Showing posts with label stockwell day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stockwell day. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Doris keeps going back to those European welfare states for the answer...

I hadn't realized that he said this - again:
``We've also looked at the fact that with the high degree of sophistication and integration of computerization and data these days, do you need to go through that whole process at all?'' he said at a news conference Tuesday.

``Countries like Norway, Denmark, have dispensed with this type of information-gathering years ago,'' he added.

Yes, indeed, wouldn't the closet nazis in Harper's enterprise like to employ integrated computerized data harvesting on absolutely everything you do.

The systems Day is referring to are the National Population Register in Norway and The Civil Registration System in Denmark. Under law, every citizen, from birth, and every resident of those countries is required to submit data which includes considerably more information than is gathered in the census.

In short, the government knows everything about you, at all times and, in the case of Denmark, will release that information to creditors on request. And, of course, residents who don't report things promptly and accurately, (like moving to a new address), can be fined or sent to jail.

Norway has had a few problems securing the information. Ohhh... identity theft!

Really. Is that where "Jet Ski" Day wants to go?

"Pirates didn't bury their treasure that carefully"

Heather Scoffield and Jennifer Ditchburn lay out the litany of lies propelled on the country by the Harper Conservatives over the census long form and underscore a simple fact:

From the PMO to the Treasury Board, with Harper controlling the entire process, everyone in government political circles was very aware of how wrong the decision was and how much irreparable damage would be done. Otherwise they would have no need to bury the evidence their handiwork.

They behave like criminals, hiding behind lies, inventing stories and attempting to divert attention from their actions.

Then they send in the greatest fabricator of all - Stockwell Day. Having called a press conference to discuss his party's "Economic Action Plan", Day found himself ambushed by reporters who are increasingly aware that when a Harper cabinet minister speaks to the census decision, a lie will be issued forth.

There is a simple point here: If the Harper government truly believes that what they are doing is correct and that the Canadian public agrees, they would not have to employ odious characters like Dimitri Soudas to invent outrageous scenarios of home-invading census workers; they would not have to send senior members of cabinet out into the public armed with easily rebutted falsehoods and; they wouldn't have to resort to the likes of Stockwell Day, (an individual who is truth-challenged at the best of times), to babble on idiotically, spewing bovine scatology on virtually any subject he is presented.
The Treasury Board President also faced questions about the Conservative government’s commitment to cutting the deficit while spending billions of dollars on new prisons while the crime rate is, in fact, declining.

Mr. Day doesn’t buy the view that crime rates are declining. Rather, he maintains crime is going unreported in Canada at “alarming” rates.

Based on what?!! The statement was so ludicrous that it got up the nose of Sun Media's (a Harper friendly organ) David Aikin, who decided it was time to put Day's claim to the test.
I will follow up on that because I am baffled,” Sun Media’s Ottawa bureau chief David Akin said. “There is a statistic about unreported crimes? I mean if they are not reported by definition we have no idea about these crimes.

“You are just not making sense or I may be just a dolt and I don’t understand. Help me out on this one.”

Which pushed Day further into the pile of manure he had just dumped on the lectern.

In response, Mr. Day made vague comments about bankcard theft, fraud, home invasions and identity theft. And he promised to send Mr. Akin some statistics.
We'll be watching closely to see where and how those "statistics" were acquired. But more importantly, I'm calling absolute bullshit on Day right now. Does he really believe that someone who has suffered a bankcard theft would leave that unreported? Would you let a home invasion go without reporting it to the police? Identity theft is a massive unreported crime?

Is Day right out of his mind?!

A police investigator acquaintance told me recently that Harper's crew regularly exhibit all the signs of a criminal trying to evade justice and that if he had someone like Day, alone in an interview room for 30 minutes, he would have him confessing the truth and crying for his Mommy. They're that bad at covering their tracks.

Monday, December 08, 2008

RepubliCon shenanigans

In his post "Conservative coup d'état?", Dr. Dawg relates that Gerry Chipeur, "the Alberta lawyer who drafted a power-sharing proposal between Stockwell Day, Gilles Duceppe and Joe Clark in 2000 is now suggesting that the Conservatives should defy the Governor-General if she were to ask the Liberal-NDP coalition to form a new government if the Conservative administration falls on January 27.

"CanWest : "Chipeur's argument foreshadows a possibly drastic response from the Conservatives should they be turfed from power. He suggests that Conservatives may not readily accept the governor-general's decision should she refuse the prime minister's request for an election."

Just five days ago we heard this same dismissal of the Governor General from John Baird in an interview with Don Newman when he said - twice! - "We're going over the heads of the politicians and the governor general directly to the Canadian people."

Several commenters have taken Dawg to task for either fear-mongering or taking Chipeur too seriously but so-con Chipeur has a history of laying groundwork for the Cons through his Republican contacts, some of which follows :

New York Observer : (additional bracketed info - mine)

"From: Paul Weyrich[co-founder of the Moral Majority and the Heritage Foundation]

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:38 AM
To: Bob Thompson[a staffer at Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation]
Subject: Message from Canada
Importance: High

Please get this message to the Stanton, Family Forum and Wednesday lunch groups:I received a call last night from Gerald Chipeur, an important figure in Canada’s Conservative Party. He told me that Conservatives are with-in striking distance of electing an outright majority in Parliamentary elections Monday.

He said the Canadian media, which is trying to save the current Liberal government, has a strategy of calling conservatives in the USA in the hopes that someone will inadvertently say something that can be hung around the Conservatives.

Canadian voters have been led to believe that American conservatives are scary and if the Conservative party can be linked with us, they perhaps can diminish a Conservative victory. Chipeur asks that if Canadian media calls, please do not be interviewed until Monday evening at which point hopefully there will be reason to celebrate.

Many thanks."

When contacted by Canadian Press about the email, Weyrich denied any personal involvement but later on his website, he bragged about his "small victory" in the Canadian elections.

This August, Chipeur, past Alberta chair of Republicans Abroad, teamed up with the American Chamber of Commerce to hold a $1000-a-plate fund-raising campaign for John McCain for the 80,000 Americans who live and work in Calgary.

Canadian citizens' proceeds went to Friends of Science, Tim Ball's oil industry-funded anti-Kyoto "charity", whose funding was laundered through the University of Calgary by Harper's buddy, Prof. Barry Cooper, before the U of C put a stop to it.

When Friends of Science ran ads which attacked the previous Liberal government's support for the Kyoto Protocol, pledging "to have a major impact on the next election," Chipeur acted as their lawyer in the ensuing investigation by Elections Canada.

Chipeur is also credited with introducing Republican Frank Sensenbrenner to Canadian embassy officials at the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004, attended by Stockwell Day, Chipeur's choice for coalition PM in 2000. Sensenbrenner had previously attended Reform Party conventions and Stockwell Day insisted he be hired by the Canadian Embassy over their objections.
Sensenbrenner was subsequently accused of the Naftagate leak. which sought to damage Barack Obama's credibility during the Democratic primaries, but an internal investigation by Harper's deputy minister failed to provide any evidence.

The Star : "In failing to plumb the leak, the report effectively protects the ruling party from awkward questions. With an election not far in the future, voters might reasonably ask if Conservatives put this country's seminal relationship [with Obama] at risk to give Republicans a helping hand."

One might also reasonably ask if the Cons' continuing ties to the Republican Party through Gerald Chipeur put the rest of us at risk.

Cross-posted, more or less, at Creekside

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yes, where are all the "good Canadians"?

Christopher Sands, "an influential analyst on Canada-U.S. relations" for the Hudson Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the North American Competitiveness Council, brought his deep integration big stick up to Ottawa on Friday:

"In exchange for continued visa-free access to the United States, American officials are pressuring the federal government to supply them with more information on Canadians.
Not only about (routine) individuals but also about people that you may be looking at for reasons, but there's no indictment and there's no charge."
You mean people like Maher Arar?
"People in Canada have turned the man into some sort of national hero, but if you expect the next administration to join you in sending him laurels, I think you're going to be mistaken. Even Barack Obama ... is not going to go near that with a 10-foot pole."
Arar "will not have his name removed from the U.S. no-fly list "in my lifetime," he added.

Sands recounts a conversation with Stewart Baker, assistant secretary of policy at the Department of Homeland Security, for our edification :
"Canadians have "had a better deal than anybody else in terms of access to the United States and for that they've paid nothing."
Now "we want to give you less access, but we want you to pay more and, by the way, we're standardizing this (with other visa-free countries) so you're not special anymore."

According to Sands :
"Homeland security is the gatekeeper with its finger on the jugular affecting your ability to move back and forth across the border, the market access upon which the Canadian economy depends."

Dr Dawg's Shorter Sands : "Nice country you've got there--be a shame if anything happened to it."

It's really just too bad we mostly missed the boat on Iraq, isn't it?
Back in January 2007, Sands introduced Sockwell Day to the Hudson Institute thusly :
"I was struck back in 2003 after doing a briefing with some people in the Administration. It had been a rough year. We were getting ready to go to Iraq. Canada-US relations were somewhat strained by that. At the end of the briefing which had been a little bit grim -- about how Canada and the US could work together better in this war on terror that we were facing, the person I was briefing paused and said to me, 'Chris, where are all the good Canadians?'

When he said that it broke a little bit of my heart, because I'm an American but I love the Canadians. I think what he meant by that was 'Where are the Canadians of World War I and World War II, that people understood to be... even when Europeans didn't, those allies we had come to count on.'

Well, I have good news. Our speaker today is one of the good Canadians..."

Good Canadian Sockwell Day, our new Minister of International Trade.

Cross-posted at Creekside

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New report zaps TASER™

but first let's look at one that doesn't.

Two weeks ago the Annual Canadian Conference of Chiefs of Police, sponsored in part by TASER™, wisely decided not to release the still incomplete Canadian Police Research Centre's "2008 Conducted Energy Weapon Report" on TASERS™ pending further peer review.
However in July excerpts from it were available from TASER™ Int. who were already using it as a marketing tool :

Two-Year Study by Canadian Police Research Centre Finds TASER Devices a SaferUse of Force
TASER International, Inc.(Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices (ECDs)issued the following NEWS ALERT:

"A two-year study by the Canadian Police Research Centre found that TASER(r)Electronic Control Devises (ECDs) "scored high" in safety for both suspects and officers in Calgary. The 14-page report examined 562 cases in which Calgary police used TASER ECDs, pepper spray, batons, unarmed techniques, and chokeholds against people resisting arrest. Of those cases studied, nearly half were detained with a TASER device and one percent of those suspects resisting arrest ended up hospitalized and 87 percent sustained either minor injuries or no injuries, according to the report.
The study stated "the commonly held belief" that TASER ECDs carry "a significant risk of injury or death... is not supported by the data."

OK, that's enough of that.
Yesterday the Star reported on an independent study ordered by RCMP Commissioner Bill Elliott and obtained Thursday by the Star under Access to Information (and why was an AI requst even necessary?) :

RCMP didn't study Taser use enough: Report
Hard-hitting review says force relied too heavily on manufacturer's input

"The RCMP did not do "due diligence" when it approved the Taser stun gun for use as a less-than-lethal weapon by its officers, a hard-hitting independent review concludes.

The review says the RCMP relied too much on the advice of the Taser's American manufacturer in developing its policies and training, did not consult widely enough with medical and mental health experts about its impact on people, and did not treat the weapon as a "prohibited firearm" – its proper legal classification.

"Excited delirium" is not a recognized medical diagnosis, but a term sometimes used by emergency room doctors or coroners, the report says. However, its use by police amounts to "folk knowledge" and it should be eliminated from the RCMP's perational manual unless formally approved after consultation with a mental-health policy advisory body, said the review."
RCMP Use of the Conducted Energy Weapon(CEW) Final Report. Excerpted :

"The Commission knows that CEWs have been deployed or threatened to be deployed a minimum of 4234 times and that over the years the number of usage reports has increased."

"The main finding within this report is that the quality of data in the CEW usage database is so poor that any of the policy shifts following the 2001 introduction of the weapon cannot be factually supported. Supervision to ensure proper CEW deployment reporting is faulty and in some cases may be non-existent."

"The number of members present at a scene is also significantly related to the use of the CEW. More precisely, the two increase together. When only one member is present, the CEW is deployed in 71.4% of incidents. However, when two (2) or more members attend, the rate of deployment goes up to between 79.1 and 87.7%. So, if more than one member is present, the likelihood that the CEW will be deployed is increased."

"The command -Police stop or you will be hit with 50,000 volts of electricity! -is actually given prior to engagement in fewer than 40% of cases."

"Of the 76 public complaints about CEW deployment, 52 (68%) of the corresponding Forms 3996 could not be located in the RCMP database."

"RCMP training teaches that “excited delirium” is a medical emergency wherein gaining control of the individual for the purpose of treatment is paramount and where the CEW is viewed as the best option to gain that control."

Paul Kennedy, Chair of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, concludes :

"Simply put, if the RCMP cannot account for the use of this weapon and properly instruct its members to appropriately deploy the CEW in an operational setting, then such use should be prohibited until proper and strict accountability and training measures can be fully implemented."

Most importantly, the report also focuses on overall changes in police policy in part exacerbated by the use of CEWs (italics mine) :

"It is a harbinger of a new model of policing in Canada, one in which the police are a group distinct from the public and whose decisions are the preserve of public safety experts. It is a model in which officer safety takes precedence over that of the general public and where the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is significantly undervalued. The cumulative effect of these trends over time may reduce the degree of co-operation of the public that is essential to public safety in Canada."

Stockwell Day, the man nominally responsible for public safety in Canada, has the reports.
We'll see which one he goes with.

See also Cathie from Canada and A Creative Revolution.
Cross-posted at Creekside

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Annual Canadian Conference of Chiefs of Police, brought to you by TASER™

The Annual Canadian Conference of Chiefs of Police program notes :
"Welcome to our meeting with history and modernity.
Better diversity management through partnership."
One of this year's 'partners', a $25,000 "platinum sponsor" of the conference, is TASER™.
A presentation of the as yet incomplete "2008 Conducted Energy Weapon Report" on TASERS™, commissioned by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, will be given by Steve Palmer, executive director of the Canadian Police Research Centre.

Well that seems a tad ... cosy.
We already know that Steve Palmer is a TASER™ fan.
Following the death of a Montreal man zapped by a TASER™ while in police custody in 2007, Mr. Palmer said :
"There is a growing body of knowledge out there that these devices are safe when used properly," Palmer said.
"We don't speak often enough about the number of lives that have been saved, the number of people that are up and walking around today that might not have been had it not been for a Taser."
And look, it's right there on the TASER™ logo : "Saving lives every day".
Mr. Palmer fails to note that most of his "growing body of knowledge out there" in support of TASER™ is commissioned by, um, TASER™.
TASER™ Int. itself uses Mr Palmer's report as a marketing tool :
"Scottsdale, Ariz., July 31, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) --
TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices (ECDs) issued the following NEWS ALERT :
Two-Year Study by Canadian Police Research Centre Finds TASER Devices a SaferUse of Force
Even cosier.

Steve Tuttle, VP of TASER™, will be there.
"It is a major sales event. It is advertising," said Mr. Tuttle , adding "he has DVDs that contain 130 studies that have found the devices to be safe".
"I think that when Canadians look at the choices for use of force, do they want to go back to batons and nightsticks, or do they want to go to the future? The future is taser."
G&M : "Taser staff will be on hand to exhibit the company's trademark X26 model, a wireless taser round that is fired from a shotgun and has a range of 20 metres, and a system called Shockwave that fires multiple taser rounds that can incapacitate a number of people in an area up to 100 metres."
Also known as crowd control.
Stockwell Day will give the Opening Presentation in Montreal on Aug 25.
So to recap : TASER™ Int. sponsors the annual Canadian Conference of Chiefs of Police at which the executive director of the Canadian Police Research Centre gives a presentation on TASER™s that is used by TASER™ Int. to market its products.
"The future is TASER™"

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Republicans and Cons - just one big happy cross-border party

G&M :
Americans living in Calgary are being asked to help fund Republican efforts to elect John McCain through the visit of an influential Republican senator who doubles as one of Mr. McCain's campaign co-chairs.

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback is being invited to the city in August by a well-known Tory supporter and lawyer, Gerry Chipeur, who also has significant links to the U.S. Republican Party.

The funds raised by Americans attending the event will be used to help defray costs incurred by the Republican nominating convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul in September, as well as help elect a Republican the next president, said Mr. Chipeur in an interview.

Those wanting to hear Mr. Brownback speak at a dinner will be asked to pay $1,000, said Norman Leach, executive director of the Western Canadian division of the American Chamber of Commerce, which is helping Mr. Chipeur organize the event.
About 80,000 Americans live and work in Calgary, he said."
Possibly the best part is that the proceeds from the proposed $1000 a plate Brownback dinner will go to Friends of Science, Tim Ball's oil industry-funded anti-Kyoto "charity", whose funding was laundered through the University of Calgary by Harper's buddy, Prof. Barry Cooper, before the U of C put a stop to it.

Gerry Chipeur, a dual citizen himself, is an anti-SSM ReformaTory Alliance lawyer and supporter with ties to the evangelical movement on both sides of the border.
Here he is, for instance, on Bill O'Reilly's US talk show, The O'Reilly Factor, ragging on about activist judges and how Canada is a secular society.
Once upon a time however, Chipeur was much more coy about Canadian Con ties to US Republicans :

From: Paul Weyrich
[co-founder of the Moral Majority and the Heritage Foundation]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:38 AM
To: Bob Thompson
[a staffer at Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation]

Subject: Message from Canada
Importance: High

Please get this message to the Stanton, Family Forum and Wednesday lunch groups:
I received a call last night from Gerald Chipeur, an important figure in Canada’s Conservative Party. He told me that Conservatives are with-in striking distance of electing an outright majority in Parliamentary elections Monday.

He said the Canadian media, which is trying to save the current Liberal government, has a strategy of calling conservatives in the USA in the hopes that someone will inadvertently say something that can be hung around the Conservatives.

Canadian voters have been led to believe that American conservatives are scary and if the Conservative party can be linked with us, they perhaps can diminish a Conservative victory.

Chipeur asks that if Canadian media calls, please do not be interviewed until Monday evening at which point hopefully there will be reason to celebrate.

Many thanks.

When contacted by Canadian Press about the email, Weyrich denied any personal involvement but later on his website, he bragged about his "small victory" in the Canadian elections, recounting the entire email incident as true after all.

More recently Chipeur was credited with introducing Republican Frank Sensenbrenner to Canadian embassy officials at the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004, attended by Stockwell Day, Alberta MP Jason Kenney and John Reynolds, co-chair of the Tory 2006 election campaign.
Sensenbrenner had attended Reform party conventions and Stockwell Day insisted he be hired by the Canadian Embassy. Sensenbrenner was subsequently alleged to have leaked the Canadian memo which wounded Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama in the Naftagate leak.

Republicans and Cons - just one big happy cross-border party.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's either Sensenbrenner or Mr.Mustard in the Library

Days after an internal probe by the Clerk of the Privy Council Office Kevin Lynch failed to determine the source of the Naftagate leak, James Travers at The Star reported that "Multiple sources say the Canadian note questioning the Democrat frontrunner's public promise to reopen NAFTA was leaked from the Prime Minister's Office" to Frank Sensenbrenner, a Republican who worked at the Canadian embassy in Washington.

Now Sensenbrenner's father, James, introduced the notorious U.S. Patriot Act as chair of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, but just how did his son Frank appear in our midst?

"[Frank] Sensenbrenner was introduced to senior embassy officials by Gerry Chipeur, a Calgary-based lawyer who was once legal counsel to the Reform and Canadian Alliance parties, the antecedents of today's Conservative party.
Chipeur, a dual citizen who headed the Republicans Abroad Canada, also has deep ties to the evangelical community in both countries and prominent U.S. Republicans, including Kansas Senator Sam Brownback.

The entrée of Sensenbrenner into Canadian diplomatic circles was forged at the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004, where members of the Canadian embassy and Conservative officials such as Day, Chipeur, Alberta MP Jason Kenney and John Reynolds, co-chair of the Tory 2006 election campaign, all attended.
Sensenbrenner had cut his political teeth in Canada, attending private college in the Toronto area and attending early Reform party conventions where he first befriended those in then-leader Preston Manning's inner circle.
The push to get him on the payroll came particularly from Day, sources said, when he took over the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative file, the name given to the Republican move to require all Canadians crossing the U.S. land border to carry passports or secure driver's licences."

~ Tim Harper at The Star

I had no idea Day, Kenney, and Reynolds attended the U.S. Republican National Convention but I can't say I'm surprised. You'll recall that Day is currently steering his own version of the Patriot Act through our parliament. This old boys network is already so 'deeply integrated' they can't imagine what's taking the rest of Canada so long to catch up.

Frank Sensenbrenner has since denied having a role in the leak of the Canadian consular memo, so due to that internal Privy Council Office probe which protects the Cons from having to answer any difficult questions, we're back to Mr. Mustard in the Library again.

h/t Jennifer at Runesmith's Canadian Content for the Star links
Cross-posted at Creekside

Friday, May 09, 2008

"Some criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic"

Some criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic: U.S.
By RON KAMPEAS, JTA Thursday, 17 April 2008

"WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has taken the ground-breaking step of identifying some virulent criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism....

"Anti-Semitism has proven to be an adaptive phenomenon," the report said. "New forms of anti-Semitism have evolved. They often incorporate elements of traditional anti-Semitism. However, the distinguishing feature of the new anti-Semitism is criticism of Zionism or Israeli policy that – whether intentionally or unintentionally – has the effect of promoting prejudice against all Jews by demonizing Israel and Israelis and attributing Israel’s perceived faults to its Jewish character."

U.S. diplomats and other officials will be expected to take their cues from this forceful language in how they deal with political groups and individuals overseas.
"I hope this keeps it on the radar screen and lets other governments know that the U.S. sees this as an important issue that needs to be taken seriously,” LeGendre said."

And right on cue.....

Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, Harper says
MIKE DE SOUZA, Canwest News Service - May 9, 2008

"Some of the criticism brewing in Canada against the state of Israel, including from some members of Parliament, is similar to the attitude of Nazi Germany in the Second World War, Prime Minister Stephen Harper warned yesterday.

"I guess my fear is what I see happening in some circles is (an) anti-Israeli sentiment, really just as a thinly disguised veil for good old-fashioned anti-Semitism, which I think is completely unacceptable," Harper said in an interview with CJAD radio."

Steve takes the Bush message of "some criticism of Israel" right over the Godwin top and uses it to bash "some members of Parliament".
I suppose we can expect rather more of this rhetoric since Stockwell Day signed that "Canada/Israel Homeland Security Pact" back in March when he was visiting there with Dick Cheney.

H/T Lagatta at Bread 'n Roses for the CannedWest link.
Lagatta : " I wonder if people who criticise Canada's mistreatment of its Aboriginal population are "anti-Canadian"?
Cross-posted at Creekside

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another form of extraordinary rendition

Canada's secret spy days are over : CSIS chief, said at a "recent and closed CIA-sponsored Global Futures Forum conference of international security services in Vancouver"
"Public terrorism trials are changing the way government spies operate, says Canada's spymaster, Jim Judd.
As a consequence of the fight against global Islamic terrorism, an increasing number of open-court criminal prosecutions in Canada, the U.S. and Europe have, at their genesis, information collected by shadowy secret agents rather than police officers.

Prior to 9/11 and in several cases since, most of those detained for suspected terrorist links in Canada were immigrants or refugees and the government conveniently relied on immigration laws and security certificates to quietly deport them to their countries of origin or hold them in custody.

But the alleged terrorist activities of Ottawa's Momin Khawaja and the "Toronto 11" -- all Canadian citizens awaiting trial in the first of Canada's post-9/11 terror prosecutions -- must be heard in open courts, where the prosecution's evidence is subject to the rigours of defence counsel scrutiny and the rules of evidence."
"The rigours of defence counsel scrutiny and the rules of evidence."
Judd refers to this as the "judicialization" of what has "traditionally been considered covert government information".

OK, hold that thought a moment - I'm coming back to it.

Yesterday, in The Lesson of the Arar inquiry : Keep it under wraps, Pogge wrote about Mr. Abdelrazik, a Canadian citizen fingered by CSIS and arrested "at our request" in Sudan five years ago, where he alleges he was beaten while in custody, and frequently visited by CSIS.

In 2004, Sudan cleared him of all allegations that he was a terrorist or a member of al-Qaeda and released him. They further offered to fly him home but Canada obstructed the deal. !!!
A few months later, Mr. Abdelrazik was then bundled off back to prison for another five months after suggesting he wanted to make his case to the prime minister.
Now released a second time, he remains trapped in Khartoum, his health failing, his family back here in Montreal.

And here's the perfect Catch 22 : He can't fly home because he's on a no-fly list and he can't go by land or sea because Canada continues to refuse him a passport.

From the G&M, who, to their eternal credit, put this on their front page yesterday :
"[Abdelrazik's lawyer] says the similarities with Mr. Arar's case are compelling. In both instances, a Canadian citizen is fingered by CSIS as a terrorist suspect. In both cases, no charges are laid in Canada. In both, the person is arrested and imprisoned abroad. In both, Canadian officials say there is little that they can do because the person is in the country of their other citizenship."

In both, he might have added, there were allegations of torture and examples of extraordinary callousness on the part of government officials. His lawyer calls it "another form of extraordinary rendition".
The G&M article does a fine job detailing the blatant ass-covering, Lib and Con, that appears to have formed the bulk of Foreign Affairs' concerns regarding Mr. Abdelrazik over the past five years. Just like with Arar, CSIS didn't want him to come back to Canada to embarrass them.
As CSIS chief, Jim Judd oversaw both cases.

POGGE asks for the second time now : How many more of them are there out there?

May 16, 2007, Day seeks security powers
"Anti-terror measures would restore `preventive arrests’ and help CSIS spies overseas
The federal government plans to try to revive the extraordinary anti-terror police powers of "investigative hearings" and "preventive arrest" as part of a series of major security initiatives."

"Preventative arrest" allows police to arrest without charge and judges to penalize without trial, people who the authorities fear might commit future terrorist offences.

"The government also says it will expand the ability of Canada's spy agency – the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) – to do covert foreign intelligence gathering abroad.
The two police powers slated for revival were killed by the opposition parties in a parliamentary vote in February.
In an appearance yesterday before the House of Commons public safety committee, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day indicated he has drafted a bill to reinstate those powers."

The bill is still pending, and as noted here, now also enjoys the support of the Liberals.

So when CSIS chief Jim Judd laments for the CIA the late great days of publicly unacknowleged extaordinary renditions, those pre-'judicialized' days unsullied by the "rigours of defence council scrutiny and rules of evidence", just remember it's because they're planning on bringing those days back.

Cross-posted at Creekside

Friday, April 11, 2008

SPP and Server in the Sky

CP : U.S. security chief says fingerprints not private
"The U.S. homeland security czar says Canadians shouldn't fear plans to expand international sharing of biometric information such as fingerprints.
Michael Chertoff says a person's fingerprints are like footprints.
"They're not particularly private," Chertoff said in an interview Wednesday during a brief visit to Ottawa."Your fingerprint's hardly personal data, because you leave it on glasses and silverware and articles all over the world."

Well that's just crap, isn't it? Having a glass of wine in a public restaurant is not at all like having your fingerprints fed into a database like Server in the Sky.
You remember Server in the Sky, don't you? It's the FBI's proposed shared database of biometric information - our fingerprints, palm prints, and iris scan data - to be exchanged among the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
The International Information Consortium, as the five founding nations including Canada call themselves, will meet behind closed doors in May in San Francisco to plan their strategy.

CP : "An internal RCMP briefing note on the Server in the Sky project recommends the national police force continue to support the initiative."

As noted back here, perhaps one of Server in the Sky's most alarming aspects is that Canada's Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart, heard of it for the first time in January by reading about it in a UK newspaper.
No Canadian officials had informed her of the project.

Integrate This! discusses the new biometric BC Enhanced Driver's License developed in conjunction with Washington state. Jennifer Stoddart describes it as creating a de facto national ID card in both countries.
IT :
"The EDLs require biometric and other personal information on Canadians and Americans to be stored in a common database that is accessible by security agencies in both countries.
Because Canada’s Public Safety department is insisting on all provinces developing a similar EDL to B.C.’s, and all of them will be compatible with the REAL ID program in the U.S., the Harper government is essentially working on a de facto North American ID card behind closed doors through the SPP."

Stockwell Day met with Chertoff on Wednesday to discuss SPP initiatives in advance of the SPP Leaders' Summit in New Orleans on April 21.

Cross-posted at Creekside

Friday, February 01, 2008

Good morning Steve. Today in Parliament you will be asked to explain...

Why you kept secret a report by Canadian officials that the Governor of Kandahar not only permitted torture but actually engaged in it himself - in his own private prisons.

The opposition will demand to know how long you have been sitting on this knowledge and why you consistently denied being in possession of any evidence of torture by Afghan authorities.
The Harper government knew, but tried to keep secret since last spring, allegations that the governor of Kandahar was personally involved in torture and abuse of detainees.

The allegations against Governor Asadullah Khalid, appointed directly by President Hamid Karzai and a key political partner to Canada's nation-building efforts in southern Afghanistan, were regarded as sufficiently credible that senior officials in Ottawa were immediately informed and Canadian diplomats secretly reported them to the International Red Cross and Afghanistan's main human-rights group.

Government documents detailing the accusations were heavily censored by the government which, claiming national security, blacked out the references to “the governor.” But multiple sources, both inside and outside the government, confirm that the words “the governor” have been censored as have whole passages referring to secret cells allegedly run by Mr. Khalid outside the official prison system.

Rumours have long linked Mr. Khalid to secret prisons. That he had close ties with U.S. intelligence agents and special forces had been known since Canadian troops arrived in southern Afghanistan in early 2006. But Ottawa didn't confront an accusation of the governor's direct involvement in the interrogation and torture of prisoners until it sent diplomats to inspect the main secret police prison in Kandahar on April 25, 2007.

Since April, 2007.

Allow me to speculate. Despite the ridiculous assertion that the conduct of the Governor of Kandahar has anything to do with national security, if this had been fully revealed when the Harper government first learned of it, the support in Canada for "the mission" would have plummeted.

Further, there is the issue of knowingly handing over prisoners of war to an authority we knew or strongly suspected of engaging in abuse or torture. It is a war crime.

The report by Canadian authorities to the International Committee of the Red Cross is here. The visit reports are here. Part1 and Part 2.

Impolitical compares the exposure of this information with your performance in Parliament yesterday, Steve. We're all wondering who Sandra Buckler is going to lie about today. Who is she going to blame?

So, Steve, we'll expect an explanation. A full explanation. Along with it you might want to reveal what strategic vision you hold for the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, whether that vision can realistically be accomplished and what kind of timeline the strategic plan has produced.

Alison has yesterday's bob & weave session. What's becoming completely clear is that when the Harperites actually have an answer to a question, one which might result in a shift in Canadian opinion, they immediately become "oh so proud" of the boots on the ground. And they shift the focus onto those people.

What you and your dilettantes don't seem to get, Steve, is that in order for Canadians to decide whether there is any chance of success in a place like Afghanistan we need as much information as we can get. And you guys are guilty of trying to withhold it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Stockwell Day - waxing eloquent; seeing things only he can see

Remember when Stockwell Day told us about the "misty-eyed veteran" in his riding? Here, let me remind you.

It was during that poetic moment that our boy Stock breached operational security and described the perimeter arrangements at the Canadian base in Kandahar... all to paint himself as a real man.

Stockwell the tough guy. Afraid of nothing. Not even dinosaurs.

Well, he's done it again. Now, instead of being a soldier's soldier, he's now become a cop's cop.

What a fucking cartoon.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Excited delirium 'R

According to the Gov. of Canada Lobbyist Registration System, Ken Boessenkool's new job for TASER™ will be to lobby the Prime Minister's Office, the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC), and the RCMP with an :
"Awareness campaign to educate decision-makers on the facts of TASER International's products"
for "Government reviews of taser use by law enforcement".
The same government lobbyist website form asks Ken to list "Techniques of communication that you have used or expect to use in the course of the undertaking"
One of Ken's answers : "Grass-roots Communications"
LOL, as the kids say.
Previous "grass-roots communications" by Ken Boessenkool's firm, Hill and Knowlton Canada, have been "", a grass-roots effort to convince Albertans they really don't want to benefit personally from $2B+ in tarsands revenue after all, and the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, another grassroots org famous for shilling for ethanol funding for agri-biz firms.

Based on past performance, we now eagerly await new TASER™ grassroots websites like, exciteddelirium'r and
Possibly "" would be pushing it.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why does Stockwell Day hate the police?

It seems our man at the Ministry of Public Safety has decided that tracking lethal firearms into this country just isn't all that important.
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day is facing criticism for failing to endorse regulations to track illegal guns imported from other countries.

Several of Canada's major law enforcement agencies, including the Canadian Police Association, allege that Day has quietly shelved plans that require gun importers to put identifying marks on all firearms coming into the country.

Hang on! That little event was decided on several years ago. While I was not aware that it was a 1 Dec 2007 effective date, I do remember this was something that became legislation quite a while ago.

"It's unfortunate that Canada in a quiet and almost hidden fashion has decided to abandon those commitments," [Dave] Griffin [Canadian Police Association executive officer] told CBC News on Friday.

The regulations were created three years ago and are part of several international agreements Canada has signed, Griffin said.

There we are. So, did Stockwell, the minister of Public Safety sit down with the police to discuss this?

He said he found the decision buried in an obscure part of the Privy Council Office website.
Makes no sense, does it? This is the Public Safety minister tossing off a method of tracking firearms that the police could only find a useful tool. And then to just shelve the idea without consulting or advising police forces? Maybe it's not so mind boggling.

It. Was. A. Liberal. Program. And the gun lobby despised everything to do with controlling their weapons, especially if it came from a Liberal government.

"The fact is this government has been captured by the gun lobby interests and aren't interested in gun control," [Ujjal] Dosanjh told CBC on Friday.
Yup. Day took his advice from his "Firearms advisory council" and totally ignored the police, as Dave Griffin has only too clearly discovered.

Strange, wot? Not really.

Tony Bernardo, a member of Day's firearms advisory council, said there's no evidence to suggest that import marks on firearms will help trace illegal guns.
Tony Bernardo. That would be the executive director of the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action. The name may be a little misleading but the purpose of the group is described as: a Canada wide coalition of pro-firearms and shooting organizations devoted to preserving, promoting and protecting firearms and related activities. CILA has a full time representative in Ottawa and maintains offices in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.

Now, if you drop the "Canadian" from the name and just go hunting for institute for legislative action you wind up on, voila! the National Rifle Association site. The most powerful gun lobby in. the. world.

Coincidence? Let's just say that no cop would believe in that coincidence.

Let me explain to Dave Griffin. Stockwell Day has done a little arithmetic. Campaign support comes in dollars. From which of two sources do the Conservatives get more political donations: the gopher gun crowd or police associations?


Monday, November 26, 2007

So what is evangelical Stockwell up to?

He's not telling. But you can bet your bottom dollar that it's something you won't like, that most Canadians would not fully approve of and is a mirror of whatever his hero, Michael Chertoff, US Homeland Security chief, is up to.

Chertoff is making deals with Israeli Public Security Minister Ari Dichter.

Yes, it's related to standardizing the size and contents of jelly beans. It's that our treaties and agreements have to match those observed by the Bush administration.

And they don't want you to know.

So, Alison will tell you all about it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What's that Stockwell said? How Hermann of him

Everyone has been focusing on Stockwell Day's comparison of the death caused by a drunk driver to the death caused by police attempting to arrest somebody who had been driven to distraction by the time somebody paid attention. (Go ahead. Spend 10 hours in the closed arrival area of any airport and tell me how sane you are.)

In any case, I understand why everyone took that as an issue. It was a sign of gross stupidity on the part of any minister of the Crown to make such an incongruous comparison.

However, I saw something else which, in my view is much more telling. This is what Day said.
One person was killed who didn't have to be killed
Does that mean that Day believes there are those who should be killed? It is not acceptable that he misspoke. He is a minister of the Crown: equivalent to the vice-president of a major global corporation. Every word he speaks means something. And, it's right there, he believes there are people who should be killed.

Explain yourself, minister.

Those words come right from the pages of Aufbau einer Nation, written in 1934.

Explain yourself, Mr. Day, or accept that sometime in the next 72 hours I will, without apology, hang you up there with one of the worst human beings of the 20th Century.

H/T Pretty Shaved Ape

Monday, November 05, 2007

You are now entering the Reform Agenda

Some were quick to jump onto the implications of this Edmonton Journal editorial. Canadian Cynic points out how the standards described by Stockwell Day to determine Canadian government intervention in cases where Canadian face capital punishment have suddenly expanded to include non-capital crimes in countries where democracy and the rule of law are clearly not factors.

The Vanity Press expanded on that to point out that this is not a slippery slope we're facing; it is a slippery slope we are already on.

Rational Reasons spells out the incipient danger of the moral relativism now being employed by Harper and Day and how it not only violates the rule of Canadian law, but makes Canadians expendable if the circumstances do not fit with the Harper/Day agenda - an agenda which, under a Conservative Party banner, they have been trying to camouflage.

I stated in this post that, regardless of protestations to the contrary, Harper and Day do indeed have an agenda which does not fit with the current view of most Canadians. As they justified the reasons for their decision not to intervene in a capital punishment case in Montana, they linked their "tough on crime" agenda with capital punishment elsewhere, effectively out-sourcing an execution. JJ and Eugene did a little looking around the bazaars and found what can be described as a very quiet oops! emanating from the minority constituency which forms Harper's electoral base. Whether that mixture of queasiness and silence is an indication that even Harper's worshipers are uneasy with the position taken by Harper and Day, or whether it signals a fear that the "hidden agenda" is being dangerously exposed is something that remains a question.

That takes us back to the Edmonton Journal piece.
Canadian travellers, consider yourself warned.

If you get into trouble in a foreign country, the Harper Conservatives will only go to bat for you if the effort fits in with one or another of their political, social, or moral agendas.

Want to conduct a "Free Tibet" protest on the Great Wall of China, and by so doing vex the godless commies in Beijing? No worries, Canada's New Government will be there for you.

"W'ell be doing everything we can do to help and of course pointing out to the Chinese government -- as we're entitled to do -- that such expressions of opinion are a natural part of the human rights that Canadians do expect in this country," said the prime minister in his sternest, father-knows-best tone when three Canadian activists were apprehended by the Chinese authorities for unfurling a provocative banner on the ancient structure.

But get yourself convicted of having sex with teenagers in Cuba -- that noted bastion of democracy, fair trials and the rule of the law -- and your government's response is "Gee, good luck with that." In the case of Edmontonian Perry King, who has steadfastly maintained his innocence, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day has turned his back on past practice of arranging to at least have sentences served in Canada.

Because this is, and always has been, the approach offered and demanded by Day and Harper.

When I said that this is the Conservative Party agenda, I meant it. Too often we are lulled into believing that the Harper Conservatives are just another incarnation of the Tories of John Diefenbaker, Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney. Nothing could be further from the truth. These guys are not the centre-right party which constituted the former Progressive Conservatives. They are, and will continue to be, the Alberta-spawned Reform Party replete with the policies they espoused before they twice changed their name in an attempt to hide their agenda. They were a good fit with the fiscal conservatism of Canada's Tories, but short in almost all other areas. Where Canadians came to expect that the government would not intentionally moralize upon, discriminate against, marginalize or expend Canadian lives for any reason, these guys feel no compunction to meet that standard.

The political party name they adopted in this present incarnation is a convenient cover, a party name which is electable, despite the fact that its members represent something which most Canadians find repugnant: selective and prejudicial treatment.

Stockwell Day, already known for being loose with the truth, is simply presenting the beliefs now that he has always held to be worthy of actionable political policy. Any talk of tempering his beliefs or a "mellowing out" has to be met with his recent decision to inject moral relativism into the implementation of government policy. Compare what Stockwell Day has perpetrated in the last few weeks with that of his stance when he was positioning himself to challenge Preston Manning for leadership of the Canadian Alliance Party. Under a headline of Alliance leadership candidate tough on crime:

Day attacked the Chretien government for abusing taxpayers' money and he condemned the justice system as too soft on crime.


Defying political correctness Day says he won't bow to political correctness and drop his hard-line stand on social issues. He favours restricting access to abortion and opposes equality rights for gays and lesbians.


And while Day says he believes homosexuality is a matter of choice, that capital punishment should be restored for certain crimes and that he favours restricting access to abortions, he has no desire to impose his own views on Canadians.
His lack of "desire to impose his own views on Canadians" had everything to do with the fact that Raif Mair, who was interviewing him at the time, would have chewed him up for dog meat, not because he actually meant to restrict his actions. If he truly did not wish to impose his views on Canadians, he wouldn't have enunciated them in the first place. In any case, the lie has been laid out before us because he is imposing his views through government action or inaction, depending upon how you choose to define it.

Harper, who again was declared to have changed his views, is no better. This consummate little control freak, given the methods he has employed over his cabinet, could easily have countermanded Day's position on government intervention in capital cases abroad but clearly didn't. In fact, he came out in support.

The painting of Harper as someone who has tempered his extreme views is little more than concealment. There is a deliberate attempt by his handlers to obscure Harper's path to his present-day position.
His role in creating the Reform Party of Canada is mentioned nowhere in the biography of him that appears on the Conservative Party of Canada website. Nor is his stint as president of the National Citizens Coalition.
Instead, obfuscating language is employed in an attempt to de-radicalize his past.

That changes nothing.

While most Canadians view the role of government as being required to publicly present any changes it wishes to impose, Harper is quite prepared to adopt a different approach. While he must be careful in his present minority position against angering the greater Canadian population, he is compelled to move forward with at least the modicum of a social agenda which keeps the radicals satisfied with the belief that, should he acquire a parliamentary majority in the future, he will fully integrate their narrow system of beliefs with government policy.

We have the recent actions of Stockwell Day and Harper's support to prove it.

Having taken a position to introduce moral relativism in one area of government policy, without a means of stopping it, this crowd would feel no need to hold back in expanding that to other areas. Day has already done what he said he wouldn't do: impose his views on Canadians by condoning the execution of a Canadian without attempting to intervene. He has declared a statutory rapist, despite that person's protestations of innocence, a "threat to the security of Canada", with no other evidence than that provided by a country with no democracy and an abysmal record of judicial fairness. Given an opportunity he and Harper would remorselessly begin to marginalize any group which did not meet their personal moral beliefs. They've done it once; they'll do it again.

That means that, based on Day's publicly held beliefs and Harper's past pronuncements, equal rights for homosexuals, the poor and particularly women, would become targets for selective discrimination. We don't need to guess whether it's going to happen. They've already started.

So, travellers aren't the only ones who should consider themselves warned.

Welcome to the Reform agenda. It hasn't changed save for the political party name under which it exists.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Capital punishment IS a part of the Harper agenda

So, let's get this straight. Harper believes that the death sentence is appropriate in some cases. He said so.
"The reality of this particular case is that were we to intervene, it would very quickly become a question of whether we are prepared to repatriate a double-murderer to Canada. In light of this government's strong initiatives on tackling violent crime, I think that would send the wrong signal to the Canadian population."
Read that again.

So, this isn't about the sovereignty of the state of Montana. This isn't about whether Montana observes the rule of law. This is about the Harper government's desire to send a message to Canadians: capital punishment is justified. Period.

Then, to add to that view, Stockwell Day, inserted this into the argument:
"We have an approach of tackling crime, of tackling violent crime and our messages need to be consistent with that," Mr. Day told reporters.
Again, this isn't about some other jurisdiction. This is, according to Day and Harper, about our jurisdiction.

Harper and Day have just linked their "violent crime" agenda with capital punishment.

That thing you see sliding under long standing Canadian values is the thin edge of a very dangerous wedge. The Harper hidden agenda.

Now go read what Chet has to say.

Cheryl throwing in her two bits worth:

I have more than a few problems with Harper’s statement.

a) As a past president of the local chapter of Amnesty International, this is a deep violation of everything I believe in. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only Canadian that feels that way

b) This is nothing more than a backdoor method to institute capital punishment on Canadians – if Canadians won’t let us kill our own, we’ll let others do the killing for us. Brings a whole new meaning to “outsourcing”

c) The part about sending “the wrong signal to the Canadian population” is offensive, demeaning, and paternalistic. Memo to Harper: you are an elected politician, therefore, you don’t send us the signals…we, the people, send YOU the signals and you act upon OUR wishes. And the last time I checked, I couldn’t hear any great Canadian groundswell demanding the re-institution of the death penalty.

This is wrong on so many levels.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Kitty litter, nukes, and the DHS

G&M : "Terrorists could easily carry nuclear materials for a dirty bomb from Canada into the United States, the U.S. Congress was told yesterday, sparking demands for much greater border security.
"With the exception of the U.S., there are more international terrorist organizations active in Canada than anywhere else in the world," Senator Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat, said."

Leaving aside for a moment his admission that there are more international terrorist orgs in the US than there are here in Canada, what we want to know is what is being done about terrorists smuggling kitty litter from Canada into the US.
The Department of Homeland Security is on the case.
Since, you know, that date, the DHS has deployed a $200 million national network of detectors known as radiation portal monitors to protect US ports and borders against nuclear weapons and dirty bombs.
The trouble with these devices is that they often cannot distinguish between a nuclear device and cat litter.

[Ed. note : If only somone had asked me, I would have personally been willing to fail to determine the difference between kitty litter and a nuclear bomb for merely half that amount.]

Evidently stung by US Government Accountability Office criticism of their kitty litter detecting device , DHS officials commissioned a whole new batch of detectors, called Advanced Spectroscopic Portals, at an estimated cost of $1.2 billion. The DHS then helped the contractor pass the dry run tests by "allowing contractors to "collect test data" about the kinds of radioactive materials they would be screening and then to "adjust their systems accordingly" for the actual tests in February and March."
The GAO is unimpressed and there will be further tests.

But back to the G&M and the official Canadian government reaction to the news that there are more international terrorist orgs in the US than there are here in Canada and that this is somehow our fault and we should do something about that porous border, goddamnit! :
"Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said Canada has an aggressive anti-terrorism program... adding that Canada is safer than it was 1½ years ago. [Ed.: *snigger*]
Mr. Day said Canada has put $431-million toward improving infrastructure at border points and $19.5-million to expanding integrated border teams."

Actually we've done better than that - the Canadian company Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) has partnered with Raytheon to make the new and improved but interestingly tested kitty litter detectors.

And why should we care whether the DHS is acting as a mere extension of the defence industry while also operating as a US government department at the same time?
Because not only is it evil and incompetent, the DHS is coordinating the Canadian working group on the SPP, that's why.
Cross-posted at Creekside