Showing posts with label football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label football. Show all posts

Monday 17 May 2010

My Hot Chefs

I have been poorly this weekend with a bad cold.
But luckily I have my two hot chefs to take care of me.
My husband cooked a wonderful prawn and asparagus risotto on Saturday and Ben made this lovely Pavlova for Sunday lunch.

It was also the final game of football for the season.
My daughter's team lost 5-1 to the league leaders but it has been fantastic to see 11teenage girls (12-14) stick with it through thick and thin.
They have trained on a Tuesday night in rain, hail, sleet and snow.
They have forsaken Saturday sleepovers to travel up to 60 miles on a Sunday morning for a game.
And the team has been managed by a dad who is in the Royal Navy and based at Portsmouth (a 4 hour drive away) Monday to Friday - he commutes every weekend and spends the best part of Sunday with the team.
He even sent coaching texts from Iraq when he was posted there for a short training session during the season.
I organised a collection and bought some gifts but it was like a military manoeuvre trying to get the girls to sign the card without him seeing.
Sadly he will only be able to manage the team for half the season next year as he is due to be posted to The Congo!
This weekend I wore:
Boots - Clarks
Jeans - Top Shop
Top - Marks and Spencer
Scarf - Betty Jackson
Cardigan - Tesco

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