
Showing posts with label metropol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metropol. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

I'm Hooked and Moving Up and On....

So it's been a WHOLE month since I got my first Filofax Chameleon pocket planner.  And can you believe it??!!! Look how STUFFED it is!!!  And quite honestly, if I had taken this picture just before writing this post, I guarantee you it WAS thicker and even more packed!!!

But, like many things us women love, it DOES give us reason to ummm... get another.  *ducking from pillow being thrown by hubby*  Bwahahaha

Try as I might to not go crazy, a little decorating tape, a few sticky note pads, a fun paper clip here and there and before you know it, my poor little pocket Filofax is bulging in places I KNOW it's mother (cow... LOL) didn't intend it to!  So off I go... searching, looking, chatting with the Filofax addicts, trying to determine which one I  should step up to.

All things considered, it seems MOST people are happy with a Personal size Filofax.  Now there are many many sites that you can travel to online to grab up a Filofax, including the Filofax Company itself.  But me.. well.. I prefer a company that is personable, has GREAT customer service and one that will work with you on your order.  Enter Goldspot Luxury gifts.  Not ONLY did they have the TWO I wanted, but, they had fabulous prices!  Oh yeah.. nothing appeals to us women more than SALE PRICE!!!!  Ha!

I ordered a Finsbury Personal and a Metropol Personal.  You know... a girl's gotta have a change of color now and then.  ;-)  My order went in on late Friday evening.  Monday morning, I received a letter stating my items were on back order.  Ok, no problem, but I wanted to know WHEN to expect my planners.  I made a quick call to Goldspot and spoke to Tom.  Tom kindly told me the Metropol WAS in fact, in stock, but they were hoping to ship both planners together.  Unless, of course, I wanted them to do otherwise.  Yes, yes I did.  Of course!  That morning Tom put my Metropol in the mail and by Wednesday, my planner was in my hands!!!  THAT, my friends, is service!!!

And here, for your viewing pleasure, it is... my oh so red, Metropol personal size Filofax!  Yep, I'm in love!!!

I went to work removing things from my Chameleon pocket size planner in anticipation of using my new Metropol.  And friends, I have to tell you... WOW... did my Chamelon lose some girth!!!  LOL

So the question is... did I REALLY NEED a new Filofax?? Or... did I just need to remove some of those buckle bustin pretties I HAD to put in it??

Pffft... of COURSE I NEEDED more and not just one!!!!  Yes, you guessed it, the Finsbury is still on order and yes I WILL anxiously anticipate it's arrival!  But one thing I know for sure... I will NEVER go anywhere else to grab my next Filofax.. Goldspot has gained a loyal customer and there is no need to go anywhere else.  When I'm happy, I'm faithful as an old geyser!!!

So when you're Filofax is bulging at the seams and begging you to give it some relief, head on over to Goldspot and tell them Tina sent you (not that they will do anything more than be perfectly awesome people, but hey, THAT is hard to find these day)... you won't be disappointed, I promise!!!

And for my faithful followers who ALSO love Filofax or just using a planner in general, I have a new blog where I will be posting about all things Filofax.  Come join me at The Filofaxtory!!  I will be sharing some awesome sites and people who will help you in your planning and "creativity" with your planner!  Love to have you stop by and subscribe!  (I'm sure I'll be giving away "fun goodies" now and then as well.)

Hope you have a fabulous Friday!!! Let the weekend begin!!!  Thanks for stopping by!! *HUGS*

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