Showing posts with label 100th Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 100th Day. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

100th day and blubber

So 100th day was yesterday, and I was le tired when I got home. Here are some pics of ALL the activities we did. {Ms. Thomas needs to learn to not bite off more than she can chew}
AKA I shut the centers down due to my inability to tolerate that much noise. :) We did get everything done, but in a more calming manner!

Those 100 year old portraits CRACK ME UP. I am doing them from now on. We did the usuals, with the froot loops and all the ways to make a dollar. I did something new though, I love April Larremore and her amazing ideas! We did the pizza with 100 toppings. Too cute, and it turned out pretty yummy looking.

Today, we were wrapping up our penguin unit and we did the blubber experiment. I made the "blubber glove" AKA crisco inside a ziploc with another ziploc inside of that. Have your kids put their hands in ice water then observe. Then they put their hands in the glove and observe the difference. They realize how amazing blubber is....for a penguin. Me on the other hand, I need to get back on the ellipitcal at the Y. No blubber for this girl please!

 Here is the worksheet I made for the experiment!

Penguin Blubber Experiment

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dr. King and the 100th day!

Since Dr. King's holiday was a day for no school, we still had time to talk about how important he is and was before. We even watched his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. It still gives me goosebumps not matter how many times I watch it! We read a few amazing book all about Dr. King to make sure we really understood what he stood for. 
We then read the poem We Can Be Like Martin. I got this awesome resource from Mrs. Larremore over at Chalk Talk!

My Dr. King I made! 

After we read the poem we discussed all the amazing things that Dr. King stood for. The list they came up with was AMAZING!! Here is how they thought they could be like Martin.

 Just makes me so happy!

SOOOO, now the 100th day!! Such a great day, especially in first grade! We rotated around all the classrooms. I did a 100 day trail mix, Ms. Simoneaux did froot loop necklaces, and Mrs. Mathieu did a writing activity about what we would do with 100 dollars. Here are some fun photos from the day!

Counting in groups of 10

Such a great time! It was even better that we came with an article of clothing with 100 things on it. Even I hot-glued 100 pom poms to my shirt! 

:) :)

:) :) :)!!!!!

Perfect end to a perfect day!

Ms. Thomas :)