Showing posts with label ZIA Eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZIA Eggs. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter Blessings

Happy Easter 2018 by Adele Bruno, CZT
Tangles:  Lanie, Citrus, Trella, O, Cack, Ann, LG, Mel Mel, Iza - by Adele Bruno
Micron 01, Gelly Roll 10 White, and Prismacolor pencils on Bristol

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Last Little ZIA Egg

Here is the last of the half dozen papier mache eggs that I've tangled for Easter.
I call it my wobbly Warped Eggs Egg -

 And just like that magical element of Zentangle® ~ when all the lines and tangles come together something beautiful happens.  The sum is definitely greater than the parts...

Wishing you Easter Joy!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Goose That Laid the Tangled Egg

The goose that laid these tangled eggs must have been quite eggs-traordinary -

Artwork and photograph by Juul Gendreau

Artwork and photograph by Juul Gendreau

Artwork and photograph by Juul Gendreau
Aren't they gorgeous?

They really are goose eggs and they were beautifully decorated by self-taught tangler, Juul Gendreau of France.

Juul sent these lovely photos along with her note:

Bonjour Adèle
I'm sending you some photo's of my "tangletree" . Seeing your lovely eggs, I thought of my goose-eggs that I tangled on many years ago!
Well that was long time before tangling was inveted actually.
At the time I used a rotring pen and ink...
I wish you a very nice easter time.

Like so many of us, Juul must have loved patterns and line drawing for a long time before Zentangle® provided a method for her to further explore it.

More of Juul's lovely work is posted on the last four "It's a String Thing" challenges.  Click on the numbers to view:
#31, #32, #33, #34.

Many thanks to you, Juul,  for sharing your eggs-traordinary tangled eggs!  

Joyeuses Pâques

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Eggs-tra, Eggs-tra!

News of the day - still getting ready for Easter and still tangling papier mache eggs...

Here are two more to help make for a wonderful Wednesday ~

The first one I call my white chocolate Cruffle egg (wink).
ZIA Egg   Adele Bruno, CZT

And since we are using this tangle in "It's a String Thing" #35, the second egg features a simple and sweet Cadent -
ZIA Egg     Adele Bruno, CZT
Have a hoppy day :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Egg-xercising My Tangle Muscles

This next egg has a lesson behind it - the recurring theme of Zentangle® method - "anything is possible one stroke at a time."

Yes, even if those strokes are wobbly and wonky like the wacky ones on my next tangled egg!

The eggs I'm working with are papier mache.  The surface is not very smooth as there are creases where the paper overlaps.

I began this one by drawing along those paper creases with an 08 Micron working  from top to bottom of the egg.    Then I did the same thing working around the egg.  It was not a very pretty sight, and I had thoughts of abandoning the effort all together...

After I added a few more lines to break up the larger areas, I darkened in Knightsbridge fashion.  I used Paradox in the open spaces and still was not too pleased with how it looked.

Bur when I added dots with a white Gelly Roll pen it looked a little better.  More dots and a bit of shading with a Faber-Castell PITT pen and this is the finished egg -

ZIA Egg #2     Adele Bruno, CZT

The process was quite an egg-xercise and a great reinforcement that anything really is possible one stroke at a time.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Egg-cited for Easter!

It's April and just seventeen days away from Easter - time for a bunny to get ready!

Always on the lookout for something new to tangle, I found papier mache eggs in the Easter section of our local craft shop.  They are small - about 2 1/2 inched high - and just the perfect brown hue.  There is a light varnish on them, so sanding with a fine grade sandpaper made the surface much friendlier for a Micron and Gelly Roll pen.  The surface is also uneven in most spots and a bit more challenging to tangle on the curves, but overall, fun to tangle!

Here is my first one -
ZIA Egg, Adele Bruno, CZT

ZIA Egg, Adele Bruno, CZT