In 2010 a series of survey questions were posted on my blog as a means of ‘taking the pulse’ of the online art community. More than 40 questions were posed and the results of the survey were presented as sidebars in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed. The survey tapped into a range of issues, both practical and psychological, related to being an artist today.
In Pulse Points, my newest series which ends today with this post on Create Mixed Media, select survey questions from the book were presented to several different groups of artists working in mixed media and beyond.
Today's questions and original survey results from The Pulse of Mixed Media:
Is it important to you that others like your artwork?
It is a bonus but not a priority…77%
It absolutely is...17%
Not at all. I create for myself only...6%
Overall does your family support your life as an artist?
Yes, 100% behind me…59%
Sometimes yes, sometimes no…34%
No, they just don't get it…7%
And a taste of what our panel members had to say:
Kristen Robinson: "My work is an extension of my soul and as such, it should be irrelevant but truly it is not."
Joanne Sharpe: "My style isn't for everyone, but it is all me."
Becky Shander: "My family knows that making art makes me happy, and since they like seeing me happy, they're all for it."
grrl+dog: "Pulling the thread on this question unraveled issues rolling out of deep inner space."
Head on over to Create Mixed Media to hear much more of what the panel has to say about these issues. You can also read the first five posts in the series if you missed them. And if you would like, please share your own experiences in the comment sections here or at CMM.