These musings are ONE LOUDER! Not necessarily one "better"...just LOUDER! Bypassing Bitter Nastiness and heading straight for Angry Indifference
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Largest gathering ever...
Rusty at The Jawa Report has video of what can happen to you if you call the prophet of The Religion of Peace a pedophile.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Killing in the name of "honor" (updated with commentary from Mark Steyn)
Mea culpa.
Do I hate Muslims? No. But I want to make it clear...I cannot stand their "religion" for various reasons...and I wonder why the Islamic community isn't all up in arms about this:
The rest of the program is here at Stop the ACLU.
Sting once asked the question, "do the Russians love their children too?" So I ask those who would defend Muslims love their children too?
Because anyone who kills children (or wives and sisters for that matter) for "honor" is an especially twisted and sick **** ...and a religion which allows for this is evil.
And if this isn't "true Islam", then why the hell aren't Islamic leaders standing up and shouting about this?
Do Muslims love their children too? OK, what about this? Where is the outcry for teaching children hate and love of martyrdom before they even start school?
If I am bigoted for asking this question...then I am bigoted. I'll live with that.
h/t Rusty at The Jawa Report
Update: I've been reading America Alone by Mark Steyn...last night flying home, I caught this passage:
What we still don't know as the years drift by since September 11, is how deep the psychoses of jihadism reach within Islam in general, and the West's Muslim populations in particular. How many are revolted by the slaughter of those Beslan schoolchildren, or the beheading of Daniel Pearl and other hostages, and how many are willing to rationalize it? More to the point, of those Muslims who are affronted by what is done in the name of their religion, what percentage are prepared to do anything about it? How many Western Muslims have formed "Not in Our Name" groups and marched to protest the bombings of their fellow citizens in New York, Madrid or London? How many have joined "Islam Against Suicide Bombing" or banded together to force jihadist imams out of their mosques? How many are prepared to stand up and say they didn't come to America or Europe to raise their children as Saudis?
Hello? Anyone out there?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Something to piss me off while I'm on the road
Bandmate bmac has the reason why...turns out that terrorists have rights.
Hmm...terrorists have rights...terrorists have rights...
Ain't buyin' it.
In fact, I think Chevy Chase sums up my feelings on the Supreme Court monkeys this morning:
You know, I have the perfect solution here. Libtards hate Gitmo, right? And us knuckle-dragging neocons hate terrorists, right?
Let's just blow up Guantanamo Bay. With the terrorists still there. End of problem.
Anyone else got a better solution? I thought not. I should be freakin' president.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Ahhh...those peaceful Muslims
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Islamic hard-liners broke up a religious-tolerance rally Sunday in Indonesia, beating demonstrators with bamboo sticks and calling for the deaths of members of a Muslim sect they consider heretical, witnesses said.
About 200 Christians, moderate Muslims and members of Ahmadiyah - an Islamic group the government is considering banning - gathered at the national monument in the nation's capital of Jakarta to celebrate the country's tradition of pluralism, said Gunawan Mohamad, a prominent magazine publisher who took part in the rally.
At least 12 people were injured after members of the Islamic Defenders Front rushed the square, waving flags and swinging sticks, organizer Anick Tohari said.
"Repent or die," shouted men dressed in green and white Islamic outfits as they punched and kicked bleeding protesters, video footage showed.
Children and elderly female demonstrators were caught up in the clash.
I guess to a "non-moderate" Muslim, a message of peace, love and understanding warrants an ass-kicking...even if that includes children and old ladies. Here's a newsclip from Indonesia:
H/T: Michelle Malkin
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Britain prepares for a new Jihad Superstore
Tablighi Jamaat claims they are non-violent and non-political.
Yeah, right:
In so far as it speaks at all to outsiders, the organization, founded almost 80 years ago, declares itself to be nonpolitical and nonviolent. Yet, with increasing and alarming frequency, the name of Tablighi Jamaat is cropping up in the worldwide fight against terrorism.
Several of those arrested on August 9 in connection with the alleged plot to blow up airliners en route to America from Britain, had attended Tablighi study sessions in Britain. At least two of the British suicide bombers of July 7, 2005 — Mohammed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer — had worshipped at a Tablighi-run mosque in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. The failed British shoebomber, Richard Reid, is known to have Tablighi associations, while the path to violent radicalism of John Walker Lindh, now serving 20 years for treason, appears to have begun with his contact with Tablighi missionaries.
Coming soon, to a jihad near you?:
"We have a significant presence of Tablighi Jamaat in the U.S., and we have found that Al Qaeda used them for recruiting, now and in the past," the deputy chief of the FBI's international terrorism section, Michael Heimbach, said.
Robert Spencer has more on Tablighi Jamaat, and their plan for England...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Who wants to piss off Islamotards today?
Brian at Snapped Shot brings our attention to this 350-year old Belgian church pulpit that has Muslims pissing all over themselves in rage again:
Pretty innocuous, right? Well look closer...that's Big Mo the child molester and his Koran being walked all over:
Well, if this blogger can get threatened for posting these photos, why can't I get a freakin' fatwa for this? And this?
C'mon...what's an infidel got to do?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Jimmy Carter's buddies broadcast: Jews planned Holocaust
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
You are a great Anti-American
The only thing better than Islamic Rage Boy's radio show, is Jawa Radio.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Give me my fatwa you goat-humping Islamotards!
I'm with Michelle:
Prepare for more March Madness. I don’t know what “solidarity” is in Dutch, but show it by embedding the video, e-mailing it, and writing about it. Their fight for the right to criticize the Religion of Perpetual Outrage is our fight.
As long as we're at it, let go for the whole ball of wax. Let me introduce you to my pet, Mohammed:
The's not just for wiping your ass with. Rusty at The Jawa Report has more Koran "art."
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The comfort of Islam
From that Stable of Zionist Whores:
Monday, February 25, 2008
"Religion of Peace" my left testicle
How sad and sick that Hamas is using cartoon-like characters to embrace violence. How tragic that Saraa (the young host) is actually looking forward to her "martyrdom." These poor children have no chance...
If male jihadists have 72 virgins to look forward to, what awaits Saraa in paradise? Sick, sick, sick...
Oh...and one more thing. Interestingly the rabbit is an "open borders" bunny...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Completely twisted and tasteless video post of the day
Courtesy of (who else?) the boys at TNOYF:
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Old angles
Heartbreaking: The Palestinian girl who expresses her desire to be martyred. The Palestinians are raising an entire generation of children who have no value for life...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A Harry Reid New Year
Thanks to Conservative Scalawag...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Islam sucks
I'm not exactly a PETA member, but this is just sick. I'll not post photos...and don't visit Sweetness and Light if you are an animal lover or squeamish about animal torture.
Can you Muslims celebrate anything without cutting something's head off?
Today's funny...
Actually I could post that every day...because it's never not funny.
Allahu Akhbar to you too, you Islamotard slime. Aren't you pissed now that you found out there aren't 72 virgins awaiting you in paradise?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Picture of the day
Yup...those oppressive Israeli thugs. Notice how the Israeli soldier whips out his weapon and blows away the enraged Palestinian...
I mean, I would have. If for no other reason than the damage this guy's hummus-breath would have done to my nostrils.
So which one represents the Religion of Peace anyway?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Ian O'Doherty shows intolerance toward Islam
I am Islamophobic in the sense that I'm phobic towards the notion of treating women as third-class citizens, flogging people and killing them for having an independent thought.
I'm phobic towards the idea of killing Theo Van Gogh because he made a movie they didn't like. I'm phobic towards killing a Japanese translator because he worked on the Satanic Verses.
I'm also rather phobic to the notion that the Muslim world has the right to riot and kill each other because of a few unfunny cartoons in an obscure Danish publication.
As regards the spurious accusation of racism which is bandied about against anyone who criticises Islam, let me make this clear -- you cannot change the colour of your skin. Pigmentation is irrelevant. But you can dislike someone's superstition and in Islam's case, even among other superstitions, they are particularly horrible.
No, my Muslim friend, it's your religion and your Sharia law I am criticising. It has nothing to do with the colour of your skin.
And you know what? In a free democracy we still have the right to say things like that.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
If there's anything I can't stand...
"Indeed Muhammad was a man of murder," the pig, voiced by Keller himself, states in the video. "He was a pedophile, having a wife at the age of six. And I came to find out that the Quran really is nothing more than a book of fairy tales."
Keller, a vocal critic of Islam, made the video in response to the case of Gillian Gibbons, who was moved to a secure location last week after street demonstrators called for her death. Gibbons was sentenced to 15 days in a Khartoum jail after being convicted of insulting Islam.
For the record, I named my pig first...