Hi everyone,
As I said before, I have given the DT
a bit of a break so that they can recharge their
I thought this was an amazing project
and one that could easily be changed
to make a lovely reusable
Christmas prezzie.
A bottle bag, beautifully decorated with So Soft paints
This is the front
A closeup of the front detail
Here is the back
This is what Neil said.....
"Begin by ironing any kinks out of the bag
Start to add your images to the bag using Archival
ink pressing down a bit longer than you would
if stamping on card
to allow the ink to penetrate the fibres
Build up your design, masking where required till
you are happy.
(Repeat on the back of the bag too)
Now, remember the saying, mix too many colours
together and you'll end up with mud?
Well, this is where you find out it's true.
Mix DecoArt So Soft Fabric paint, Christmas
Primary Red, Ocean Blue, Cadmium Orange,
Cadmium Yellow into a pot and you will
end up with a funny brown/grey colour
(of course, I could have used brown but
where's the fun in that?)
Keeping a pot of water handy, begin to
apply the paint to the bag, avoiding the main
stamped areas and using plenty of
water to lighten and spread the colour.
Every now and again
you can work in a bit of blue,to add
interest and depth. Use a large brush for the
main areas and switch to a smaller
brush around the images.
Once you have done both sides of the bag; either
leave to dry or iron just to dry it out a bit
(Using a craft iron rather than
the iron you use to iron your Sunday best!)
Now it's time to add some colour to your
main images. Using the same colours as before,
and water, add colour to your
images. (I also used Yellow Green) I used
tiny amounts of the "mud" colour to kind
of dull down the colours where needed.
It's also a good idea to iron the section you
have done prior
to adding a different colour adjacent to
prevent bleeding.
When you have done both sides and are happy,
leave to dry. Then turn the bag inside out
and paint the top section with
the remainder of your "mud" colour
mix (assuming of course
that like me, you ended up with far too much.)
Allow to dry, turn right side out again, and
give it a last press with a hot iron.
The bag comes with a loose string tie cord which
I attached to the side of the bag by
sewing it on with string.
Once I had knotted the string around the cord I
added a tag to the string and knotted it on.
The tag had been stamped with
a tag image from the stamps and I coloured
it with some of the
left over paint so the colours matched.
Now all that was left was to find a bottle worthy to be
carried in such a stylish bag..."
So, what do you think...
What a brilliant project and really nice and unusual gift.
Do you want to have a go?
This is what you will need -
I used Christmas Primary Red, Cadmium Yellow,
Cadmium Orange,
Ocean Blue and Yellow Green
Are you going to try this....let us know
if you do....with pictures!!
See you tomorrow,
Jane x