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Showing posts with label PEDS. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A-Rod used steroids since high school

Barry Rodriguez on Steroids?

Relaying details from an upcoming book on Alex Rodriguez by Sports Illustrated's Selena Roberts, the New York Daily News reports today that Rodriguez may have started taking steroids as early as high school and is suspected of continuing his use of performance-enhancing drugs with the New York Yankees.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Now what do you think of this?

Lupica Going After ARod!

Yankees 'N More has learned that New York Daily News sports columnist Mike Lupica has a copy of a list containing the names of numerous major league baseball players who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.One of the names on the list is said to be New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.In 2003, major league baseball directed the collection of more than 1,400 samples in an attempt to get a feel for how prevalent the use of performance-enhancing drugs was in baseball. More than 100 players tested positive.

In their collective bargaining agreement, both owners and players agreed that the list would be kept confidential.However, in 2004, federal investigators raided testing labs being used by major league baseball, searching for the test results of 10 players named in a federal subpoenas and warrants.During those raids, investigators also seized computer files containing the names of the more than 100 players who were NOT named in either the subpoenas or warrants, but who had tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs during those 2003 tests.Now Lupica is believed to have a copy of this list, which includes the name of Alex Rodriguez.Who knows how Lupica got his hands on the list, or how he plans to use it. But you can bet Rodriguez will be a focal point of whatever does.

MY TAKE ON THIS; I suspected him before. However, this list is the one where no disciplinary action can be taken. Look at his HR totals in 01 and 02....52 and 57. Uh hummm. He hit in the 40's the preceding years but that doesn't signify a darn thing. Innocent until proven guilty? I guess in Barry Bonds' case, he's guilty until proven innocent. Nothing will happen to him (ARod), but at least people will have a pretty good idea that he is a known cheater.