The name of today's entry is an homage of sorts to my father, who passed away just about seven weeks ago. I miss him greatly.
It's an odd homage, seeing as how he never really approved of my playing RPGs--kind of tolerated it and accepted it only.
But when I was young, he designed and crafted a needlepoint/plastic canvas Christmas tree ornament that was two white d6s hanging from a little tab that had our family name on it. His explanation? "Our family is my paradise!" Pair of dice? Get it? Yeah...we all groaned too. But my father and I shared a love for puns and bad jokes.
Have I told you how much I miss him?
Anyway, today I'm jumping in on the game-blog bandwagon to bare my dice collection to the world. Those who know me know I love dice. My main gaming group all games with our laptops, using DMGenie to track everything, which rendered the use of dice a little ridiculous.
But I still collect dice. (Details below. Warning! It's image-heavy.)