Showing posts with label converse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label converse. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As you already know I haven't been up to much the past few weeks. Just classes and some spontaneous coffee meetups with friends.  I did go see a few bands play last week, but I have no pictures of that outfit, just some of the band. So needless to say my outfits have been pretty casual.

These photos where taken at the top of the city library in Vienna.  Yes I do have a library card! and yes I was actually there to check something out :)

The view was gorgeous and the day was beautiful so we decided to take some pictures. 

Friday, May 4, 2012


Should be an official adjective.  Why, you might ask? Well my last two weeks started offpretty lame, but eventually evolved into a great week.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do the dance!

The song has been stuck in my head, seems like it's my unofficial life soundtrack. I have been hearing it everywhere I go. I'll accept it. Everytime I hear it I do a little dance in my head it's hard to keep my composure in public but I manage to keep it cool.

And some Outfit pictures. I love this bag, you've seen it a lot on the blog but I just love it with everything. Sorry for the indoor pics.  It was fra-eezing outside I took these at my boyfriends pad (does anyone besides quagmire say "pad" anymore?).

Also, colored jeans rule!

Over and Out,