In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sometimes I just need to get the sad out

I was sitting here watching "You've Got Mail." 
 I love romantic comedies.  L.O.V.E. them.
My favorite
 And I was crocheting.....
And I thought....
Today is the first day of Spring! It's the Spring Equinox!
It's the day eggs should stand on end....I tried it....didn't work.
Brooms are supposed to stand on their own.  I tried it.  Mine didn't.  
As a matter of fact, my broom handle is bent and I never noticed it before.  
And I just figures.

And I thought....I'm so glad it's spring.....
I hope spring goes better than winter....
but it sure hasn't started out that way.  
My eggs won't stand up.
My broom won't stand up.

I try to stay upbeat on this blog, and many times when I post anything bad/sad, I delete it, before too many see it.  
It's not a very popular thing to post negative stuff on a blog.
  But here's the deal folks. 

Sometimes I just need to get the sad out.

Here is a glimpse of my winter that I never told you about.
Six funeral viewings since November...
Yes SIX.  
One lady was 54.
Liver cancer.
People say they come in threes.  
They did....Twice.

And My Mother-in-law fell...a few weeks ago
she is 92.  
It set her back a lot.  
She is still living in a therapy place from the fall. 
While living in the therapy place, she decided she wants to move from the assisted living facility (the one she fell at),  to the one she moved from a year ago.
So, I got it all set up for her to move back.  
And she changed her mind.
So after giving her a couple of days to make sure, I canceled the move.
Then, she changed her mind again, and decided to move after all.
I RE-set it all up.
It take a lot of time and errands to set this stuff up.

These muffins.....are yummy. My Shug ate several of them today. (hmmm blurry picture.)
After he found out the trip was canceled.
Yup. I made them for a trip to Florida that I was to take.
We were leaving tomorrow. 
 I was packing last night, when I got a call.  
Stop packing,  trip is off.  
Lots of plans were made.  

Oh...and my Shug...who just went on afternoons three weeks ago. 
Got bumped back to days.
Yup, my Shug got bumped.
The end of this month he goes back on days.
Back to getting up at 4:30 in the morning....
going to bed at 8:30-9:00.
Back to dark circles under his eyes all the time.
And then, the straw...
you know the one.
It's the one that breaks the camel's back.
 I got a call late this afternoon.  
"Cindy, Did you know *a good friend*  is in ICU?  
I know now.  
She needs lots of prayers.
I cried.
I'm tired peeps.
Don't feel sorry for me.  I hate that.
I just need to vent.
To get the sad out.

So, I decided...
I'm starting my spring tomorrow. 
Spring is my favorite season...and I'm not starting it out this way.
It's going to be better than winter.
It's going to be better than today!

And for now...right now....
I started making a crocheted bag that I was going to make on my Florida trip.
It'll be a Cindy bag. 
 I'm not using a pattern.  
Phhbbbttt....I don't need no stinking pattern (I hope!)
I'm eating dark chocolate.
I'm drinking beach house wine.
 And I am going to count my blessings.
It's been a busy and fun week, amidst all the winter crap.
Tomorrow is another day.
I'll tell you all the good stuff that happened this week...another day.

In the meantime....
let's wish this beautiful young lady a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
My niece, Adrienne!
Born on the first day of Spring!
I hope it is as wonderful as she is.
And let me say...

Cindy Bee

PS.  Thank you Susie, for reminding me about Horton's.  I completely forgot.  I think I'll go.
And I think I'll buy me a boquet of tulips somewhere....
or maybe a pansy or two....
and maybe some ducks....
I'm celebrating Spring-tomorrow!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Birthday - Happy Spring!

Happy Birthday Adrienne!
 We had a luncheon for her the other day....for the new baby.  Ty Joseph will be here around Easter-time!
Good Lord it's been a long time coming, and I heard we are to have a snow storm next week.  I don't believe it.  Anyway, last Fall I asked my Shug to pick up some Hyacinths for me.  Hyacinths, Tulips, Daff's, etc. are all bulbs that go in the ground in the fall.  They need the cold winter months to prepare them to bloom.  Well, all they had at the store he was at, was Grape Hyacinths, so he bought them for me anyway.  I don't know if you all know how to "force" bulbs, but if you don't, here is a lesson.
  All you have to do is put a store bought (even cheap) bulb in a dark, cool place.  What you are doing, is imitating winter to them.  They are in a dark, cool place during the winter months.  Do not let them freeze.  I know it's freezing outside in the winter, but not underground where they are located.  Not usually anyway, who knows about this winter.  But anyway, most of the time you can put them in a brown lunch bag in a drawer in your fridge.  I put them in another room in our house because our entire house is cold except for the room we are living in.

I decided the other day it was time to plant them.

They are doing just fine and will probably bloom about the time I am in Florida!  Yup, I'm going to Florida.  I decided someone is going to have to go down there and get that sunshine and bring it back up here, so I am doing it.  My cousin, Vickie, is going with me.  (OK I'm going with her, to visit her brother, my cousin)
 In the meantime, I'm devastated to say I only have one hive left.  This is a picture from last year of healthy, happy bees.  I am sad to say that only one hive survived the winter.  So if you live in my area, please contact me if you get a swarm.  I need several as there are others that have called me wanting bees.  There are none to be had.  It's scary peeps.  More on that later....
Cindy Bee
(can't be a beekeeper without bees-pray for my one lone hive)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some odds and ends...

My week in review....
Got my hairs cut... (first time it's been this short since the 1980.s
 Watched the sun rise...this is our view out of the room we are living in...
 Bought some pansies....Can you find the honeybee?  (hint: it's the shape of a honeybee)

 Found this blooming in our yard when I was looking for spring!
 Made some yummy potato soup.
 Went to Horton's in Tipton

 Look at this counter at Horton's.  They used a door for the front of it.

Found this Easter egg at our house in town, which means it's been there for at least two years!
Found some more spring...
My hair cut.  The back is shorter.  I love it...It was too heavy and long before and taking way too long to do anything with it.  This isn't the cut it was supposed to be, but it'll do.

It's hard to take pics of yourself!

I also bought some new shoes....I'll show 'em to ya later.

Cindy Bee

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring has sprung!

I'm going to be gone for a few days...but before I go I gotta shout it out!

I'm just sure of it!
The crocuses are up. They aren't open because it's early in the morning. They open when it warms up....

The tulips are coming up....
I've heard robins singing the last two mornings....twiddluuh twiddluuh twiddluh
The termites have swarmed. Yes they swarm. And they swarmed three weeks early. I heard it on the news.
The sand hill cranes have already migrated north a couple of weeks ago.
I've seen ants in the house - ack!
And I've gone outside barefoot!

And I think my bee hives survived the winter. I'll know more next week.
But for now, I must make haste! I've places to go, things to see!

Oh and guess why I'm making ravioli...

To celebrate my trip to Italy!
More on that later....and no I'm not going to Italy today.

See ya Monday.
Cindy Bee

PS - Please keep my MIL in your prayers. She was taken to the hospital last night for bronchitis.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Woolen Workshop - part III

OK, so you remember yesterday's post. We were going to sneak over to this building and take a picture from this round window.

But before we go to that mansion, let's check out this "chick with sticks".

This is what the WWW is all about. Teaching people how to do handwork from days gone by. She learned to knit on Saturday and got busy making a scarf.

Now this is in the 'other' mansion. The Seiberling mansion. The one my Shug and I got married in. These ladies are quilting. There were people sitting around knitting and spinning too.

As we began our climb to the top,

I said, "psssst....hey RJ (reality jayne)...look...see this landing?"


"It's where we stood when my Shug and I got married."

"So, whadayagonnado..take a picture of it?"

"yeah...I think I will!"

I walked down those steps, in my weddin' dress, and did not trip!
Look at some of the gorgeousness in this place. This is one of the bedrooms, in the round area.

Walking up the back steps (the maids steps)

A painting on the 2nd floor...

As we wander around some rooms, and look at a few displays, I snap a couple of pics. But not many because we were on a mission. These stoves were once made in our little town.

Chick with sticks is doing very case you were wondering.

This is the grand ballroom. It was hard to get a good picture because of all of the people in it.

It goes through that archway. And there is a stage on one end of it. I imagine it was where the band sat. And we were up here, on this third floor, trying to find a door that leads to another stairway. We just needed to get up one more flight, to the attic, but the doors were either blocked or locked. But see that room to the right. Well, there was a door in there that was not locked. We went in.....

What. In. The. H?

Are you kiddin' me? This was the only room, unlocked, and accessible, and there is no way I could get a picture out of this window. Crap.

So we went back down to the 2nd floor, which wasn't near as exciting. But I snapped a couple of quick pics. Because we had to get back. We were gone awhile.

And one of my granny square peeps did come back. She was doing very well by the way. She had another granny started. She wanted me to show her how to change colors.

Oh, and this building. It was a carriage house. It's where my shug and I had our wedding reception.

Dammmmnnnn. Busted. Granny Bee at the bottom of the stairs....

And check out 'chick with sticks!'

She drank a ton of caffeine loaded cola

and finished that scarf!

More to come on the WWW. I gotta show you what I bought, what I didn't buy, and what I wished I would have bought!

But first...look what was on our farm yesterday!

Robins!!! Spring is coming soon!!

I can't wait for them to start singing. You know that song that they 4:00 a.m....when you are sound asleep. That one. I love it.

Cindy Bee