Showing posts with label indoctrination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indoctrination. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Indoctrination Chronicles #15: Don't Read That Bible

A Missouri schoolteacher won't let a student read the Bible during free time.

These days the First Amendment is under just as much attack from Leftists as the Second is, unfortunately.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Meanwhile, Here In Indian Trail, NC....

...we have some indoctrination going on at the high school:

Is the faith of most Muslims “stronger” than that of the typical Christian? That’s what one public high school in North Carolina apparently is teaching students.

Outraged over the “correct” answers to her son’s ninth-grade assignment about Islam, a mother in Union County, N.C., turned to local news reporters to shed light on his school’s fill-in-the-blank worksheet.

Upsetting the mom most? A statement that read, “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.”

I also note with amusement that in line 2C of the worksheet, the teacher uses the word "remerge" incorrectly; (s)he meant re-emerge.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Indoctrination Chronicles #14: Bush=Hitler

Assigned to 7th graders at a Washington, DC school.

Naturally the school administration is shocked - - shocked! that gambling is going on such a comparison would be made, and swear that it won't happen, and that the teacher who is responsible is sorry she got caught is full of remorse.

I'm Shocked - - Shocked! That Indoctrination Is Going On In This Establishment!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Indoctrination Chronicles #13

Indoctrination is much easier when only one viewpoint is allowed in school:

A Woodbury High Schooler claims he uncovered political bias in the implementation of a firewall blocking some political Web sites at his school.

18-year-old Andrew Lampart, a senior at Nonnewaug High School, said he made the discovery when he was doing research for a classroom debate on gun control in May. Lampart said he first noticed that he could not get on the web site for the National Rifle Association.

“So, I went over to the other side. And I went over on sites such as Moms Demand Action or Newtown Action Alliance and I could get on these Web sites but not the others,” Lampart said.

Lampart investigated further, by broadening his search terms to Connecticut’s political parties.

“I immediately found out that the State Democrat web site was unblocked but the State GOP web site was blocked.”

Lampart even looked at Web sites focusing on abortion issues and religion. He found that “right-to-life” groups were blocked by the public school firewall but that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America were not. He also tried to get on web sites such as and the Vatican’s web site but both were blocked. he found, was not.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Enemy Action

The Bible is under attack in our public schools.

Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty Institute who are threatening to sue the school for violating the First Amendment.

Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.

Swornia Thomas is Giovanni’s teacher. On April 8, Thomas told Giovanni he’s not allowed to read the Bible in her class and ordered him to put it away. Giovanni asked her to call his father, Paul Rubeo, about the incident.

Thomas did so, leaving a voicemail that included, “I noticed that he [Giovanni] has a book—a religious book—in the classroom. He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.” Rubeo then contacted the school’s principal, Orinthia Dias, who brought in the school’s legal department. None of them are willing to acknowledge that Giovanni has a constitutional right to read the Bible.

This is about the third time this has happened in recent months. The linked article mentions two of the instances, and I seem to recall there was a third instance in South Carolina, as well.

Remember what Auric Goldfinger once said? Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Indoctrination Chronicles #12

Parent says daughter warned by teacher for carrying Bible at local school.

The mother of a Potosi High School student said a teacher went too far when her daughter was reprimanded for carrying a Bible around school.

Angela English says her daughter, Kiela, called her from school saying a teacher yelled at her for carrying a Bible and discussing religion with a classmate.

Her daughter wasn't punished, but she says it's clear even talking about the Bible in the hallways of the high school isn't acceptable.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Indoctrination Chronicles #10

"Jesus is not allowed in school."

Why yes, it did take place in California. That was sort of a rhee-torical question, wasn't it?

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Damn It, Geico, You're Interfering With the Indoctrination!

"Teachers in Vernon, Conn., say a Geico car insurance TV commercial featuring a camel yelling "Hump Day" is contributing to disruptive classroom behavior."

Boys at Vernon Center Middle School are constantly quoting the ad, WFSB-TV, Hartford, Conn., reported.

"Everybody's walking around in the hallways and saying its hump day in that weird voice," said Brooke Lewis, a student at the school. "Sometimes it's the counting down to when it is."

Other students say they have been called to the principal's office for quoting the commercial, as teachers find using the phrase to be disruptive.

Indoctrination Chronicles #8

In Anaheim Hills, CA (where else) a high school kid was ordered to remove a t-shirt featuring art from the National Rifle Association because "the shirt has a gun on it," according to the principal.

Incidentally, the high school has a rifle-twirling team, and the high school mascot is a Comanche warrior. The Comanches were noted for their ferocity in battle and for torturing captives.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Indoctrination Chronicles #6

Down in Memphis, Tennessee, a teacher who asked the lil' chirrens to write about a person they idolized was less than happy when one of the lil' tykes wrote of God as her idol.

When asked by the news reporters what the school policy was, they admitted it was a mistake for the teacher to prohibit God as Elementary Idol. When asked what disciplinary procedures/recriminations the teacher would face, they babbled about privacy policies.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Indoctrination Chronicles #5

It's your first day of college at Michigan State University! A lot of money was spent, most likely by your parents, or perhaps you got student loans, and here you are in your freshman English class with Professor William Penn; what knowledge does Professor Penn want to impart on your first day of school? This:

“If you go to the Republican convention in Florida, you see all those old people with all the dead skin cells washing off them – uh, they’re cheap. They don’t want to pay taxes because they’ve already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could.”

Bastard has tenure, no doubt.

Update: He didn't have tenure! There is a God!

Update 2: He has tenure, after all. God is dead?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Indoctrination Chronicles #4

Down in Paducah, Kentucky, kids at the McCracken County High School were indoctrinated into the proper leftist meaning of patriotism and respect for the flag:

Yes, that's the flag lying on the floor, along with a stand and notebook that allows the lil' chirrens to record how standing on their country's flag makes them "feel." I have to guess that most traditionally-raised Americans would feel like Wesley in this scene from The Princess Bride:

Reading further down in the story the "teacher" involved in the flag desecration expresses regret that she was caught that she didn't have tenure that she made such an error in judgment. Yah, right.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Indoctrination Chronicles, Pt. 1

A new series here. Can't guarantee I'll stick with it, but I'll give it a try. It will show examples of how, rather than teach the traditional core subjects of education, modern "education professionals" are more interested in social engineering and political indoctrination.

In today's inaugural offering, a middle school in Red Hook, New York required girl students to role-play as lesbians: "During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a kiss. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

The boys, meanwhile, "were counseled to keep a condom in their pocket at all times, and were taught how to identify a woman who is a “slut.” So as to avoid her, or to facilitate hookups?

I wonder if they give tips to the boys and girls on how to spot a predatory teacher? Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.