
Monday, December 17, 2012

Family In A Field

Nick is such a good sport! Over the years I have drug him to many a field to have our pictures taken. Engagement pictures, before and after cancer pictures, various Christmas card pictures... Pictures aren't exactly his favorite thing either.

Like most, I love the Abercrombie & Fitch inspired "family in a field" look. But I often wonder-- what will our kids say in ten or fifteen years? I can pretty much guarantee the "family in a field with random props" (cars, couches, fancy chairs) will be just as humorous and ridiculous to them as the posed, matchy matchy Olan Mills studio portraits and Glamour Shots of the '80s and '90s are to us. 

Every generation has their style of family portraits. Future Salomone teenagers- don't you dare judge! Your mother loved these pictures once upon a time!!!

This year we were lucky enough to work with Laura Veno for our Christmas card photos. I used to teach with Laura and now her photography business has really taken off. I was excited when I saw she was offering Christmas mini sessions. I absolutely love everything about our pics. I feel like she did a great job capturing us as a family (in a field), and especially Logan!

Hands down my very fave- so good of both Logi and Nick!


Jocelyn said...

How funny... I never really thought about how the outdoor photos that I currently love could totally look like Olan Mills or Glamour shots in another 10-20 years!

But you're right. In 15 years, we could so make fun of how we were all sitting in the grass (or weeds or worse) with the wind blowing our hair all crazy while we got mosquito bites!

Marcy said...

Aw crap, I never thought of that either! It just looks so natural, ya know: strolling through the field, chillin' on the train tracks, driving an old car through the weeds.... Your pics are really cute though!

emily said...

Love it! I lol'd at the Olan Mills comparison!!

L's shirt is precious!

LZ {high heels and handlebars} said...

Olan Mills...HAHAHAHAHA. Love your photos! Merry Christmas!!!

Jenn Cocca said...

Hi...what great pictures! I'm best friends with Stephanie Rickert...we live four houses down from each other. I found your blog through her and have been a reader for a while. Anyway, I wanted to see what restaurants in the Grapeving/southlake area you would recommend? My family and I are staying at the Hilton Southlake for the weekend to do Christmas activities in Grapevine. I thought you might be the perfect person to ask. Looks like y'all eat at a lot of neat places. So if you have time and don't mind shooting me a quick email that would be awesome.

Unknown said...

Love these--they turned out fantastic! Can't believe how big Logan is. :-)