Monday, September 1, 2008

Beau's Batman Party

Beau's birthday party was on Saturday. It was lots of fun. The kid got really spoiled once again. His Grandma Petersen gave him a Batman costume and he pretty much hasn't taken it off since he opened it. He is a little bit obsessed with Batman right now!


Heather said...

Oh- I wish we could have made the party! Looks like you all had a great time! I love all the "Batmasks"- good thing all the guys in our family are good sports! Hope you had a happy birthday, Beau!

CPost said...

WOW, that looked like such a fun party, I love Beau's costume. I am so sad that we will so far away now, and couldnt be there to celebrate Beau turning 4. Happy Birthday Beau!!

Anonymous said...

that is too funny!!! coen has the exact same batman costume!!! he never takes it off!! and we must refer to his at batman!! hahaha he'll correct us if we call him coen while he's in costume... hahaha

Lindsay said...

Looks like a fun party. I wish we could've been there. I like the slideshow. I copied it from someone else's blog so it's all good.

Julie said...

Emily- Things are good how about for you... Ammon wants to be batman so bad for halloween! I liked the masks! Anyhow things are good. You guys are so cute!

the Lola Letters said...

That cake is so awesome-you're quite the party planner, and Beau is cute as ever :)