Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ugh! Another week of Social Studies? What to Do?

As I sat down to plan tonight, which I thought would be for Science, I was surprised and sad that according to our district pacing guide I had to plan for one more week of Social Studies. GROAN.
I don't know about all of y'all but Social Studies is sometimes really hard to get creative with. I do my best, but many times I find myself at a loss! 
We have been discussing wants and needs, goods and services, community helpers, and leaders. I came up with a few things for those, so we did schema charts and some writing activities.
Well, this week we are discussing homes around the world. Not sure if anyone is doing that out there right now, but I made a mini-book about homes around the world. I am hoping this will spice up our week! Here it is:

Let me know what you do to spice up your Social Studies instruction! :)

-Ms. Thomas :)