Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2010

Art Journals, Painting and Sketching

Greetings & Salutations Everyone!
Happy Friday...Well, I've kicked up my Friday and currently working on some File Folders for my Journal that I'm doing for the Journal Junkin Workshop. I haven't made my cover yet, but will get to that soon. I'm having way to much fun with these folders.  It's amazing how you can keep adding, and adding and keep adding to these fabulous folders.  This is a very inexpensive way to test out new products, work out ideas and to see what colors look good together. I have the first layer down, which is the paint and now I'm adding the 2nd Layer with lots of different stencils, rubber stamps, found objects for added textures.  The 3rd layer will be more paint, and more paint! I would really like to have at least 5 or 6 layers on these before I start adding collage pages, magazine pages, etc. Give it a Go! LOL
I am also working on playing with my Shiva Oil Sticks. I learned how to use these when I took Misty Mawn's Workshop over the Winter. LOVE THESE OIL STICKS.  You can also use your oil paints after the first layer is dry.  I'm waiting for this piece to dry and then go back in and add more coloring and shading to her features. Can't wait to see this done!My girlfriend, Anita, had this book sent to me from my favorite place...AMAZON.COM! If this is the only drawing and/or art book that you get, get this one. IT's broken down into 52 Chapters which gives you 52 weeks of various drawing techniques, etc. The First Chapter is "Draw Cats in Bed." I have been a big fan of Carla Sonheim and her little girls that she draws. I'm so glad she put this book out. Apparently this is a new series of books entitled "Lab Series" by Quarry Books and they have another one entitled "Collage Lab" by Bee Shay, and yes that is in my Amazon Cart! LOLHere are some new sketches that I'm working on.  There is nothing like lots of sketch art books and a ton of pencils and art goodies all around you. I have this big bucket with all kinds of pencils, colored pencils, etc...and I carry that damn thing around like it's Linus' Blanket! LOL  You should see me when I take my bucket to the local Pubs! LOL

Friday, April 16, 2010

Studio Madness Again!

Greetings & Salutations!

I can't believe it's Friday already! Where does the time go? I would say, right out the Studio Windows! LOL I love waking up, smelling the Java brewing and planning my day in the Studio. Sometimes it doesn't go according to plan, but those times I treasure because MAGIC happens, and when it happens, I just go with it! I haven't bonded with my sewing machine much lately. However, today we are bonding again and making wonderful Art Doll Clothes!

My Marie Antoinette painting has been staring at me for months. Why is it when you begin a painting, or I should say, when I begin a painting, I never seem to finish them fast. I have walked by this painting countless times. Some days I add a splash of paint here, a piece of vintage collage paper there, and sometimes nothing at all. I guess I like the paintings to "SIMMER." LOL
I was inspired by my painting to create some Art Dolls to go along with the painting. As you can see, I still am working on them. Just like the painting, I let the dolls SIMMER too!

Now for these little gals, I will be completing them today as they will be heading off to their new homes. I can't wait to add their Knitted Shrugs and Leg Warmers that I hand knitted for them. I'm giggling in anticipation to seeing them done. LOL

Gotta LOVE Polka Dots!

In their GLORY!

Oh my, these little babies need some clothes! These are waiting for me to find my MUSE!

I keep knitting washcloths and my husband steals them! LOL I promise I will have some of these wonderful, hand-knitted Washcloths up in my Etsy Shop Very Soon!

Yes, as you can see, my Yarn Stash is quickly growing! I just freaking LOVE YARN!

Update on my DRAWING...This is about it! So many things to do and never enough time to get everything done! Will be posting an update on my Drawing soon, so make sure you stay tuned!

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL & CREATIVE WEEKEND!
Spend time with your Art Supplies, no matter what they are...Play and Bond with them. You never know what new discoveries you will find!
Until Next Time

Thursday, March 18, 2010

IT's All About Knitting These Days!

Greetings & Salutations!

My current obsession is KNITTING. I've been so busy with getting my hands on anything dealing with Knitting. I'm completely crazy over this new love. I'm even dreaming about knitting and the dreams go, knit 1, purl 2, knit 1, purl 2! LOL

On Tuesday during my mad search over at Etsy, I came across a wonderful shop called "Lambsears." Kelly's shop is just amazing and what even makes it better, she is an amazing knitter, and great to deal with. Make sure you check out her shop here Lambsears When ordering these beautiful handmade, hand painted knitting needles, you get a free Knitting Needle Case that comes with your purchase. Also, Kelly does special orders, which she is doing for me. I wanted these Knitting Needles in 14 inch length because when doing bigger projects, I need the extra length. However, I did order some in the 10 inch length for shorter projects.
Kelly also offers some fabulous HomeSpun Yarns. These are very YUMMY!

Check these out! I just absolutely love these, and they are PINK!

I just ordered a bunch of HomeSpun Art Yarn, and I'm waiting to get those from England. So in the meantime, I purchased some yarns from Joann's. These wonderful colors will be made into more Art Doll Shrugs for my little girls.

I just had to get another BASKET! LOL Just full of new and beautiful yarns ready to be turned into something wonderful!

Yes, Books on Knitting. Can't have enough in my library of learning! These books are wonderful. Especially the Book on Yarn. This book goes really in to depth about the properties of yarn and where it all comes from. Who would've thought there are so many different types of wool. LOL If you are new to knitting or would like to learn more, these books are awesome. The book on 400 Stitches is the bomb. You can't imagine all of the stitches you can create by just knowing the knit stitch and the purl stitch! It's just amazing!

Here is my first WASHCLOTH I knitted. My husband actually used it this morning and loved it. Well, why wouldn't he...right? LOL I used 100% cotton yarn (Sugar & Cream) to knit this. When working with WHITE yarn, make sure you keep your hands clean. LOL I'm pleased on how it came out. Not bad for the first try.

My Art Doll Shrugs. These are addicting to make. I can't wait to finish up some Art Dolls so they can be dressed in their little Shrugs!

Now onto my other passion...drawing. Still working on my style, techniques that I'm learning through the various workshops that I'm taking. Shading is the hardest part...I gotta tell ya! It's not there yet, but I swear I will get there if it kills me! LOL

Well, I'm off to make another pot of Java, put some Joni Mitchell in and get knitting and doing some other things. I plan on locking my Studio door again this weekend...hopefully my husband will send food up to me! LOL
Have a WONDERFUL and CREATIVE WEEKEND. Remember...DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO and always GIGGLE when doing it!
Until Next Time...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

IT's All About Sketching!

Take Time Out To DRAW, SKETCH, PLAY! These are a few my sketches that I have been working on. I am actually taking the Misty Mawn Workshop "Drawing & Painting Portraits" and I have to say, I'm very behind in the workshop due to an unexpected Business Trip, but I will be catching up in the next week or so. I thought I would post some draft sketches that I'm working on. I am also very excited about Suzi Blu's New Goddess & The Poet No. 2 Workshop that will be starting sometime in May. I absolutely love her workshops. Suzi is a fantastic art teacher and she really gets you excited about what you are doing!

Until Next Time...CHEERS!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Gifts,Sketches, Journal Pages and Art Dolls

Greetings and Salutations!
Boy oh Boy it was Christmas at the Studio this Week. Pattee from Odd-Dolls sent me "Dwiddle." Look how cute this little House Elf is...(by the way, Pattee is offering a workshop on how to create these little guys, so check it out over at her Ning Group). Click the Badge on my sidebar and it will take you to her Ning Group! Dwiddle is sitting with me in the Studio! I absolutely love him and Thank You Pattee for making me smile! The next gift is from Colleen over at LoopyBoopy. I am a collector of her Art Dolls and if you haven't gotten one yet, well you need to get one. Make sure you get it when you see it, because if not, it will be gone! LOL Thank You so much Colleen for Sending me Joelle. I love her too and she has found a home in my Studio. However, I have to feed her Martini's here and there! LOL Joelle and Dwiddle are up to no good! LOL Thank you girls for making me giggle!

I've been working on some new Art Dolls for my Etsy Shop and New Website. These little gals are not finished, but close to being done. I will post them all here before I place them over at Etsy. I'm loving this cold weather. I get to dress them in Winter Clothes!

Now if I can just figure out how to get some of pictures loaded right over here on Blog, I'd be set. Sorry for the sideways photos. LOL As you all know, I've been spending time with my Art Journals and my Sketching. I have made a goal to work in my Art Journals everyday and Sketch every night before I go to bed. As for the Art Journals, they are starting pages and I just love the fact that a page is never done. Man, you can keep going and going with these pages.

New Sketches for January 2010

Art Journal Pages in Progress! Try using watercolor with gesso! WOW and it's fun!

I will have updated and finished Art Dolls in a few days. I can't wait to show you all once they are finished. Stay Warm and Create Art Everyday!
Unitl Next Time...CHEERS!


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