What's not a joke to Los Angeles residents is that Janice Hahn is using taxpayer money to do it:
Yes, Los Angeles...you have a gangbanger named "Bow Wow" on your payroll. As long as the liberal morons you keep electing are running your city, don't expect your gang problems to get any better.
Janice Hahn...on the wisdom of putting convicted felons on the payroll:
I think you're saying that some of these people have been part of the problem in the past...well I'm here to say they're part of the solution now, and I think that's positive.
Yup...here are the type of brainiacs Janice Hahn feels are "part of the solution":
The idiots running Los Angeles are at a loss to solve their gang problem. I have the solution right here as long as we can all agree the ACLU can go screw itself.
An afterthought...I wonder if Barack Obama's new pastor, the Rev. Otis Moss, thinks this is all the fault of Ronald Reagan and corporate America.
UPDATE: From the Long Beach Press Telegram, Janice Hahn is actually seeking to RAISE TAXES to pay for her wonderful little program:
Councilwoman Janice Hahn said she was happy to see the mayor's plan to dedicate more money to gang prevention and intervention.
"What's important is that we're taking action. We've done the studies, we've seen the reports, the evidence is in. We need to act," said Hahn, who has proposed a $30-a-year parcel tax to raise $40million for anti-gang programs.
The verbiage sound familiar? "We've seen the reports, the evidence is in. We need to act."
Hmm...sounds like another boondoggle designed to take taxpayer money:
MichelleMalkin.com commenter "Pat" finds this article from the LA Weekly:
Connie Rice knew it all along. She knew that Hector Marroquin, veteran of the 18th Street Gang and a self-proclaimed anti-gang activist, was still in the life.
That’s what Rice stated last week, as news broke that Marroquin allegedly sold automatic rifles and silencers to undercover ATF agents on three separate occasions, between September and November.
On Tuesday, she reiterated her claim of knowing about Marroquin, and called on city officials to probe the $1.5 million in city funds that his anti-gang program, No Guns, received.
The back of Hector Marroquin's Jeep says "No Guns". But what
was behind the tailgate?
“What did that money produce? I know Hector did some good work on the Eastside, but if one dime went to his Mr. Hyde life, then there must be an investigation,” she said.
Marroquin’s alleged gun sales came three months after the city cut its ties to him over nepotism and misuse of funds from L.A. Bridges — a 10-year-old, $100 million sinkhole created by the Los Angeles City Council that has produced no tangible results, according to Rice’s $500,000 city-funded report on how to solve the gang problem.
Wow. Just look at all those taxpayer funds being thrown down the drain...all funding weapons, drugs, and violence. And Connie Rice...where have I seen that name before?
Oh yeah...here...on the donor list of the gang prevention program that Hahn used to pass through cash to her gang-prevention "employees" like "Bow Wow".
Note the other liberal donors among the celebrities and athletes who were suckered into subsidizing gangbangers:
Harry Belafonte
Danny Glover
Mike Farrell
Commenter FishfearMe at Doubleplusundead suggests that these subsidies might be "Gangbanger Offsets"...heh!