Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Aisle 999: pop-up shop

Welcome to Aisle 999 -- my pop-up shop on Etsy. My shop will open periodically throughout the year, for limited amounts of time. Look for curated themes, art objects, vintage finds, one-of-a-kind items, and some surprises.

Want traditional items? Head to Aisle 3. Want something different? Head to Aisle 999.


What:  4 x 4 x 44. Look for original art, 4 x 4 inches, at a cost of $44 each.

When: The pop-up is open 24/7 for one week. Doors shut end of day on Saturday, July 13th.

Where: Aisle 999

Sold. Thank You.

Sold. Thank You.

Sold. Thank You.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

And the winner is...

Sending out congratulations to...

Sherri from Like Words Together who is the winner of the Playful Pods Series of stencils from Artistcellar and created by Chris Cozen.


Nan G from Froggy Designs who is the winner of both Chris Cozen's DVD Acrylic Painting: Color, Texture, Value as well as Chris' new book, written with Julie Prichard, Acrylic Solutions: Exploring Mixed Media Layer by Layer.

My four pieces created with Chris' Playful Pods stencils are now available for purchase in my Etsy shop.

Pods 1

Pods 2

Pods 3

Pods 4


Stay tuned for another giveaway later this week on The Altered Page

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shameless Advertisement

As I am working away behind the scenes on my new book, I am happily seeing that my first book "The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed" is still making its way out in the world.

My 5x5 project, an online extension of the book, is being featured in the current, November/December issue of Somerset Studio. Christen Olivarez, the editor of the magazine, has  highlighted the article on Somerset Place, the blog from Stampington & Company. In it she says "I truly feel like this article is like no other we've ever published. Perhaps it's because it is based on a book, "The Pulse of Mixed Media," that is like no other. When Seth first contacted me with the idea for this article, I was quick to say "yes!" to it. I knew Somerset Studio readers would really enjoy having insight into the creative processes of some of their favorite artists." A million thanks Christen!

The book has also been included in a post on Create Mixed Media entitled "Gifts for Artists/Creativity Jump-Starts." This post is the first in a series on the site that will highlight categories of gifts for the artist (and non-artist alike). Also check out "Gifts for Artists/Art Journaling", the second post in the series.

I still get a thrill when I wander through a book store and see my book on the shelf. And it still brings a smile on my face when I come across my book unexpectedly online, like the other say when I saw that Dick Blick has added it to their online store and even featured it on their landing page for books.

One of my workshop DVDs is also indirectly "in the news", but by way of full disclosure, that is because I put it there. I have just added "Head Start" to the shelves of my Etsy shop.

This is one of the mixed-media artworks that I created during the filming of my workshop DVD Easy Mixed Media Surface Techniques. You can see the creation of the piece, from start to finish, on the DVD. While I haven't run across any recent online mention of my other DVD, Easy Mixed Media Techniques for the Art Journal,  I am including it here so that it doesn't feel left out.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Seven new items just uploaded to my Etsy shop. More to follow soon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easy Mixed Media

Happy to announce that my recently released workshop DVDs from North Light Media are now available through the shops at Amazon (see links below).

In my first DVD, Easy Mixed Media Techniques for the Art Journal (on and on Amazon Canada), I guide you through a step-by-step tutorial in making a unique art journal using mixed-media texture making, distressing, and layering techniques. While technique driven, the finished project can be used as a personal journal, artist book, or a place to document and revisit your newly learned techniques.

In the second DVD, Easy Mixed Media Surface Techniques (on Amazon. com and on Amazon Canada), I take you through a series of steps to introduce you to my Painted Grid process. You will learn how to create texture, incorporate text and mark-making, and design finish touches to complete your work. This technique-driven workshop also includes directions to complete several projects incorporating the painted grid as both a background and a focal image.

One of the projects that I show you how to create step-by-step and that I actually completed during the filming of my Surface Techniques DVD is Blackbird...

 She is now available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.
Sold. Thank You!
Four new artist survey questions have been added to the sidebar of my blog. Head on over and speak your mind - anonymously. The polls are open!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


One of my most favorite ingredients to use in my artwork are found objects. In fact, sometimes I think the process of hunting for and finding discarded and forgotten items is more fun than actually using them. And once I start sharing stories about the hunt, I could go on forever. 

In the current issue of Cloth Paper Scissors I get to do all that and more!  

Turn to page 68 and you will find my feature The Lifecycle of a Found Object. Maybe it should have been titled All You Wanted to Know About Found Objects* But Were Afraid to Ask.

In this article you will see photos of the hunt and of some of my favorite finds, a list of my favorite haunts in NYC to hunt for the goods, my thoughts as to why found objects are so popular, and 3 artworks created primarily with found objects.  

Sold. Thank you!

In View
Available in my Etsy shop.

You will also find a list of 3 of my favorite commercial products to use to alter the surface patina of found metal objects -- with before and after photos included. Now that is my kind of reveal!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Earlier this month I highlighted the paintings from my Interior Angles series that is part of my current exhibition at The Gallery Link in Ellenville, NY.  Interior Angles consists of 12 abstract, acrylic paintings.

This exhibition also includes nine mixed media works that make up the series Passages.

 These pieces are meditations on changes and the passing of time.

11' x 14"

To My Heart
8" x 10"

8" x 10"

The origin of this series began with Headstrong, which appears in Pam Carriker's book Art at the Speed of Life. And reflecting the concept of change inherent in this series, this piece has been changed since it was first published in Pam's book.

8" x 10"

Angel Hand is currently featured on the cover of the May/June 2012 issue of Somerset Studio.

Angel Hand
8" x 10"

And Charlotte is featured on the pages of Somerset Studio as well.

8" x 10"

The remaining three pieces from this series are "spoken for" and you will be seeing them in various places in the coming months.

Also on view at my exhibition in Ellenville are a number of my handmade books - some that I have made on my own and some that are part of collaborations. I love being able to see all of these books on display together.

The exhibition runs through April 23rd, so this is the last weekend to visit if you are in the Hudson Valley in New York.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

News of the Day

The Create Mixed Media Retreat website has now gone live and includes a description of all the workshops and instructors from the event. Registration begins on February 16th. I will be teaching three workshops: A Box of Dreams, Text Tiles, and Mixed Media Dossier. I am excited to teach but am also looking forward to spending quality time with so many people from the mixed media community.


Sarah Fishburn and Angela Cartwright have just released the newest issue of Pasticcio Quartz - with a twist. After completing 13 issues of their QUality ART Zine, they have created Pasticcio Panoply. Unlike their previous zines, which include a wide variety of content related to art and creativity, the Panoply issue focuses on art and only art. Never before seen artwork from nearly 40 artists is presented in full page images. 

One of my newest artworks, Held, is featured in the issue and is now available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.

Sold. Thank you!
I just read that one of my all-time favorite artists, Antoni Tapies, has died. This desciption, from the notice in the New York Times, sheds light on why he was such an inspiration to me:

"a largely self-taught Spanish abstract painter whose seductive, tactile surfaces, often scratched with mysterious graffiti-like marks, made use of unconventional materials like marble dust, ground chalk, sand and earth."

I have been lucky to have been able to see many of his paintings in person in both New York and in Barcelona. But I am even luckier to be the owner of one of his prints, which I will continue to treasure and look to for inspiration.


My eNewsletter for February hits the virtual newsstand very soon. If you would like one in your inbox, be sure to sign up for my mailing list. You can see my first issue from January here.


I can finally say that my book, The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed, will be released next month. It has been a long wait - from developing the idea, signing the contract, holding an open call, writing the book, and editing the book - until now...but the wait most definitely has been worth it.

And in what will be a periodic feature on my blog, the first of many little known facts about The Pulse of Mixed Media: despite the subtitle, you will actually find the secrets and passions of more than 130 artists in the book.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Take a Chance

If you are anything like me, you have a bunch of art supplies and products in your studio that you were excited to get but have never used. I have decided that now is the time to blow off the dust, break open the seals, and actually use these items. In my newest piece, 'Take a Chance', I have used two products that were gifted to me: Liquid Pencil and Wood Icing.

I was introduced to Liquid Pencil by Pam Carriker, who helped developed this line of products with Derivan. Think of this product as graphite in a bottle. There are many ways to use it but I used it as a 'paint', covering the entire surface of the panel along with layers of more traditional acrylic paint.

I first heard about Wood Icing from Mary Beth Shaw, who highlighted the product on my blog in a post for The Pulse. She had me at the word texture. Wood Icing is a versatile paste that can be used on multiple substrates and in multiple ways. On this piece, I sanded it down to create very subtle surface texture.

Take a Chance

Available for purchase from my Etsy Shop.

Sold. Thank you!


Catori (sold. thank you!) and Hiyana, two pieces from my Facets series, will retire from my Etsy shop on 11/22 and are now shipping free worldwide until then.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Monday Minute

I have converted. And there is no going back. The only thing I am wondering is what took me so long?! I am now the proud owner of a MacBook, an iPad, and an iPhone. And I am exploring the world of Apps. I would love suggestions from those in the know of favorite art and photography Apps. Feel free to name names in a comment to this post.

Thank you to everybody who signed up for my giveaway of two copies of the first issue of Stampington's newest magazine Mingle. The lucky winners are Bridgette from Contemplating the Moon and Eileen from Art Saves Lives.

Stay tuned for a book review and a new giveaway as part of The Book Guild later this week.

I have begun to stock my Etsy shop with some of my new mini books. Use them as a journal to collect your thoughts, remember an event, make a list, or spill the beans. Fill one with your doodles and drawings. Attach one to a gift for a personalized touch. Pop it in your pocket and record your travels.  Many more will be added in the coming days. If you see one in this image that has not yet been added to the shop, email me and it is yours.

And of course come back next Sunday for the 6th installment of Techniques & Tools, where the favorites of 11 more artists will be revealed.
