
Monday, May 30, 2016

...And They All Came Tumbling After

I did the thing I swore I wasn't going to do.

Friday night I ended up in labor & delivery, only to be sent back home. THE WORST!! This same thing happened with Logan and Everett, so I swore I wasn't going to be that girl again. I told myself I wasn't going up to the hospital with this baby no matter what, until he was just on the brink of coming out. I was wrong.

With Logan I went twice and it was pretty legit, because I ended up on bedrest(ish) afterwards and was given a couple of different medicines to slow things down. Then of course, I was induced at 40 weeks and ended up having a c-section. With Everett it was the same type of thing, only I was further along so they just sent me home and my water broke at 38 weeks.

So this time, all day Friday I kept having regular contractions that were much stronger than they have been. I didn't bother timing them, because honestly they're constant. If I timed contractions it's all I would ever do. We went about our normal day and that evening the boys and I went over to my mom's to hang out for a little bit and eat dinner. Logan ended up spending the night with her, and when Everett and I got home around 7:45 I could tell they were pretty close together. Nick was home by then so he put Everett to bed, and I laid down on the couch.

I started timing them and they were 5 or 6 minutes apart pretty much on the dot. All of the stuff online says to call your doctor or go to the hospital when your contractions become 5 minutes apart (because you know I Google AM I IN LABOR or SIGNS OF EARLY LABOR and BABIES BORN AT 36 WEEKS at least twice a day- so dumb, especially since I've done this twice before!!) but given my history of nothing ever happening when I think it is, I decided to take a shower and go to bed and see what happened. About 12:45 I woke up with some seriously uncomfortable contractions. I timed them for half an hour and they were 4-5 mins apart, so I woke up Nick and told him we probably better go to the hospital. I packed my bag, we called my mom and Teri to come over and stay with Everett, and off we went.

We got there and got hooked up to the monitor, and sure enough they were coming every five minutes. When the nurse checked me I was still only dilated 2 cm. She called the doctor on call, and they decided to keep me for a few hours for monitoring since the contractions were so regular. About 4:45 she checked me again, and I was still at a 2 so they gave me a stack of papers (which ironically say, when your contractions become 5 minutes apart come to the hospital) and said come back when something new starts to happen. WOMP. WOMP.

I'm telling you, that is just the worst! First of all, you feel horrible for waking everybody up and secondly, it's just so frustrating. I would say at this rate, there is a slim chance this baby may be born on our bathroom floor because I am absolutely, positively not going back up there until I have checked every box there is to check that he is for sure on the way.

So we got home a little after 5:00 on Saturday morning and went to bed. About 8:00 Everett woke up, and Nick was so sweet to get up with him even though he had to be at Colonial Golf Tournament for work that entire day. This is one of his very busiest weeks of the year, of course. His company has a big tent at Colonial and from Wednesday- Sunday Nick is out there entertaining clients for 10+ hours a day. It sounds like fun, but I've seen it in person and it's exhausting. They have some fun, but it's a lot of small talk, a lot of time on your feet and a whole lot of being "on."

So anyway, Nick went up to get Everett and turns out, he had thrown up in his bed. You would never know it because he ran around all morning acting totally fine and even ate a big breakfast. So it was bath and clean sheets, then Nick left and my mom brought Logan home. The boys were playing when all of a sudden I looked over and saw this:
He had fallen asleep sitting up on the couch! Never a good sign!

My mom helped me get both boys down for naps after lunch before going home. But after nap time...
This happened! Logan woke up with 102 fever, took some Motrin and fell back asleep on the couch.

Between Nick being tied up at Colonial, me worrying the baby was going to come after being at the hospital all night, and both boys getting sick- it was pretty much an insane Saturday.  And I know Nick had to be the most exhausted of all of us!

Thankfully kids are resilient and the baby stayed put, because Sunday morning everyone woke up almost like nothing had ever happened. Logan's fever was gone, Everett was still acting fine... I guess it was just a 24 hour bug of some sort. Nick had to be back out at Colonial, and the boys and I had a super low key day at home. I did put them in the double stroller and go for a walk which felt really good to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

Last night things were still up and up so Emilee came over to watch the boys, and we took my mom out to dinner in Ft. Worth for her birthday.

We had a great time celebrating my mom- she is THE BEST and I hope she felt very loved!

So that's the 411 around here. We are still on baby watch, the contractions are about the same as they were before Saturday but other unmentionable things have started happening downstairs so I feel like surely he's got to come any day! Babies are a mystery, so I guess you never really know.


Tracy said...

You are a strong momma!! Thanks for the update! Praying for you!

Tracy said...

You are a strong momma!! Thanks for the update! Praying for you!