Showing posts with label translation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label translation. Show all posts

Friday, September 09, 2011

Different methods of translation

These texts come from various translations of the Roman Missal, courtesy Fr. Z. They are the collect for September 9, the memorial of St. Peter Claver.

Latin (2002 Missale Romanum)
Deus, qui beatum Petrum servorum servum effecisti
eumque mira in eis iuvandis caritate et patientia roborasti,
eius nobis intercessione concede,
ut, qua Iesu Christi sunt, quaerentes,
proximos opere et veritate diligamus.

English (1973 English translation)
God of mercy and love,
you offer all peoples
the dignity of sharing in your life.
By the example and prayers of Saint Peter Claver,
strengthen us to overcome all racial hatreds
and to love each other as brothers and sisters.

English (2011 English translation)
O God, who made Saint Peter Claver a slave of slaves
and strengthened him with wonderful charity and patience
as he came to their help,
grant, through his intercession,
that, seeking the things of Jesus Christ,
we may love our neighbor in deeds and in truth.

Quite a difference in method of translation, eh?

Friday, February 04, 2011

Fr. Ruff's letter on the new translation

This is from America Magazine.  I have a comment in response to it at their web site.

An Open Letter to the U.S. Catholic
Bishops on the Forthcoming Missal

Y our Eminences, Your Excellencies,

With a heavy heart, I have recently made a difficult decision concerning the new English missal. I have decided to withdraw from all my upcoming speaking engagements on the Roman Missal in dioceses across the United States. After talking with my confessor and much prayer, I have concluded that I cannot promote the new missal translation with integrity. I’m sure bishops want a speaker who can put the new missal in a positive light, and that would require me to say things I do not believe.

I love the Church, I love the sacred liturgy, I love chant in Latin and English, and I treasure being involved with all these as a monk and priest. It has been an honor to serve until recently as chairman of the music committee of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) that prepared all the chants for the new missal. But my involvement in that process, as well as my observation of the Holy See’s handling of scandal, has gradually opened my eyes to the deep problems in the structures of authority of our church.

The forthcoming missal is but a part of a larger pattern of top-down impositions by a central authority that does not consider itself accountable to the larger church. When I think of how secretive the translation process was, how little consultation was done with priests or laity, how the Holy See allowed a small group to hijack the translation at the final stage, how unsatisfactory the final text is, how this text was imposed on national conferences of bishops in violation of their legitimate episcopal authority, how much deception and mischief have marked this process—and then when I think of Our Lord’s teachings on service and love and unity…I weep.

I see a good deal of disillusionment with the Catholic Church among my friends and acquaintances. Some leave the Catholic Church out of conviction, some gradually drift away, some join other denominations, some remain Catholic with difficulty. My response is to stay in this church for life and do my best to serve her. This I hope to do by stating the truth as I see it, with charity and respect. I would be ready to participate in future liturgical projects under more favorable conditions.

I am sorry for the difficulties I am causing others by withdrawing, but I know this is the right thing to do. I will be praying for you and all leaders in our church.

Pax in Christo,

Fr. Anthony Ruff, O.S.B.

Monday, November 29, 2010

O Lord, I am not worthy...

What the centurion said to Jesus, we too will say when the new English translation of the Roman Missal is put into liturgical use next Advent.  There are two reasons that the centurion responded to Jesus' offer to "come and heal" his servant. (cf. Matt. 8:5-13)

On the one hand, Jesus’ going to his house was unnecessary: Jesus, having authority, need only say the word to heal the centurion’s servant. (Personally, I wish the liturgical response in the Latin and in the English were: "and your servant shall be healed.")  On the other, Jesus’ going to his house would have complicated matters: it was unlawful for Him to do so, and He would have been considered ritually impure because of it. (cf. Acts 10:28)

I think the response of the centurion on our lips is a fitting reaction on our part to the Lord’s “condescending love”: “Lord, You needn’t go through all that trouble, You needn’t get mixed up with me. You’re powerful enough to do it from where You are.” Or, as St. Peter exclaimed, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” (Luke 5:8)

And yet Christ invites us to Him. (cf. Matt. 11:28) And so there is a meeting (at the very edge of the sanctuary and the nave, if a Communion rail is employed) where we come to Jesus, and He comes to us. He does for us what He did not do for the centurion, and I am most grateful for it. He “goes through the trouble” of coming under my roof (which I understand to be the roof of my mortal frame, the roof of this temple of the Holy Spirit) and “risks” impurity to associate with me in such a sacramental way.

That’s why this newer, closer translation of this is meaningful to me, and I hope it’s meaningful to others as well.

I wonder: if the “yoking” language of Matt. 11:28-30 were employed in the Latin liturgy, if it would need to be “interpreted” by an English translation. I think modern — or at least non-agricultural — man sorely misunderstands the imagery of the yoke, especially as employed by Jesus. But does this misunderstanding require interpreting away the scriptural words and replacing them with a modern idiom? Can’t we have both the scriptural words and a true comprehension of them?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Crisis with the Roman Missal: 2010 text looking terrible

I'll get right to the point.  The 2008 English translation of the Roman Missal looked very good, very promising.

The 2010 text, on the other hand, looks atrocious.  It is full of errors and oddities and other problems that just make it ugly and stilted.  Please, please, please give us back the 2008 translation.  The 2010 text is going to result in an absolute disaster.  Eyes (and heads) will roll.

Important Update:  the linked text is from April.  It is not the final revised version of the text that we are eagerly awaiting.  But it goes to show you what sort of translation was approved for use back in 2010!  How did it get such approval with all these serious shortcomings?!

Lord almighty, help us out here!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Defenders of the new translation prefer an oblivious congregation?

"The US Bishops’ website has cultivated this disjunction between the priest’s part and the people’s part and most defenders of the new translation seem happy with the idea that the people don’t even notice what the priest says anyway." ~ Fr. Joseph O'Leary, September 3, 2010

"Who are those defenders?" ~ me, September 3, 2010

"Fr. Joseph, could you please back up your claim that 'most defenders of the new translation seem happy with the idea that the people don’t even notice what the priest says anyway'?" ~ me, September 5, 2010

I don't know if he'll back up or retract his claim.  It's a rather serious charge.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Response to Fr. William Grimm

Is the new English translation of "for you and for many" (pro multis) heretical?  Yes, says Fr. William Grimm, because it should be "for the many."

Here is my response:

1. The English translation is not based on "probable Aramaic words" but on known Latin words. The issue here is not exclusion or inclusion, but an accurate rendering of the Latin words of the Missal, which are based on the Greek words of the New Testament. (Greek, by the way, does have articles, and there is no article associated with 'pollon' [many] in Matthew 26:28 or Mark 14:24.)

2. The Latin 'pro multis' could be "for many" or "for the many", it is true. But if "for the many" leads to the erroneous interpretation that all are forgiven because Jesus shed His blood "for the many," then those words should be avoided. While God wills all men to come to knowledge of the truth and be saved, that is sadly not going to happen, and it belongs to God's "desirous" will rather than His ordaining will. Jesus makes it clear that not all will be saved. (e.g. Matt. 7:13-14)

3. Jesus did shed His blood for the many, indeed, for all, but the words continue: "for the forgiveness of sins."  The current translation "for you and for all SO THAT sins may be forgiven" is not a heretical statement (although it's not an accurate translation), because Jesus shed His blood for all of us for the possibility of the forgiveness of sins.  But the new translation "for you and for many FOR THE forgiveness of sins" is also not heretical (and it is more accurate), because Jesus shed His blood for the forgiveness of the sins of many, but not of all. The Roman Catechism (after the Council of Trent) makes this clear:
"They serve to declare the fruit and advantage of His Passion. For if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind have received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race. ... With reason, therefore, were the words for all not used, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of..."

Friday, August 20, 2010

English Translation Approved

This just in from the USCCB:

Cardinal George Announces Vatican Approval of New Roman Missal English-Language Translation, Implementation Set for First Sunday of Advent 2011

WASHINGTON—Cardinal Francis George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has announced that the full text of the English-language translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, has been issued for the dioceses of the United States of America. ...

Cardinal George announced receipt of the documents in an August 20 letter to the U.S. Bishops and issued a decree of proclamation that states that “The use of the third edition of the Roman Missal enters into use in the dioceses of the United States of America as of the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011. From that date forward, no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used in the dioceses of the United States of America.”

The date of implementation was chosen to allow publishers time to prepare texts and parishes and dioceses to educate parishioners.

“We can now move forward and continue with our important catechetical efforts as we prepare the text for publication,” Cardinal George said. ...

The USCCB Roman Missal web site has already been updated to reflect this final edition of the translation. Volume 1 of the Praying the Mass series, The Prayers of the People, has undergone another slight revision, but I will not be releasing it just yet. Volume 2, The Prayers of the Priest, which is still in production, has already been adjusted to reflect the new texts.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Interview on Relevant Radio, this Thursday

I'll be interviewed on Relevant Radio on Thursday, May 27th, on the Drew Mariani show around 4:30 PM (Eastern).  It'll be on the topic of the new English translation of the Mass.  You can listen live here.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Interview on Relevant Radio on Tuesday

I'll be interviewed on Relevant Radio on Tuesday, May 4th, on the Drew Mariani show around 4:15 PM (Eastern).  It'll be on the topic of the new English translation of the Mass, of course, and my book.  You can listen live here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

English translation to receive approval today?

From Fr. Tim Finigan:
Edward Pentin, who reports for the National Catholic Register and for the Catholic Herald, reports this morning  that the Congregation for Divine Worship will approve the new ICEL translation of the Missal later today.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Talking about the new English translation

I'll be on the Son Rise Morning Show next Monday (the 12th) at 7:45 AM (ET) to talk with Brian Patrick about the new English translation of the Roman Missal — what are some of the changes, and how might they be implemented.

If there's any specific change you'd like mentioned (and briefly discussed), sound off!

Monday, February 01, 2010

New translations in 2011?

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has a post today about a article from the Catholic News Service.  This article reports that the new English translation of the Mass might be Advent of 2011.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Reason #12,943 why we need the new English translation of the Roman Missal

Fr. Z presents the current translation of today's Post-Communion prayer:
may our communion
teach us to love heaven.
May its promise and hope guide our way on earth.
Here's the Latin:
Prosint nobis, quaesumus, Domine, frequentata mysteria,
quibus nos, inter praetereuntia ambulantes,
iam nunc instituis amare caelestia et inhaerere mansuris.

He quips, "When the English is shorter than the Latin, friends, you know there’s trouble."  He then provides these two far more content-rich and accurate translations, showing us what the prayer really says:
We beg You, O Lord, may they be profitable for us,
these oft celebrated sacramental mysteries,
by which You established that we,
walking amidst the things that are passing away,
would now in this very moment love heavenly things
and cleave to the things that will endure.

May these mysteries we so often celebrate
redound to our benefit, O Lord, we entreat You,
since by them You instruct us,
as we journey in the midst of this world which is passing away,
to love the things of heaven and cling to what endures.
Read the whole post!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rationale behind the translation: "everlasting" and "eternal"

What follows is a brief exchange between "Larry" from Pennsylvania and myself from the 4marks Liturgy Forum:

Larry: I don't understand why they have switched eternal to everlasting and vice versa.

It's good that you bring this up. I'm writing a book on the new translation, and I want to make sure I don't overlook issues such as this one.

(There is no change in the Apostles' Creed, where "life everlasting" is still translated as "life everlasting".)

The new translation does change ONE instances of "eternal" to "everlasting", and MANY instances "everlasting" to "eternal", in the prayers of the priest.
  • In the absolution at the end of the Penitential Rite, the priest will no longer say "bring us to everlasting life" but "lead us ... into eternal life."
  • In the Eucharistic Prayers, "everlasting covenant" will become "eternal covenant."
  • In Eucharistic Prayer I, "the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation" will become "the holy Bread of eternal life and the Chalice of everlasting salvation." (This is the only place where the new translation uses "everlasting" in the prayers of the priest.)
  • In Eucharistic Prayer III, "make us an everlasting gift to you" will become "make of us an eternal offering to you."
  • In Eucharistic Prayer IV, the phrase during the epiclesis "he left us as an everlasting covenant" will become "he left us as an eternal covenant."
  • The priest's private prayers as he receives Communion will change from "everlasting life" to "eternal life."
So, why the changes?

Larry: It looks to me however like they just wanted to switch the wording around, because they switched it just about everywhere even where the present wording makes more sence.

The major driving force behind the new translation is greater fidelity to the Latin text of the Mass, respecting the richness of the Latin words and trying to reproduce that richness faithfully in the vernacular. Let me use one example from the above:

In Eucharistic Prayer I (the Roman Canon), the Latin text reads Panem sanctum vitae aeternae, et Calicem salutis perpetuae. In the current ("old") translation, this is "the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation." The future ("new") translation will be "the holy Bread of eternal life and the Chalice of everlasting salvation." The new translation respects the vitae aeternae, rendering it as "eternal life" rather than just "life", and it respects the salutis perpetuae as "everlasting salvation" instead of "eternal salvation." This is for two reasons: first, the Latin uses two different words (aeternae and perpetuae), so the English translation should (unless there's a good reason) use two different English words ("eternal" for aeternae and "everlasting" for perpetuae, i.e. perpetual).

The word "eternal" is a direct translation (cognate) of aeternae, which is why the decision was made to use "eternal life" rather than "everlasting life" there. (Granted, in the Apostles' Creed, the phrase vitam aeternam is translated "life everlasting".) Because the words aeternae and perpetuae are used in immediate succession, it would not respect the Latin text to say "eternal life" and then "eternal salvation".

Now, I would posit that "everlasting life" is different from "eternal life". Everlasting life means life without end: both the saved and the damned will have everlasting life. But only the saved will experience eternal life, because the saved will share in the life of the Most Holy Trinity, God, Who lives eternally. Eternal life has neither beginning nor end, and when we come to share in the divine nature of God, we will share in His eternal life, not just the everlasting life which all souls will come to know.

So our salvation is not eternal salvation but everlasting, because we are not created saved, but become saved at some point in time.

If you would like, I can address the other changes too, but I think my explanations could be inferred from what I've said here about this one particular example (which uses both "eternal" and "everlasting").

Larry: I think they are changing too much at once...

There are people who said that (and are still saying that) about the changes in the 1960's. ;)

The changes that will be made are important and necessary (in my opinion and in the opinion of the Holy See). They've been in the works for nearly 10 years. It's less efficient (and more expensive) to make translation changes little by little, because that would mean new liturgical books would need to be issued and re-issued.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The need for a new English Roman Missal

Fr. Thomas Kocik at the New Liturgical Movement points out a reason why the present English translation of the Roman Missal (commonly called the Sacramentary) is in need of revision.  Here is the post-communion prayer for today, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, in Latin:
Refectione tua sancta enutriti, Domine Iesu Christe,
supplices deprecamur, ut,
quos per lignum crucis vivificae redemisti,
ad resurrectionis gloriam perducas.
Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculorum.
Here is the present English translation:
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the holy bread of life.
Bring to the glory of the resurrection
the people you have redeemed by the wood of the cross.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Here is my translation:
Nourished by your holy refreshment, Lord Jesus Christ,
we humbly beseech you, that,
those whom you redeemed by the wood of the life-giving cross,
you would lead to the glory of the resurrection.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Now, translation quality aside (although that is an issue!), Fr. Kocik points out the absolute mistranslation – it can't even be called that – of the bolded words.  The prayer is addressed to Christ, not to the Father, which is why the Latin does not end with "Per Christum Dominum nostrum", but rather with "Qui vivis..."  The translators fell asleep at the wheel on this one!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Excellent article on the liturgy and the new translation

US Catholic has a rather lengthy article which touches upon the liturgy in general, the "reform of the reform" movement, and the new English translation of the Mass. It includes hefty contributions from Jeff Tucker and Fr. Jeff Keyes. It is well worth the read. The comments (a couple dozen or so) are half-pro and half-con.

Here are a couple excerpts:
A trained musician with a number of published compositions to his credit, Keyes was particularly disturbed by the parish's musical repertoire. At his first Mass, for example, the choir sang "Gather Us In," whose third verse begins, "Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven light years away." Keyes was frustrated that a Catholic hymn would appear to dismiss our desire for heaven. "I said to people at the parish, ‘That's not what we believe!' " says Keyes.


The first few months [of liturgical changes by Fr. Keyes] were difficult. The original choir of almost 30 voices dwindled to a small handful. A number of families left the parish. Some parishioners accused him of wanting to return to a pre-Vatican II liturgy. The charge is ironic, says Keyes, because the Second Vatican Council's Sancrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) specifically envisioned Catholics learning to sing the key parts of the Mass in Latin.


While [Jesuit priest John] Baldovin agrees that more reverence in the celebration of the liturgy is needed, he thinks that implementing these changes would be a mistake. "I call it ‘Amish Catholicism.' It's nice, quaint, traditional, and even commendable in some ways. But it's not real," he says. "The world that supported that understanding of the liturgy has passed away."

Sister Joyce Ann Zimmerman, a former seminary professor and director of the Institute for Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio, worries that these changes would make it harder for the assembly to participate actively in the liturgy. "There is a risk of returning to a very privatized religion with a large rift between the ordained minister and the people, where the priest is celebrating for us rather than with us. That's not what Vatican II was about."

Some liturgists, though, question whether the concept of "active participation" in the liturgy is adequately understood. "It is sometimes treated as a slogan," says Father Douglas Martis, who directs the Liturgical Institute at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago. "We tend to say people are ‘participating actively' if they sing and say the responses. But participation is more complex than that."
Go, read the whole thing!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The New English Translation: Disaster?

This is my response to Mr. Paul Collins' article "Another Looming Roman Disaster - This time with the liturgy." Mr. Collins is the head of the Australian group Catholics for Ministry. The CfM group is interested in, among other things:
  1. The development of two models of priesthood: a) celibate and b) married, with specific canonical norms for each state.
  2. The development of a female priesthood with two modalities: a) celibate and b) married with specific norms for each state.
  3. The reintegration of married men who still have a vocation into service in the Church.
  4. Review the problem of Christians in second marriages and their participation in the Eucharist.
The second half of his article deals with particular problems he sees in the new English translation of the Mass. Rather than fisk it in the style of Father Z, I'll make comments after each paragraph.
A foretaste of what might happen pastorally [when the new translation is introduced to parishes] was provided when, in a misunderstanding, some South African parishes started using the new text in late-November 2008. It was met with widespread rejection by Mass-going Catholics. Thomas Reese, SJ of Woodstock Theological Center in Washington, DC said 'I think the Church has been very lucky the South Africans jumped the gun because it's showing the Vatican there is going to be a worldwide problem when these new translations are put into effect. Once again the Vatican isn't listening to the critics, and we're going to have another major embarrassment … when these translations … are forced on people in the pews.' One of the major shocks experienced by the South Africans was the shift from a more conversational style of English to a sacral, more formal form of address.
The article does not address how the "imposing" of the new translation is any different from the "imposing" of the older translation in the late 1960's. The article also fails to address the 1965 Missal, which is much closer to the new translation than the present one. (A comparison of the Latin text, 1965 translation, 1969 translation, and 2010 translation is a matter for a whole other post!)

Why should it be a "major shock" to use "a sacral, more formal" style of speech at Mass, when we are speaking to God and to the priestly ministers of His Son? Could it be that the present translation is a bit too lax? Why else would people be shocked when we use Scriptural and traditional adjectives in describing the Holy Trinity?
Taking the text as provided by the USCCB I will highlight some of the major changes. There are many annoying minor word changes that affect the celebrant rather than the people, but here I will highlight the major ones that impinge on the whole congregation as we work through each part of the Mass.

Catholics will be pulled up short right at the beginning of Mass if the priest uses the greeting 'The Lord be with you', because the new response is 'And with your spirit' replacing 'And also with you'. Of course this is a literal translation of Et cum spiritu tuo but it is meaningless in modern English. Since this greeting recurs several times throughout Mass people are going to be constantly struggling with 'And with your spirit'.
Mr. Collins never says why such a translation will cause Catholics to be "pulled up short." Perhaps that's an Australian idiom that isn't present in American English (and thus not suitable for use in a universal liturgical translation)? The fact that the translation is "literal" seems to be cause for disdain, but there is no explanation given for why, unless you consider that he considers it to be "meaningless in modern English." This seems to be a cop-out to me. Why is the phrase meaningless? Perhaps it is just that Mr. Collins does not know the meaning. Here is what the August 2005 USCCB newsletter had to say on the matter:
The expression et cum spiritu tuo is only addressed to an ordained minister. Some scholars have suggested that spiritu refers to the gift of the spirit he received at ordination. In their response, the people assure the priest of the same divine assistance of God’s spirit and, more specifically, help for the priest to use the charismatic gifts given to him in ordination and in so doing to fulfill his prophetic function in the Church. (Vol. XLI, question 7)
We are addressing the priest in a way that emphasizes his spirit (the spirit he received at his ordination) but contains his whole person.
Immediately flowing this is the Penitential Rite (which ICEL now calls the 'Penitential Act' because the Latin uses the word actus). The text of the 'I confess' will change with the insertion of the word 'greatly' for it to read 'I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned …'. In case that was not enough emphasis on sinfulness, ICEL have added 'through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault' to the text. This kind of overly dramatic repetition is inappropriate, even embarrassing in contemporary English. It may work in an operatic, romance kind of language; it doesn't in more phlegmatic, matter-of-fact forms of speech used by ordinary English speakers. The other optional penitential formulas have been changed, again with a strong emphasis on sinfulness.
How ludicrous of the ICEL to translate the word actus as "act" rather than as "rite"! How silly, actually, of the ICEL to get it wrong the first time; there's a perfectly good word for "rite" in Latin — ritus — and the Missal doesn't use it here.

When Mr. Collins speaks of "insertions" and "additions," it must be kept in mind that the underlying Latin text has not changed: this is simply the English translation coming more in line with the Latin.

He has three issues: 1) the use of the word "greatly" (translating the Latin nimis), 2) the repetition of "through my fault" (translating the Latin mea culpa), and 3) the use of the word "grievous" (translating the Latin maxima). He finds it "dramatic ... inappropriate, and even embarrassing." Well, the Mass is dramatic; sin is dramatic; our whole life is a great cosmic drama. Maybe modern (English-speaking) man has no time to waste on such pitiful repetitions, being so accustomed to "phlegmatic [and] matter-of-fact forms of speech." (Now, I had to look up the word "phlegmatic" because I am not familiar with it; it means "having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional.") If English-speakers are accustomed to calm, sluggish, and unemotional attitudes when worshiping the Most High God, then perhaps they need to be woken up by such words as "greatly sinned" and "grievous fault" and by beating their breasts thrice!

If the new translation is too much for our modern English sentiments, I still contest that the present translation fails miserably to adequately express the urgency and severity of the Latin prayer: "I have sinned through my own fault." Neither nimis nor maxima is considered in the present translation. (Indeed, the blatant omission of words or entire concepts is a fault found throughout the present translation: the phrase Ecclesiae sanctae suae is currently "his Church" instead of "his holy Church" in the "May the Lord accept..." prayer.)

I will return to his issue with repetitions later.

As for the other two forms of the Penitential Act, Form B (which is rarely used) was absolutely butchered in the present translation. A comparison is essential:
Miserére nostri, Dómine. / Quia peccávimus tibi.
Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam. / Et salutáre tuum da nobis.

Current Translation
Lord, we have sinned against you: Lord, have mercy. / Lord, have mercy.
Lord, show us your mercy and love. / And grant us your salvation.

New Translation
Have mercy on us, O Lord. / For we have sinned against you. (Baruch 3:2)
Show us, O Lord, your mercy. / And grant us your salvation. (Psalm 85:7)
The present translation completes botches the first part, swapping the words of the priest and the congregation and doubling the "Lord, have mercy." (Yes, the old translation introduced a repetition not found in the Latin!) I dare say that single instance of "Lord, have mercy" has led many a priest to assume that Form B "includes" the Kyrie, which it does not.
The Gloria has undergone a considerable rewrite. ... There is real modesty about [the current translation]. It has a directness and an economy of words. It follows the rhythms of contemporary speech without awkward word juxtapositions. In [the new translation] the kinds of problems we are going to see with the rest of the text become apparent. You have the feeling that the word order has been changed just for the sake of it: 'and on earth peace to people of good will'. There is no apparent reason why this has been changed except to follow the order of the words in Latin (et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis). 'God' is no longer simply God but becomes 'O God'; 'only son of the Father' now becomes 'only begotten son', a meaningless theological gloss for most faithful Catholics. Repetitions are introduced: 'you take away the sins of the world' (twice). The whole of [the new translation] has a kind of 'designer baroque' feel about it as Austen Ivereigh calls it.
Mr. Collins mentions "awkward word juxtapositions" but provides no examples. He praises the current translation for its "directness" and "economy of words," by which he means, again, the blatant dropping out of words, concepts, and even whole sentences! By "directness" he means we "cut to the chase" with God: no need for pleasantries or admission of who we are compared to Who He is. And why say something twice when you can say it once? Why use five verbs (with different meanings) when you can use three, omitting the verb "to bless"?

The changing of word order is a red herring. The question should be: why did the old translation change the word order, which the new translation is restoring?

The use of the phrase "O God" or "O Lord" is usually more elegant than simply "God" or "Lord". I would be willing to bet that in the NAB and the RSV-CE (and other decent English translations of the Bible), that the vocative "O God" or "O Lord" is used far more often than simply "God" or "Lord" when addressing Him. It's got Biblical precedent, which should stand for something in a liturgy which is already saturated with Scripture!

Mr. Collins' complaint about "only begotten son" being a "meaningless theological gloss" makes me wonder if he considers the Church's teaching on God the Son being "begotten, not made" (as our present translation of the Creed says) important. Apparently not: it's "meaningless," reduced to a mere "gloss" in a hymn of glory to God. Mr. Collins will say more about the word "begotten" later. Compare the Latin and the translations yourself:
qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis;
qui tollis peccáta mundi, súscipe deprecatiónem nostram.
Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris, miserére nobis.

Current Translation
you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father: receive our prayer.

New Translation
you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
Three clauses in the Latin — two clauses in the current text — three clauses in the new text. Which is the odd man out? Which needs to explain itself? The new translation faithfully follows the Latin (and the Greek as well).

The repetitions he claims are introduced are merely being "restored to the vigor which they had in the days of the holy Fathers," since they are "elements which have suffered injury through accidents of history." (Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 50)
The same kinds of problems are even more apparent and exaggerated in the Creed.

Many commentators have pointed to the fact that in [the new translation] we no longer believe as a community, but as individuals. Sure credo means 'I believe' but we are not at the Eucharist as individuals. For the sake of a pedantic translation of the Latin we have sacrificed the essentially communal nature of worship. Again Jesus is no longer just 'only son of God' but 'only begotten son'. And just in case you missed it a couple of lines later Jesus is 'begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father'. Again these are theological niceties with no real significance for worshippers. The aim is clearly to express a kind of 'high' Christology, but to what purpose? Apparently the CDW's answer is to get people to go and ask 'Father' what the terms mean. It is more likely that they will simple see this as arcane language of no significance to them or their lives. People may have anathematized and even killed each other over these terms in the fourth and fifth centuries. In the twenty-first they will simple shrug their shoulders and might even walk away. Jesus is no longer simply 'incarnate from [sic, he means "born of"] the Virgin Mary', but now 'by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary'. Again this is a mere pedantic precision, meaningful only to theologians. Again, the English is contorted simply to fit into an arcane theology which has little meaning to most Catholics.
Mr. Collins has made several errors in his analysis of the Creed. If he has a copy of the Catechism handy, he can read:
"I believe" (Apostles' Creed) is the faith of the Church professed personally by each believer, principally during Baptism. ... "I believe" is also the Church, our mother, responding to God by faith... (Catechism 167)
If we look at Liturgiam Authenticam which is behind the new translation efforts, we find this handy paragraph:
The Creed is to be translated according to the precise wording that the tradition of the Latin Church has bestowed upon it, including the use of the first person singular, by which is clearly made manifest that “the confession of faith is handed down in the Creed, as it were, as coming from the person of the whole Church, united by means of the Faith.” (Liturgiam Authenticam 65)
Mr. Collins and the "many commentators" are simply wrong on the Credo-"I believe" issue. We have not "sacrificed the essentially communal nature of worship" but rather we have emphasized the essentially unitarian nature of the Church's worship: the Church is one and her faith is one.

We use the word "begotten" in the Creed already; we call Jesus "eternally begotten of the Father" and "begotten, not made." Mr. Collins takes no offense at its use there! So why is he up in arms about its use in the Gloria and elsewhere in the Creed? I detect a duplicitous tendency in his critique of the new translation, a bias against anything "new" (oddly enough)! If Catholics don't know what "begotten" means now, they need to learn it; and if Catholics know what "one in being" means (properly), then they should have a pretty good idea of what "consubstantial" means!

Here is an excerpt from the 2002 letter to English-speaking Bishops from the CDWDS regarding the translation of unigentius as "only" rather than "only-begotten":
The word unigenitus is often translated simply as "only", so that Jesus is called the "only Son" of God. The distinction between the terms "only" and "only-begotten" is often crucial in the liturgical prayers, which unfold within a Trinitarian dynamism precisely by virtue of our own adoptive sonship. (IV, H)
Does that make sense to you?

Mr. Collins calls this theologically accurate language mere "niceties with no real significance" to the average Catholic. Could it be that the average Catholic just doesn't care about Who God is, who the Father is, who the Son is, who the Holy Spirit is? That sounds like a problem to me! Can you imagine a Jew today saying "Who cares that 'the Lord our God is one Lord?'" He says this language supports "a kind of 'high' Christology," but doesn't know why it does so. Perhaps to make sure Catholics know Who God is! Perhaps to restore a sense of reverence and awe — by which I mean, of course, "fear of the Lord" — to the Mass and to their daily lives.

Mr. Collins, along with the 21st century, shrugs his shoulders at our Fathers in the faith who defended orthodox Catholicism during the early centuries of the Church. Can you imagine a person acting in a similar manner towards the independence of the United States or slavery? He seems to believe that the clear and orthodox explication of the faith is of little or no interest to today's Catholic... I wonder what he thinks of catechesis of any sort. Perhaps he believes that modern man is too enlightened for these mere quibbles of darkened man's past?

His true colors come out when he calls the theology of the Church — no longer just her language — "arcane." Nevermind that saying Jesus was "born of the Virgin Mary and became man" can be twisted to mean that he was not "man" until he was born, thus vindicating all those supporters of abortion (Catholic and otherwise) who claim that the fetus is not a human. No, the very idea that Jesus was, by the Holy Spirit, incarnate of the Virgin Mary is arcane, Mr. Collins says! (And any Catholic who doesn't understand the word "incarnate" has probably never heard of the "incarnation" which is the founding mystery of the whole Christian faith!)

Either modern man is above such mysteries (that is, he has no need for them), or modern man is too stupid to bother learning them and believing them with faith. There is no need for the Church's theology to be considered "arcane." Indeed, Bl. Pope John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council to assist modern man in hearing and understanding (to the best of his ability) the wonderful mysteries of our salvation which God has revealed to His Church. Sometimes, that means re-wording something for greater clarity (without sacrificing its substance and meaning)... sometimes, that means simply educating the people to know what the words which the Church uses mean! Mr. Collins thinks that such mysteries of our faith have little or no meaning to modern man. Could that be because Jesus himself has little or no meaning to modern man? Perhaps because all modern man cares about is catch-phrases and buzzwords like "social justice" and "global warming"?
When we come to the Eucharistic Prayer, again there are changes made simply for the sake of change. At the beginning of the Preface when the celebrant says 'Let us give thanks to the Lord our God' the congregation now replies 'It is right and just', when in the old formula we said something that actually made sense conversationally: 'It is right to give him thanks and praise'. In the Sanctus the Lord is no longer 'God of power and might', but 'Lord God of hosts', whatever 'hosts' might mean for those not trained in the rhetoric of biblical warfare?
Where once he praised the "economy of words" of the old translation, now Mr. Collins praises its verbosity. The Latin in the preface is Dignum et iustum est; very simply put, "It is right and just." Considering the priest has just invited us to "give thanks to the Lord our God," it should be clear that the subject of "it is right and just" is "giving thanks." Does the current translation expand that for us because we're too stupid to know otherwise? Is this a symptom of speaking English?

In the Sanctus, the Latin is Dominus Deus Sabaoth, and sabaoth is straight from the Hebrew. ("Lord God of hosts" is a common Old Testament title for God.) This is a blend of Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8. The "rhetoric of biblical warfare" aside, perhaps modern man needs to become more familiar with Scripture in general if the phrase "Lord God of hosts" is meaningless to him!
In the actual Eucharistic Prayers there are a whole series of changes with which priests are going to have to deal. However, the most contentious change is in the actual words of the consecration of the wine. The old formula was: 'This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and ever-lasting covenant; it will be shed for you and for all'. This expresses the clear, constant and unequivocal teaching of the Catholic Church that Christ died for all, that his death had a universal impact. But this is changed in the new translation to 'For this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many'. The reason given is that this is a more accurate translation of the Latin pro multis. That is correct linguistically, but it is incorrect theologically.
The rest of the sentence is important here. The blood is being poured out "for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins." Yes, Christ died for all. Yes, he shed his blood for all. But not all will have their sins forgiven, sadly.
Bishop Donald Trautman of Erie Pensylvannia discusses this in some detail in an article in The Tablet (3 February 2007). Trautman quotes a commissioned piece in the official periodical of the CDW, Notitiae (May 1970, pp 138-140) by the expert exegete and linguist, Max Zerwick, SJ, where the Jesuit clearly states: 'According to exegetes, the Aramaic word which in Latin is translated pro multis means pro omnibus. The multitude for whom Christ died is unbounded, which is the same as saying Christ died for us all.' Zerwick then goes on to quote Saint Augustine in support of his position. This leads Trautman to challenge the CDW and Benedict XVI to explain what the translation means and he asks them to justify why they have allowed what is essentially a distortion of a central tenet of Catholic belief: the universal salvation brought about by Christ. As he says '"Many" does not mean everyone. On a pastoral level we must have from the Vatican a better rationale for this major change than what has been given … We need a pastoral approach. How many people in the pews will hear a universal inclusive meaning in "for many"?' This is a vivid example of the result of the literal approach taken by the CDW: essentially they end up with a translation that is at best misleading, at worst, effectively heretical.
First, I will point out that the Scriptures say "for many" in Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24, in the Greek (peri pollon) and the Latin (pro multis) and nearly every English translation I can find.

Second, I will direct you to the answer given by the CDWDS and by the USCCB in 2006.

The CDWDS describes the translation "for all" as an "interpretive translation." (n. 1) "It is a dogma of faith that Christ died on the Cross for all men and women (cf. John 11:52; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15; Titus 2:11; 1 John 2:2)." (n. 2) The Gospels use "for many" instead of "for all," the Roman Rite has always used pro multis and never pro omnibus, the other Rites use a proper translation of "for many," and "for all" is an explanation that is proper to catechesis, not the liturgy. (cf. n. 3) Perhaps the best part of their response is n. 3e, which says:
The expression “for many,” while remaining open to the inclusion of each human person, is reflective also of the fact that this salvation is not brought about in some mechanistic way, without one’s own willing or participation; rather, the believer is invited to accept in faith the gift that is being offered and to receive the supernatural life that is given to those who participate in this mystery, living it out in their lives as well so as to be numbered among the “many” to whom the text refers.
The USCCB reply recapitulates the CDWDS response in the form of six questions with answers.
When we get to the Our Father the simple, straight-forward words 'Let us pray with confidence to the Father in the words our Savior gave us' become the pompous 'At the Savior's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say'. At the Communion it is no longer sufficient to say 'Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed'. Now ICEL wants us to say: 'Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed'. Again one is faced with the question of the purpose of this. Sure, it refers back to the centurion who asks Jesus in the gospel to cure his servant, but why is this complexity introduced which obscures the meaning?
Mr. Collins does not state what is "pompous" about the new translation that is not "pompous" about the old text (which was not at all a translation of the Latin). If "we dare to say" the words "Our Father," are we not saying them "with confidence"? See 2 Corinthians 3:12 and Ephesians 3:12; see Catechism 2777 and 2793.

The Latin text used for our response before Communion is almost a direct quotation from Matthew 8:8. Why it was interpreted rather than translated is unknown to me. Again, if Catholics were familiar with Scripture, there would be no "complexity" and no obscured meaning.
Bishop Trautman gives voice to the kinds of questions that occur to anyone who has read the new ICEL translation: '... The texts include new words … such as "consubstantial to the Father" and "incarnate of the Virgin Mary", while words in the various new Collects include "sullied", "unfeigned", "ineffable", "gibbet", "wrought", "thwart". Do these texts communicate in the living language of the worshipping assembly?' These are the real pastoral questions we have to ask.
While "consubstantial" might be a newish word to Catholics, I doubt there are any genuine neologisms ("new words") in the new English translation. Again, "incarnate" is not new. Every Catholic should know (and care!) about the Incarnation. As for the other words, I know them all, as does my wife... yes, we have a college education, but are all Catholics expected to be stupid and unteachable? Will there be no context clues for them to understand these words? (Who doesn't know what "wrought" and "thwart" mean?) And again... what's to prevent those Catholics who don't already know these words from learning? Should worship be so simple, so lowest-common-denominator?

My book, Praying the Mass: The Prayers of the People, addresses most of these concerns (except the one about the Eucharistic Prayer and the one about the introduction to the Our Father — those will be in the second volume). I have half a mind to send Mr. Collins a copy free of charge when it's finally published.
My own view is that this exercise will be a disaster, the last nail in the coffin of the credibility of the leadership of the Church. The history shows that this whole process has been ideologically driven by a tiny, unrepresentative minority who are insensitive to the real pastoral needs of the Catholic community and who, at heart, reject the Second Vatican Council. Worse, they don't care about what happens, they are not interested in how many more people are driven out of the Church by the pomposity of what is essentially mid-Victorian English rather than some type of 'sacred' language.
In his article (not fully reproduced here), he went through a sort of "character assassination" (which he decries in the article!) for each of the prefects of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. But he didn't show that they were opposed to the Second Vatican Council. Their sympathy toward the 1962 Missal notwithstanding, he did not show what exactly they oppose about the Council; presumably, he means they oppose his interpretation of the Council, or more accurately, his idea of the Council's "spirit."

One final word about repetitions and structure in general: such things are not just characteristics of the Latin text or the Latin liturgy, they are characteristics of the whole Roman Rite and even further back, our Jewish heritage. Read the Old Testament lately? There's plenty of repetitious text, some of it more poetic than others to be sure. It's part of our heritage, and it deserves to be made manifest no matter what language we use.

Now, to provide some Conciliar and post-Conciliar support for my claims in this lengthy response.

Vatican II's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy did not describe the means or principles of the translation from Latin into the vernacular, so fine-tuning those principles and making the translation more accurate can not be construed as rejecting Vatican II. I will only be making references to documents which do mention the quality, principles, and integrity of the translation. (It should be made clear that the final and necessary authority for approving a translation rests with the Holy See.)

From the Consilium's Inter Oecumenici (1964):
The basis of the translations is the Latin liturgical text. The version of the biblical passages should conform to the same Latin liturgical text. This does not, however, take away the right to revise that version, should it seem advisable, on the basis of the original text or of some clearer version. The liturgical commission ... is to have special responsibility for the preparation of translations of liturgical texts, with the institute of pastoral liturgy providing as much assistance as possible. But where there is no such commission, two or three bishops are to share responsibility for the translating; they are to choose experts, including the laity, in Scripture, liturgy, the biblical languages, Latin, the vernacular, and music. Sound translation of a liturgical text into the language of a people has to answer many requirements simultaneously. (n. 40)
From Pope Paul VI's address to translators of liturgical texts (1965), found in Documents on the Liturgy as document #113 (numbers in {braces} are DOL paragraph numbers):
St. Jerome, easily the ablest in this art, experienced the magnitude of this task: "If I translate word by word, it sounds absurd; if I am forced to change something in the word order or style, I seem to have stopped being a translator." (Interpret. Chron. Euseb. Pamph., Praef.: PL 27, 35) {786}

The vernacular now taking its place in the liturgy ought to be within the grasp of all, even children and the uneducated. But, as you well know, the language should always be worthy of the noble realities it signifies, set apart from the everyday speech of the street and the marketplace, so that it will affect the spirit and enkindle the heart with love of God. ... With acumen and tireless devotion let the intent of all your efforts be that the liturgical community can be clothed in a spotless and gracefule vesture of speech and "find a beautiful mantle for the realities within." (Ibid.: PL 27, 36) For pastoral reasons, the beauty and richness of Latin, wihich the Latin Church used for centuries for prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving to God, have been partially lost. Nevertheless your wise and diligent efforts should make a similar clarity of language and dignity of expression shine forth in the vernacular translations of liturgical texts. {787}

... liturgical texts, approved by competant authority and confirmed by the Holy See, are as such to be held in all reverence. No one has the right to change, shorten, amplify, or omit them to suit himself. {790}
From Pope Paul VI's address to participants in an international congress on the study of Latin (1966), found in Documents on the Liturgy as document #116. This excerpt is a challenge, admittedly:
Since by their nature words express thoughts, it is not right to make language more important than the mind's understanding, especially when it comes to divine worship and conversation with God. Rather, no matter what the language, it must be made to serve the thoughts of the mind and the affections of the heart, whether spoken by sacred ministers or by the people calling on God's name and praising him. The words of St. Augustine are as clear in the meaning as they are telling in their support on this point: "I would rather be reproved by the grammarians than not be understood by the people." (Enarr. in Ps. 138: PL 37, 1796) "In Latin 'Jesus' is Christus salvator. It is not the grammarian's question about the Latin style that matters, but the Christian's question about the truth." (Serm. 299: PL 38, 1371) {815}
But Pope Paul VI by no means implied that the language is to fall short of describing in adequate and accurate terms that Christian truth which must be believed, even if not fully understood. There is also no reason why understanding cannot be advanced so as to allow for a higher caliber of language.

From the Consilium's Aussitot apres (1967) on the translation of the Roman Canon, found in Documents on the Liturgy as document #118:
The [translation] is to render faithfully the text of the Roman Canon, without variations, omissions, or insertions which would make it different from the Latin text. {821}
From Pope Paul VI's address to Latinists, found in Documents on the Liturgy as document #121:
Today in the presence of this assembly of men of great wisdom, we desire to repeat: the study of Latin must still be cultivated in our times and above all in seminaries and houses for the religious formation of the young. In no way is it permissible to ignore this language if there is to be any genuine attempt to create keen minds in the young, to train them in humane letters, to probe and reflect on the words of the Fathers, and above all to prepare them to share fully in the ancient treasures of the liturgy. Without the knowledge of Latin something is altogether missing from a higher, fully rounded education — and in particular with regard to theology and liturgy. The people of our times expect such an education of their priests and the Fathers of Vatican Council II repeatedly endorsed it, in the Decree Optatam totius on priestly formation, in the Constitution on the Liturgy (art. 16), and in other conciliar norms. {835}

We want to say something very plainly to those whose shallow minds or unthinking passion for the new lead them to the idea that the Latin language must be totally spurned by the Latin Church. To them we say that it is absolutely clear that Latin must be held in high honor and especially for the excellent and serious reasons that we have mentioned. On the other hand, we also address those who, out of an empty aestheticism that goes too far in seeking to preserve what is old or out of a prejudice against anything new, have bitterly denounced the changes recently introduced. To them we say that we must clearly never forget that Latin must be subordinate to the pastoral ministry and is not an end in itself. Any defense, thereofre, of the rights this language has acquired in the Church must avoid at all costs impeding or constricting the renewal of pastoral service mandated by the Council. In this matter, too, the highest law must be the well-being of souls. {836}
Then there is the important Consilium instruction Comme le prevoit (1969) which provided the norms for translation during the years following Vatican II. This document has been superceded by Liturgiam Authenticam. Here are some choice excerpts from the English version, some of which I find hard to swallow (such as n. 12):
... it is not sufficient that a liturgical translation merely reproduce the expressions and ideas of the original text. Rather it must faithfully communicate to a given people, and in their own language, that which the Church by means of this given text originally intended to communicate to another people in another time. A faithful translation, therefore, cannot be judged on the basis of individual words: the total context of this specific act of communication must be kept in mind, as well as the literary form proper to the respective language. (n. 6)

The translator must always keep in mind that the “unit of meaning” is not the individual word but the whole passage. The translator must therefore be careful that the translation is not so analytical that it exaggerates the importance of particular phrases while it obscures or weakens the meaning of the whole. Thus, in Latin, the piling up of ratam, rationabilem, acceptabilem may increase the sense of invocation. In other tongues, a succession of adjectives may actually weaken the force of the prayer. The same is true of beatissima Virgo or beata et gloriosa or the routine addition of sanctus or beatus to a saint’s name, or the too casual use of superlatives. Understatement in English is sometimes the most effective means of emphasis. (n. 12)

The language chosen should be that in “common” usage, that is, suited to the greater number of the faithful who speak it in everyday use, even “children and persons of small education” (Paul VI). However, the language should not be “common” in the bad sense, but “worthy of expressing the highest realities” (ibid.). Moreover, the correct biblical or Christian meaning of certain words and ideas will always need explanation and instruction. Nevertheless no special literary training should be required of the people; liturgical texts should normally be intelligible to all, even the less educated. For example, “temptation” as a translation of tentatio in the Lord’s prayer is inaccurate and can only be misleading to people who are not biblical scholars. (n. 15)

Similarly in English there is no exact equivalent for mysterium. In English, “mystery” means something which cannot be readily explained or else a type of drama or fiction. Nor can the word “venerabilis” (as in sanctas et venerabiles manus) be translated as “venerable,” which nowadays means “elderly.” (n. 18) [note: venerabiles is translated as "venerable" in the new English translation]

The prayer of the church is always the prayer of some actual community, assembled here and now. It is not sufficient that a formula handed down from some other time or region be translated verbatim, even if accurately, for liturgical use. The formula translated must become the genuine prayer of the congregation and in it each of its members should be able to find and express himself or herself. (n. 20)

It is to be noted that if any particular kind of quality is regarded as essential to a literary genre (for example, intelligibility of prayers when said aloud), this may take precedence over another quality less significant for communication (for example, verbal fidelity). (n. 29)

Biblical translation in the Roman liturgy ought to conform “with the Latin liturgical text”. In no way should there be a paraphrasing of the biblical text, even if it is difficult to understand. Nor should words or explanatory phrases be inserted. All this is the task of catechesis and the homily. (n. 31)

The prayers (Opening Prayer, Prayer over the Gifts, Prayer after Communion, and Prayer over the People) from the ancient Roman tradition are succint and abstract. In translation they may need to be rendered somewhat more freely while conserving the original ideas. This can be done by moderately amplifying them, or, if necessary, paraphrasing expressions in order to concretize them for the celebration and the needs of today. In every case pompous and superfluous language should be avoided. (n. 34)
From the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship's Liturgicae Instaurationes (1970):
There is special reason to keep the Order of Mass intact. Under no consideration, not even the pretext of singing the Mass, may the official translations of its formularies be altered. (n. 3)

In this matter it is advisable to proceed without haste, enlisting the help not only of theologians and liturgists, but of people of learning and letters. Then the translations will be documents of tested beauty; their grace, balance, elegance, and richness of style and language will endow them with the promise of lasting use; they will match the requirements of the inner richness of their content. (n. 11)
From Pope John Paul II's Vicesimus Quintus Annus (1988):
The Bishops' Conferences have had the weighty responsibility of preparing the translations of the liturgical books. Immediate need occasionally led to the use of provisional translations, approved ad interim. But now the time has come to reflect upon a certain difficulties that have subsequently emerged, to remedy certain defects or inaccuracies, to complete partial translations, to compose or approve chants to be used in the Liturgy, to ensure respect for the texts approved and lastly to publish liturgical books in a form that both testifies to the stability achieved and is worthy of the mysteries being celebrated. (n. 20)
I should point out that in that same document, the Pope said: "Much still remains to be done to help priests and the faithful to grasp the meaning of the liturgical texts, to develop the dignity and beauty of celebrations and the places where they are held, and to promote, as the Fathers did, a 'mystagogic catechesis' of the sacraments." (n. 21)

From Pope John Paul II's address to the Bishops of the United States on the occasion of their ad limina visit (1993):
You are presently involved in a revision of some liturgical texts, and this has been on the agenda of the recent Plenary Meeting of your Conference. One of your responsibilities in this regard, as stewards of the grace of the supreme priesthood, is to make available exact and appropriate translations of the official liturgical books so that, following the required review and confirmation by the Holy See, they may be an instrument and guarantee of a genuine sharing in the mystery of Christ and the Church: lex orandi, lex credendi.

The arduous task of translation must guard the full doctrinal integrity and, according to the genius of each language, the beauty of the original texts. When so many people are thirsting for the Living God — whose majesty and mercy are at the heart of liturgical prayer — the Church must respond with a language of praise and worship which fosters respect and gratitude for God's greatness, compassion and power. When the faithful gather to celebrate the work of our Redemption, the language of their prayer — free from doctrinal ambiguity and ideological influence — should foster the dignity and beauty of the celebration itself, while faithfully expressing the Church's faith and unity.
The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments' Varietates Legitimae (1994):
The first significant measure of inculturation is the translation of liturgical books into the language of the people. The completion of translations and their revision, where necessary, should be effected according to the directives given by the Holy See on this subject. Different literary genres are to be respected, and the content of the texts of the Latin typical edition is to be preserved; at the same time the translations must be understandable to participants (cf. above No. 39), suitable for proclamation and singing, with appropriate responses and acclamations by the assembly.

All peoples, even the most primitive, have a religious language which is suitable for expressing prayer, but liturgical language has its own special characteristics: It is deeply impregnated by the Bible; certain words in current Latin use (memoria, sacramentum) took on a new meaning in the Christian faith. Certain Christian expressions can be transmitted from one language to another, as has happened in the past, for example in the case of ecclesia, evangelium, baptisma, eucharistia. (n. 53)
The whole of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's Norms for the Translation of Biblical Texts for Use in the Liturgy (1997); most notably:
The first principle with respect to biblical texts is that of fidelity, maximum possible fidelity to the words of the text. Biblical translations should be faithful to the original language and to the internal truth of the inspired text, in such a way as to respect the language used by the human author in order to be understood by his intended reader. Every concept in the original text should be translated in its context. (n. 2)

The translation of Scripture should faithfully reflect the Word of God in the original human languages. It must be listened to in its time-conditioned, at times even inelegant, mode of human expression without "correction" or "improvement" in service of modern sensitivities. ... If explanations are deemed to be pastorally necessary or appropriate, they should be given in editorial notes, commentaries, homilies, etc. (n. 3)

Translation should strive to preserve the connotations as well as the denotations of words or expressions in the original and thus not preclude possible layers of meaning. ... Thus, the word man in English should as a rule translate adam and anthropos, since there is no one synonym which effectively conveys the play between the individual, the collectivity and the unity of the human family so important, for example, to expression of Christian doctrine and anthropology. (n. 6)
The whole of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments' Liturgiam Authenticam (2001), of course!

The whole of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments' Letter to English-Speaking Bishops (2002), which you should read carefully.

That's all for now. This took me six hours (most of this evening!) to write. I hope it is helpful to you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Propers for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

On the universal calendar, this Thursday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (formerly known as Corpus Christi). In the US, this solemnity is transferred to the following Sunday.

Here are the proper prayers in Latin, and my attempts at translating them:

Deus, qui nobis sub sacraménto mirábili passiónis tuae memóriam reliquísti,
tríbue, quaesumus,
ita nos Córporis et Sánguinis tui sacra mystéria venerári,
ut redemptiónis tuae fructum in nobis iúgiter sentiámus.

O God, Who bequeathed to us the memorial of Your Passion under this wonderful Sacrament,
grant to us, we beseech You,
so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood,
that we may unceasingly perceive within us the fruit of Your redemption.

Super oblata
Ecclésiae tuae, quaesumus, Dómine,
unitátis et pacis propítius dona concéde,
quae sub oblátis munéribus mystice designántur.

Graciously bestow to Your Church,
we pray, Lord, the gifts of unity and peace,
which are mystically signified under the gifts offered here.

Post communionem
Fac nos, quaesumus, Dómine,
divinitátis tuae sempitérna fruitióne repléri,
quam pretiósi Córporis et Sánguinis tui temporális percéptio praefigúrat.

Cause us, we beg you, Lord,
to be filled with eternal enjoyment of Your divinity,
which the present reception of Your Precious Body and Blood prefigures.

(Note in the Post-Communion prayer the characteristic future-present juxtaposition.)

Monday, June 01, 2009

June 1 - St. Justin Martyr

We honor the memory of St. Justin Martyr. Here are the prayers (Collect, Super Oblata, and Post-Communion) in Latin and my attempts at translating them.

Deus, qui per stultítiam crucis eminéntem Iesu Christi sciéntiam
beátum Iustínum mártyrem mirabíliter docuísti,
eius nobis intercessióne concéde,
ut, errórum circumventióne depúlsa,
fídei firmitátem consequámur.

God, Who wonderfully taught the blessed martyr Justin
surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ by the folly of the cross,
grant his intercession to us,
that, driving out the uncertainty of error,
we may obtain firmness of faith.

Concéde nobis, quaesumus, Dómine,
haec digne frequentáre mystéria,
quae beátus Iustínus strénua virtúte deféndit.

Grant to us, we beseech You, O Lord,
to worthily and frequently approach these mysteries,
which blessed Justin defended with vigorous strength.

Caelésti alimónia refécti, súpplices te, Dómine, deprecámur,
ut, beáti Iustíni mártyris mónitis obsequéntes,
de accéptis donis semper in gratiárum actióne maneámus.

Having been restored by this heavenly food, we humbly beg you, Lord,
that, heeding the admonition of blessed martyr Justin,
we may ever abide in thanksgiving, having received this gift.