Our family life in the tropics. Lots of music, art, gardening, cooking, traveling, ponderings, and joy. Creating memories, traditions
and hopefully some humor. Trying to give back as well.

February 12, 2017

swami's visit

This year when Swami came in January Sky had just moved back home with us. I was still getting settled after a quick trip to California, so instead of me, Gary travelled with the group to a neighbor island.  He had a great time. A few days later he arrived with the group, about fifteen people. They stayed at our friend Ron's house, which is around the corner from where we live.

Our new friends came also, with their three sweet boys. We all loved having them. We had meals together, went to the beach, swam in the pool, harvested tulsi to be sent to Japan, went for a hike, and of course, made a lot of ruckus.

Swami's visit brought new musical friends as well and some wisdom. He did a day long retreat and I got to ask a couple questions:

How do we develop patience?
How we we get rid of our personal negative tendencies?

His answers were great. In terms of patience he said we need to do two things: first we need to  have the understanding and wisdom that we need patience. And secondly, we gain patience through experiences. He used the example of a child having a tantrum. We stay in a higher state and don't beat the child out of love. We recognize that the behavior will pass. That takes patience.

In terms of internal change he said the first step is that we have to know that we need to make changes. Also, we often forget that our negativities are not our true, deepest selves. If we can be detached from negativities and recognize that they are not our true self, we can more easily make changes inside.

There was more but these parts stood out to me. I am always appreciative to spend time with wise and kind people and learn and grow.

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