Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts

Saturday 19 June 2010

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Back to the Blackburn High School where I am working as a writer in residence.
The pupils have been a pleasure to work with - they are so full of life, ideas and enthusiasm.
At least most of them.
There was one 14-year-old boy who could barely lift his head off the desk.
He had told me that he couldn't see the point of school and preferred to hang out on the streets with his mates, chilling and watching films until 2am.
I saw him as a challenge.
How to engage this boy?
We were experimenting with new ways of starting a story.
We began with Once Upon A Time.
Norman - the poet I am working with - asked the students for different ways of saying "Once" "Upon" "A" and "Time."
We still didn't have this boy depsite some imaginative takes on story openings.
Then I asked: "Come on, what is another way of starting a story?
"Think. Think of the opening of Star Wars."
My young student took his head off the table.
"Miss. Miss. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."
That was it.
We had him - for the rest of the lesson at least!
Today I wore:

Shoes - Clarks
Skirt and Vest - Gap

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