Showing posts with label stupid legal eagles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stupid legal eagles. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jay Grodner...where are you?

The Chicago Tribune's John Kass has some questions for you:

Private attorney Jay R. Grodner, 55, of Chicago has been charged with a class A misdemeanor -- criminal damage to property -- punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $2,500 fine, said Andy Conklin, spokesman for the state's attorney's office.

Late Wednesday, I reached Sgt. McNulty, who declined to comment for the paper but confirmed the facts in the police report.

And I wanted to get Grodner's side of it because he's been accused but not convicted of anything. So we called all the Grodner numbers we could find -- home and business -- including those on the police report and others in the suburbs and Chicago. Many were disconnected, and his cell phone voice mail was full.

I'd like to ask him two questions:


And, are you proud?

For those needing a little review, Jay Grodner is the Giant Douche who allegedly keyed Sgt. McNulty's car...and then couldn't find the courthouse on his court date. Oh...and who really likes sex (eww...).

Fortunately for us, John Kass is a real journalist (not a hack blogger like myself) and got in touch with an eye witness:

"Mike says, 'Hey, what are you doing to my car? Open up your hand!'" Sullivan told us. "And [Grodner] goes, '[Blank] you! Just because you're in the military you don't run the roost!'"

Run the roost? Heh.

There were allegedly many more epithets and cuss words, some allegedly applied to the United States Marine Corps, to the U.S. armed forces and to Sgt. McNulty himself.

"Quite frankly, you don't even look like a soldier. You're a small little [blank]," Grodner said according to Sullivan.

Jay a pic I'll bet he now wishes he had never posed for...

Naturally when police arrived, Grodner went with the usual liberal defenses. Kass continues:

According to the police report I read, other investigative accounts and interviews, Grodner was upset to have been accused of purposely scratching the car. So upset, that he accused his accusers of being anti-Semitic.

The Chicago police officer responding to the call didn't take the accusation seriously, according to the report, because he couldn't justify it. And Sgt. McNulty's brother and Sullivan say it is outrageous and nonsensical.

"The officer wasn't going to hear this kind of talk. He put the kibosh on the whole thing," Sullivan said. "So [Grodner] became apologetic."

According to the police report, "The offender denied scratching the victim's vehicle, but did admit to rubbing past it."

Rubbing past it? I guess it all depends on what the definition of "rubbing" is.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Giant Douche who keyed Marine's car can't find the courthouse? (Update w. photo and dating profile)

(The latest on Jay Grodner here)

Blackfive has the update:

A Blackfive reader sends this update about the hearing today...:

Attn: Black Five

I am writing to produce an update of the results of Sgt McNulty's case against Jay R Grodner. I was present in support of Mike and thought you may be interested in an update for this story.

Sgt McNulty was called forward by the State's Attorney in order to discuss the case. I am not sure what transpired behind the closed doors, however, I overheard the State's Attorney expressing her intent to prosecute this guy to the fullest extent. It seems as if BlackFive is the sole catalyst to this story getting out and I am sure Sgt McNulty has probably heard the effect of yours and other blogs from the results of today's proceedings to include several Marines and civilians who showed up in his support.

Jay R Grodner was called before court and in his absence, the Judge issued a warrant for his arrest effective immediately. Sgt McNulty was departing the court when Grodner rolled in to the courtroom more pathetic than anyone I had ever seen. The Judge had questioned him on his tardiness and he explained that traffic had been busy and he 'made a wrong turn'. The Judge chastised him for his tardiness, pathetic excuses, and that he was lucky the warrant had not been executed prior to his arrival.

What a liar Grodner is. A lawyer doesn't know where the freakin' courtroom is? Bullshit. I'm sure that Grodner thought he could just drop in whenever he pleased.

Hennessy's View reports that Grodner had his law license suspended back in 1984. The disciplinary findings from the Illinois Supreme Court are here (thanks to Kaitian868 for the link!).

From the Illinois-based Citizens for Legal Responsibility:

In addition to being disciplined for being involved in a scheme to forging documents, it has been reported to CLR that attorney Jay Robert Grodner has since then engaged in a conflict of interest with his clients, has abandoned his clients, has engaged in false billing, has engaged in a fraud upon his clients, provided ineffective assistance of counsel, and has engaged in a "fraud upon the court".

Is it not also fraud when attorney Jay Grodner does not inform his clients, or clients to be, of his previous discipline?

Looks like Grodner will soon need to go find a new career. But I don't think he's gonna like his new boss:

Update: Linda at Something and Half of Something has located a photo of Jay the Giant Douche Grodner. Eww... Don't make Linda mad, she's got connections...

And it gets more gross. From his dating profile:

I love sex. I'm wild about so many ways that sex makes life worth living. I joined this site because the women I'm seeing are both beautiful and adventurous. I have plenty of work a free time to talk. someone needs to act.

So ladies, I'm curious...would you?

BTW, did not see "keying cars, pissing off Marines or whining like a little bitch" as any of his hobbies...

Sondra K has the "photoshop of the day". Looks like Grodner "$%#&ed with the wrong Marine"!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner is a giant douche (Update!)

Is this the final chapter in the Jay Grodner story?

(See bottom of post for update)

Kudos to Marine Sgt Mike McNulty for showing a little restraint and not kicking this guy's ass. Via Blackfive:

Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour). On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye. In order to get to his friend's residence, and keep in mind that Chicago is a myriad of diagonal and one-way streets, the front entrance (right way) to the one-way street was blocked. Mike, being a Marine, overcame and adapted by driving around the block to the other end of the street and backing up all the way to his friend's place.

While saying goodbye, at about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides.

After caught in the process, the man told Mike, "you think you can do whatever you want with Department of Defense license plates and tags". (In Illinois you can purchase veteran, Marine, or medal plates. Mike has Illinois Marine Corps license plates.) During the exchange, he made additional anti-military comments.

Mike called the Chicago police and had the man arrested. A citation against the man was issued for misdemeanor criminal damage to private property.

Turns out the "man" who keyed McNulty's car is Chicago-area lawyer Jay R Grodner...who clearly doesn't really have much respect for the law. Note that McNulty, who surely could have pinched this twerps neck off, had enough respect for the law to calmly call the police and let law enforcement do its job.

Go here to Blackfive to read the legal shenanigans Grodner is trying to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. According to the comments section Grodner's website is curiously down and his contact phone numbers all disconnected...hmm. Guess he pissed off the wrong Marine(s)...

(Update: Go here for the latest...OK, now go HERE...2nd update)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Teen-age girls the voice of reason?

As a girls basketball coach, I found that to be simply amazing:

McMINNVILLE, Ore. (AP) - Two 13-year-old boys accused of slapping girls' bottoms and poking or cupping girls' breasts at school apologized on Monday as a judge dismissed charges against the two, ending a six-month case that drew national attention.

Four girls listed as victims by the prosecutors had asked the judge to drop the charges against Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison.

Yamhill County Judge John Collins did so on Monday, saying it was in the "interest of justice."

Ryan Cornelison in court for being a teen-age boy

And just to show how saavy these girls are, they headed off any future civil litigation with a fat settlement. New IPOD's and designer handbags for everyone!:

The News-Register newspaper of McMinnville reported that a "civil compromise" eached by prosecutors and the defense called for both boys to apologize, to pay each of the four girls $250 and to complete a "boundaries education" program.

What wasn't disclosed was whether the boys' paper-route wages would have to be garnished to pay the settlement.

Meanwhile there are no reports on the whereabouts of prosecutor Bradley Berry's brain. There is little hope for its recovery.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The evil behind Michael Vick

Michael Vick is in serious hot water. Of course everyone knows about his troubles with dog fighting. But that might be the least of his troubles:

As if Michael Vick didn't have enough troubles, he may have to fork over $63 billion — that's billion, with a B — if one Jonathan Lee Riches prevails in court.

The aptly named Riches' lawsuit against Vick, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Richmond, was handwritten. That's because Riches is currently a guest of the Graybar Hotel in South Carolina (it's not clear which town; his handwriting's a little hard to read).

The lawsuit does not explain what landed Riches in the clink, but does spell out a number of dastardly allegations: that Vick supposedly stole Riches' dogs for dogfighting purposes, opened credit cards in Riches' name and stole his copyrighted property. ("Mr. Vick uses my name to sell T-shirts," the suit alleges at one point).

Now Michael Vick is a wealthy man...however he certainly does not have $63 billion. But if these allegations are true, it might explain why Vick is so hell-bent on self- imploding:

Riches claims that Vick sold the pilfered pooches on eBay and used the proceeds to purchase missles from the Iranian government, that he has "plead (sic) allegiance to Al-quaeda" and has subjected Riches to "microwave testing."

Alleged Al-Qaeda operative Michael Vick prepares to drop a bomb on us

Well, this all explains so much. Note that Michael Vick is especially adept at running away from armored warriors who try to catch him, his accuracy sucks, he hides behind innocent men while lobbing bombs indiscriminately at dubious targets and he is well-trained in biological warfare.

Vick's response?:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oregon prosecutors confused as to what constitutes "sexual assault"

Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski had tough words for sexual predators as he signed Oregon's version of Jessica's Law last year:

"Jessica's law sends an unmistakable message to potential child abusers: Act-out and the state of Oregon will take you off the streets for years and years," the governor declared at a bill-signing ceremony held at the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. "We will not tolerate the sexual abuse of Oregon's children. And anyone who even thinks about hurting a child should know that the full weight of Oregon law will fall on them, and they will be spending a very long time behind bars."

Man...he wasn't kidding:

NEW YORK (July 25) -- Two middle-school students in Oregon are facing possible time in a juvenile jail and could have to register as sex offenders for smacking girls on the rear end at school.

Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison, both 13, were arrested in February after they were caught in the halls of Patton Middle School, in McMinnville, Ore., slapping girls on the rear end. Mashburn told ABC News in a phone interview that this was a common way of saying hello practiced by lots of kids at the school, akin to a secret handshake.

The boys spent five days in a juvenile detention facility and were charged with several counts of felony sex abuse for what they and their parents said was merely inappropriate but not criminal behavior.

"Sex Offender" Ryan Cornelison is released into the custody of his parents

On the surface, it appears as if the District Attorney has backed off a little:

District Attorney Bradley Berry has since dismissed the felony counts. The boys face 10 misdemeanor charges of harassment and sexual abuse. They face a maximum of up to one year in a juvenile jail on each count, though Berry said there was no way the boys would ever serve that much time.

"An appropriate sentence would be probation," he said. "These are minor misdemeanor charges that reflect repeated contact against multiple victims. We never intended for them to get a long time in detention."

Well...good for Berry! Except for this:

The Mashburns' lawyer said prosecutors offered Cory a plea bargain that would not require him to register as a sex offender, which the family plans to reject.But the boys, if convicted at an Aug. 20 trial, still face the possibility of some jail time or registering for life as sex offenders.


My guess is that DA Bradley Berry endured too many wedgies and rat-tails when he was in junior high. And because of that, he's prepared to ruin the lives of two kids who were engaged in some stupid teenage game?

Of course if Patton Middle School was a little, they could have avoided this mess altogether.