Friend Connect is now bidding us adios because if Google Reader is leaving, why not GFC? And since Geraldine and I have been blogging for quite some time now and we've garnered a pretty cool amount of followers, we're afraid that we'll lose all that we've worked so hard for. Even though it's not a sure thing yet, we think that it would be best that we are prepared for the worst. 

Friends, we asked that may you please follow us in BlogLovin'...

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Of course, we'll also follow you back. It's not a problem. :) We appreciate everything that you can help us do and we thank you for everything.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Not A Book Review: Anti Valentine's Movement

It's Valentine's Day again dear readers and I'm here not to write about a book, but to just review about this much speculated day every year. Much to everyone's distress, I am not a believer of Valentine's Day. In fact, I may almost hate it. Why? Well, there's the annoyingly sappy mood everyone's in. I can just taste the sweetness in the air. Blegh. Then there's the draining rush everyone's in, as if they're trying to finish everything up in a matter of seconds to make more time for their dates or whatsoever. I thought I was becoming a sociopath. GAH. But when I thought it through, (yes, I think ALL my decisions through. Even those dumpling noodles I had for lunch.) and before I declared myself to be void or any romantic notion, I realized that I didn't hate love. I hated Valentine's Day. You might be saying: "Oh good Lord. She's gone nuts. Call the shrink!" but let me explain. Don't we all have that annoying classmate/co-worker/random stranger who just shoves in your face how many chocolates or flowers or love letters they got for V-Day? Or those annoying people who think they can do whatever they want. And when you tell them off, you seem like the bad guy and people will say "lay it off, man. It's Valentine's Day" Is it just me or does everyone's knuckles just  itches to come in contact with that face? I hate it when they send tons of flowers and hug each other and tell them how much they love him/her just because it's Valentine's Day. For me, it shouldn't be done on just one day a year. 1 out of 365 isn't enough. 0.2 percent of every year isn't going to cut it. Love shouldn't be built up and let loose on Valentine's Day. It should be done every hour, every minute, every second of every day that you have. You never know when you're going to die, and I doubt you'll feel very loved knowing that you got dozens of flowers for V-Day last year. If you really are passionate and serious about something, you won't feel that a day is enough, either. I'd like people to scratch the idea of a Valentine's Day out of their heads. When every and any day would be a day where you could give flowers. Or leave work a little early to have dinner with your loved one. Or just be in a sappy, romantic mood all day long. Now wouldn't that be better? Knowing that you were thought about because well, you were thought about. No more angry girlfriends who didn't get roses and chocolates from their boyfriends. No more stressed-out hubbies rushing to the corner flower shop to get his wife a not-even-thought-about bouquet of flowers. No more greedy people raising the prices of flowers up to thrice the original amount to make higher profit. (well, okay. the last one happens EVERY holiday. I doubt they'll change) But wouldn't it be really nice if that did happen? No pressure, just everyone going in their own time. Now you won't have to share a special day with a bajillion more people out there. Wouldn't it be more meaningful and sweet if you had your own day no one else but the two of you knew when? That you wake up and find yourself smelling roses just because. Now these ideas, I was truly drawn to. That you go to bed having the best feeling in the world every night because you chose not to pour it all out in a day. That, for me is love in it's rawest state. And that's something I would in fact, love. So I guess I don't really hate the idea "two hearts beating as one" or something that is blind and fair and just. I guess it's really just Valentine's Day that I hate

Disclaimer: I have in NO WAY possible any intention of offending anyone's opinions or beliefs. This is just me sharing what I think.

I hope it's Valentine's Day everyday to you, too! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Being Grateful and Some Mushiness

Hi guys! I just wanted to do a brief post about being grateful. I can honestly say how insanely blessed I am. I have such amazing people surrounding me and supporting me in everything I do.

To my co-blogger:
Thank you so much, Ge for sticking with me. I couldn't have asked for a better co-blogger and I love you, sistah friend! ;)

To my two greatest supporters:
My parents. I love you both so much and I'm so grateful to have you as my parents, supporters and my benefactors. Hehe! MWAH!

To bloggers:
Also, thank you to the awesome bloggers who I've been talking to and getting to know over at Twitter. Special mentions to Kai from Amaterasu Reads, Precious from Fragments of Life, Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader (who I always get awesome book recommendations from,) Leanne from The Selkie Reads Stories, Andye and Amy from Reading Teen, Dani from Book Whales, Kazhy from My Library in the Making, Maricar from Black Plume, Kate from Confessions of a Bookaholic, Jassie, Michelle and Nicole from The Twins Read, and Alyana and Tiffany from Read Breathe Read. You are all so great and thank you for everything! <3

To authors:
Thank you so much to Josephine Angelini who's always been there to support me and who's just generally awesome in every way. And whose books made me love Greek mythology all the more. You've helped me so much over the years and I am so honored to be one of your cheerleaders! Whoot! And also to Amanda Sun who I've gotten close with these past few months. You are a rockstar! I'm still anxiously waiting for your book. To Amy Plum as well, who has managed to give me a taste of Paris in the comfort of my very own home. You've given me a chance to visit an insanely beautiful country, so thank you. And who could forget Julie Kagawa whose books have managed to make me believe in anything and to whom I will always be a huge fan of. Without a doubt. To Leigh Bardugo who just makes being evil look so good and whose book has made me fallen so in love with Fantasy novels. And lastly to Michelle Hodkin whose books may have left an insanely huge impact in my life. Whose books I can never stop thinking about no matter what. Thank you. PENGUIN HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!!! >:D<

To publishers/publicists:
Thank you so, so much to Christine from HarperCollins. You are made of absolute awesome. And to Ksenia from MacMillan! You are absolutely lovely! You two ladies always make my days!

To a special bookstore:
Who could forget Fully Booked? I LOVE the people there! Every time I visit, I always feel so welcomed. Thank you sooo much! Especially to Lucy who's one of my Twitter BFFs. LOL! And to Gina and all the other awesome staff from their Greenhills branch. Heehee!

To everyone:
Thank you all SO much for everything. For your continuous support and for sticking with us this long. We're so grateful that the blogging community has opened its arms to us and has welcomed us so warmly. We're so glad to be back and we're definitely here to stay. We hope that you continue to stay with us for we have so many more things to show you. :) Without you we wouldn't have gotten this far so we are eternally grateful.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 26, 2012

HARC! INK by Amanda Sun ARCS Have Arrived!

I'm sure everyone knows how insanely excited I am to read Ink by Amanda Sun and if you don't know, check out my gif-filled Waiting on Wednesday post for Ink HERE. So I'm pretty sure you guys know how I reacted when Amanda Sun posted this on her Twitter...

And guess what were inside these packages...

Are they gorgeous or what?!

Here were my reactions:

There was a lot of...
Funky (and vertical seizure-like) dancing.
Crazy flailing.
Kermit flailing.
And swooning.
Again, I know that I will have to use my super ninja skillz to get one of those bad boys (or girls?)!

*disappears* *appears*
And look how fabulous Amanda is with an ARC of Ink! She's rockin' the ARC-hair.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, Go forth and add Ink to your Goodreads!

I am so freaking excited for this book, I can't even.

*Super Ninja Penguin hyperventilates*
(Some of these pictures were taken from Amanda Sun's Twitter. Thank you, Amanda!)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Let Me Love You, Ash (Why I Love Ash from The Iron Fey series)

This is me whenever people mention the Iron Fey series and when I gush about Ash's awesomeness.
I think it’s completely rational and sane for a person with a x-chromosome (or maybe even with a y-chromosome?) to fall irrevocably in love (*cough*lust*cough*) with Ash.
That’s right! You heard me! I’m in love with a fictional character! Wait, whaaaaat? Sure he may be cold, taken and not real but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel love. And in case you’ve been living in a hole for the past two years and you don’t know who he is, let me tell you who this insanely sexy man-faerie is (in bullet form because everything looks good in bullet form):

      ~   Ash is a character (but I like to pretend that he’s real) from the epic paranormal series The Iron Fey by the awesome and kickass, Julie Kagawa.

      ~  Built like a god from Olympus and has the face of an Abercrombie model (except even more beautiful and otherworldly), any woman (or man) would want to ravage him. Just a few passages from the book to convince you: NOTE: Words in YELLOW are my opinions and my widely inappropriate comments.
Evidence A:
The Iron King – “Up close, he was even more beautiful, with high cheekbones and dark tousled hair falling into his eyes.”
Evidence B:
The Iron Daughter – (This one’s a long one, ladies!) “I’d dreamed about Ash in a tuxedo, silly fantasies that crossed my mind every so often, but the image in my head was as far removed as a house cat was to a jaguar. (Oh Meghan, you naughty, naughty girl! What other stuff about Ash have you been fantasizing about? Hmm…?) His tuxedo wasn’t black, but a dazzling, spotless white, the open jacket showing a white vest and an icy blue tie beneath.  His cuff links, the silk handkerchief in his breast pocket, and the glittering stud in his ear were the same icy color. Everything else was white, even his shoes, but instead of appearing ghostly or faded, he filled the room with presence, a royal among commoners.” (Okay, ladies (and gentlemen?) I’m going to end here before your girly bits start spasming due to his virility. If you’re looking for the page, it is: 293-294. Enjoy! *wink *)
And lastly, evidence C:
The Iron Queen – “Ash lay on his back in the corner, one arm flung over his eyes, his breathing slow and deep. He was shirtless (YUM.), and the amulet gleamed against his sculpted chest, almost completely black now, a drop of ink against his pale skin. – [a few more sentences here]- Taking advantage of the moment, I watched him (I bet you like to watch, huh, Meghan?), admiring the lean, hard muscles, gazing at the scars slashed across his pale skin. His chest rose and feel with each quiet breath, and just watching him sleep (Having an Edward moment, Meghan? I know I would be.) made me feel a bit calmer.”
See? What did I tell you? Is he blowing your mind or what?!

Take me NOW.

   ~ Ash doesn’t just have abnormal good looks and a hot bod you’d want to flaunt but is also one of the sweetest most sincere guys you’ll ever read about. His love for Meghan is so genuine that you’ll find yourself “AWW”-ing and sniffling because of his loyalty and love. Here is one of my favorite lines/parts from The Iron Queen:
“’I love you’, I whispered, fisting my hands against his stomach. ‘You can’t leave. You swore you wouldn’t.’
Ash’s hands came to rest over mine, twining our fingers together. ‘Even if the world stands against you,’ he murmured, bow his head. ‘I promise’”
That is possibly the sweetest thing I have ever read. *wipes eyes * I’m not crying okay! Moisture just seeped out of my eyes due to the amount of emotion being shown in this scene.

  ~   I think one of the things that made me love him even more isn’t just because of his looks or his propensity to be a sweetheart, but it’s also because of the fact that he isn’t perfect. I mean, yeah he looks great and usually has the right lines but it’s his imperfections that made me love him more. Like most guys, Ash had a past. Not a I-used-to-take-drugs or a I’m-broken-so-I-have-resorted-to-throwing-a-bitch-fit-all-the-time kind of past but the type that you know will affect everything about your relationship with the guy. I honestly felt my heart break for him when I read about the things he had to o through and the really sad part is that no one was there for him, no one comforted him or assured him that everything would be alright (Yes, Bob Marley reference.) He never thought that he’ be redeemed for all the things he’s done in the past but in the end, he did have his saving grace. I may cried a lot when I read about the things that had happened to him; the people he’s lost, the people he’s hurt and how much he thought that he was unsavable. No matter how much it broke my heart to read about those things, it al worked out in the end and my heart was pieced back together. Though, I may have had a few violent thoughts and reactions then…

Embarrassingly enough, this happened a lot.

      If I wasn’t able to convince you about how amazing Ash is, you seriously need to have your lady bits or your eyes checked because Julie Kagawa did right by creating this complex and intriguing character. So complex and intriguing that all you can actually do is peel back all his layers and defenses and look for the man who’s hiding inside, the man who only wants to be loved.

Well, that’s it folks! Thanks for stopping by!

But wait! There’s more!

Here’s a little something you don’t know about the Iron Fey series: I was in all of them. Yes, you heard right! I was in all of them until Julie decided to take away the super creepy stalker person in the books… I wonder why… Anyway, I’ve decided to go out and tell YOU guys what really happened. Here are some deleted parts that never come out with the final version of the book:

A scene in The Iron Daughter before the dance:
Ash: *starts to change clothes… hears a creepy giggle * *whips head and looks around * Who’s there! Show yourself!!
*a figure materializes out of the darkness *
Louisse: Here I am!
Ash: Who the hell are you?!
Louisse: Who am I? *spins in a circle * I am your lover~
Ash: *gags in disgust * WHA—
*Meghan and Puck barges into the room*
Meghan: What’s taking you so long, Ash?
Puck: And who the heck is that?
*All turn to look at Louisse *
Meghan: Hey! I went to school with you!
Louisse: So it seems…
Puck: We did?
Meghan: Yeah!
Ash: Guys… She’s licking me.
*Louisse stops licking Ash’s cheek *
Meghan: Bring me a knife, Puck!
Louisse: O.O *throws confetti at the trio * You can’t touch this! *dances to MC Hammer * But Ash can totally touch this. *jumps out the window * We’ll see each other again, my looooooove!!
*The three watch the crazy person jump out the window *
Ash: *shudders * Never have I been so afraid for my life…
Puck: Looks like you’ve got yourself another fan, ice-boy.
Meghan: Don’t be so smug, Puck. She left something for you too.
*shows them the letter Louisse left *
Hello My Little Red-headed Elf!
I left some lovin’ for you, sugar. ;)
Love, your penguin
Oh... And, do you think I'm sexy?
*they see a picture of her in a penguin suit and her sexy face*

Puck: *shudders * That girl is cray-cray.
*Grimalkin walks in *
Grim: She sniffed my tail...
Ash, Puck and Meghan: O.O

The Iron Queen scene where Meghan enters the tent with Ash lying down on his back, sleeping (or was he?):
Meghan: *enters the tent * *freezes * What the heck?!
Ash: *bolts up from the floor * *grabs his weapon * What? Who’s there?!
*Both look at the mysterious figure… wearing a penguin suit? *
Louisse, in a penguin suit: *points at Ash and sings * ~I can see you through the window. As I’m standing at the tree outside~ *shakes booty *
Ash: *glowers menacingly at the pervy penguin * Get out of here before I kill you…
Louisse: Don’t need to be so cold, baby. (Pun, pun)
Ash: Meghan, stand behind me. *brandishes swords* Say goodbye to this world, you abnormally lecherous penguin!
Louisse: *flaps wings and runs away * This isn’t the last you’ll see of me! I’ll be baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!
Meghan: I really hope she never comes back... We are about to go into war and we can’t have anyone distract us.
Ash: Maybe we should send her to Ferrum’s castle…
*both nod in agreement*
Ash: And did you notice the way she danced? She looked like she was having  a vertical seizure…
Meghan: It was a disturbing sight…
~ in Ferrum’s rooms~
*Louisse watches the False King from the darkness *
Louisse: *creepy laugh * I will end you for hurting my Ash…
Ferrum: What the--!!

~ END ~

Are you amazed by my badass feet stomping and arm flapping?

Now you know what really went down.

(This is only a work of fiction. All characters belong to the awesome Julie Kagawa. Thank you for lending them to me.)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best of 2010

I think that 2010 has the craziest shit ever! The greatest have ever happened and also the weirdest. And I've also met so many great people this year. And I feel so sad leaving 2010 behind, but I'll always cherish the memories. Crap. I'm being sappy. Haha. So really 2010 was a wonderful year, filled with reading and meeting new people. And since 2010 is about to end I am writing my Best of 2010! :D These books were chosen because they have been crafted with masterful hands and have a vivid and realistic set of characters and settings. There were tons of amazing books that were released this year. So this post was quite hard. (Except for spot #1, I've reserved that spot for one special series.)

1. The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa -
The Iron Fey series has never failed to take me to a different world. Whenever I'm down Puck has never failed to make me guffaw, yes I used guffaw not giggle and not even laugh. And Ash has never (never ever) failed to bring very, very naughty thoughts I'm my mind. (Sorry, Meghan. Peace!) I have so much memories with The Iron Fey. Quite a lot of emotional moments in my life revolved around the series. I have slept, cried and laughed with this series. I would say it was my best friend but Keila would kill me. (So.. If, I, um... Disappear. You know who to blame. *wink wink*) And Miss Kagawa is super AWESOME! I love that woman! :)

2. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger -
God. The DUFF. I love this book SOOO much! It's like a book I could read all the time. I've read it like 20 times already... Or is it 34, I dunno I lost count. Haha. The DUFF is the type of book you can relate to. It relates to us in so many ways. Our insecurities, our family problems and our relationship with friends. I just genuinely love The DUFF. The romance is adorable. I could just cuddle up with Wesley Rush if I could. And Bianca is so different from most lovestruck teens. I really enjoyed The DUFF. I think Kody's hair is really COOL. Haha.

3. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare -
Do I even have to say why? It's set in London. Will is hot as hell. I feel sorry for Jem. Tessa is a very, very strong-willed and tough character. I like her, she has pizzaz! And Cassandra Clare is cool~

4. Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink -
Um... I thought the first was kinda boring but the second totally made up for it. And I totally LOVED it! Go, Dimitri, go! Screw you James. You know what Team I am? I'm Team I-Hope-James-Gets-Screwed-Over. Yeah, that's right.

5. Heist Society by Ally Carter -
I've always been a HUGE fan of Ally Carter. I loved her Gallagher Girls series. I sort of like Heist Society more than the Gallagher Girls series because I found Heist Society more mature and Hale is wayy hot! (Sorry, Zach.) I really enjoyed Heist Society. And I do hope Hale and Kat become closer in Uncommon Criminals.

6. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer -
Hot werewolf action. Haha. I liked it 'cuz it isn't a cliché kind of paranormal novel. So yeah. Go, Team Shay! I can't wait for Wolfsbane and the books have GORGEOUS covers!

7. Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr -
Because I love, love, LOVED the Wicked Lovely series! The story is so exciting and it's like a thrill ride! Half the time I read the books I want to stab Keenan with a fork and half the time I want to make love with Irial! The Wicked Lovely is a very beautiful series! I really, really want to gut Keenan.

8. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting -
I really enjoyed this one because it's haunting and suspenseful and it's really rare for a YA novel to be this mysterious and suspenseful. I also really think Jay is the coolest dude. EVER! I can't wait for Desires of the Dead! :D I want Violet to be my friend so she could find all those animals that died in my childhood. Haha. Just kidding! But I'd be cool to hang out with Violet!

9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver -
I know it isn't a 2010 book but still. I loved it to bits! Such a beautiful heartbreaking novel. It's an emotional thrill ride!

10. Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King -
This is the type of novel that you actually have to read to know how to describe it. Well... Let me try. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a quirky, hardcore, unique and enjoyable read. This book was totally realistic! I really think Vera is a cool person and I would love to hang out with her. I think Charlie was a total, forgive my French, asshole. I can't believe he left her like that. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a book that has so much emotional distress going on that it makes you enjoy it! Such a unique read, really!

Well... That's it! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yes!!! Hell Week Is Over!!!


Finally. It's over. The week we've been dreading every quarter. Is over and done with. *pants* Hell Week!!! Hell Week is basically our Periodical exams, where the whole all we do is stuff our heads in our books. Luck for us (Keila and I) we don't need to study. Yes, yes, we're slackers. We know. Since it's over I'd like to CONGRATULATE all those who've survived this insanely cruel week. :) Bravo! We should crack open a fresh bottle of wine and drink it like there's no tomorrow.

We would BUT we'll having regular classes again tomorrow. Crap. We're all about getting drunk! LOL
*sigh* And we still need to see if we ACTUALLY passed our tests. Just thinking about them makes me want to bawl! /(;_;)\
Well, whatever, the past is the past. (But please, please let US graduate...) Let us just hope I passed my tests and so did Keila, good luck to you! :)

Well... That's it! :D
Please enjoy this hilarious video while I ago wring my neck-- I mean cower in anticipation. Right~ :))

Hugs and Cookies,

Monday, September 27, 2010


Okay, so this is like THE conversation of me and Louisse's plan to make a blog:

L: Hey. I made a blog.

G: Really? I did too.

L: Really? WOW.

G: IKR. Let's make a blog together!

L: YEAH!!! Then we can write reviews on books!

G: YEAH!!!


R(seatmate): What are you guys talking about?!?

G: Uh. . .

L: None of your business, R. Listen to teacher.

R: But you're not listening either!

L: I am! I'm just not looking at her.

G: Yeah. And we totally get how to divide fractions.

R: Psh. Whatever *looks away*

L: *psssssst* (whispering) That was a total lie. I hate dividing. And fractions.

G: I know. :))


Well, at least that's how I remember it. I may have missed a few important points but oh, what the heck. WE HAVE 90 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!

We have a special surprise when we hit 100!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

In Which I Blog About Unicorns (and possibly Dora the Explorer)

Yes, as you can see I'm blogging about Unicorns! Heehee I love them and I absolutely can't wait for Holly Black's Zombie VS Unicorns! Of course I'm Team Unicorn but Keila is Team Zombie. Such conflict, so when I finally get myself a copy when it releases Geraldine and I will have a very, very heated debate (Which we have everyday.)
Off to Unicorns, I have always obsessed myself with them, I sometimes find myself dreaming about me riding a pretty pink Unicorn with a golden horn! But it just so happens that Dora the Explorer had already stolen my dream and rode on a Unicorn! I was so depressed and I still like watching Dora and screaming out the answers. Great job Dora, you just lost a watcher!
I've always wanted a Unicorn. More than an alcoholic wants a bottle of Jack Daniels, more than Berby's obsession for karate boys, MORE THAN GERALDINE WANTS A BOYFRIEND! Whoops! I accidentally turned my Caps Lock on! Clumsy me! :)) But seriously I really want a Unicorn! I'll hug anyone who finds me a lavender one with a cookie tattoo on it's butt! :)
Unicorns! Unicorns! Unicorns!
I was once with my dad talking about my future and he said that I had to learn how to properly speak Mandarin for a better future and I said, "But daddy, I want a Unicorn!" And here's what he replied, "What are you going to do with them? Can you make a Unicorn farm?" Ahh, I love my dad! <3 br="br">I still also love Unicorns! :)

Here's the list of things I love:
1) God
2) Parents
3) Berby and Geraldine
4) Books
5) Unicorns
6) Little Sister
7) Friends
8) Blogger Friends
9) Lily Paloma and Samantha Jones (My dogs, though I think Lily hates me... Dunno! :D)
10) Hugs and cookies

Yes, those are the people/things that make me happy! :)
Well, I am now going to do my temporary stitches for my cheerdance shirt. Sooo bye! :)

What will I blog about next?

P.S. Agnes, Despicable Me character, is an exception to the Unicorn rule because she's a cute, innocent little girl who deserves a cute Unicorn! :)