
Showing posts with the label vacation

First time blogger has failed me.

I wrote a detailed post about this past month 4th of July and California trip, I saved it multiple times... exited out of it to finish later and when I got on last night to finish it and post it, it wasn't there!! Pretty ticked right now about it. Now I just gotta recap and it wont nearly be as good as the previous one but maybe you guys wouldn't of liked all the details anyways. But first thing is I broke my pinky knuckle colliding with someone in a volleyball circle. At first I thought I just jammed it, so I shook it off and tried passing again but when I did my hand was throbbing and I knew it wasn't just a jammed finger. So I laid low and watched others play then went home and iced it, thinking it would be fine the next day. Weeelll I woke up with the left side of my hand swollen and black and blue. That concerned me, but my parents and I decided to continue watching it and just wrap it up. Well it started to get even more painful and thats when we decided to see Chri...

Back in the USA

Well I am back in Arizona for good now and what a great and sad feeling it is. The journey home was fine besides the hour delay from Houston to Phoenix. My mom was not happy about that because instead of getting in at 9:45 I didn't get until 11:00. Brad and I were going to freak his mom out by saying his missed the plane... but I didn't think I could pull it off and would just start laughing. Sorry Brad. It was great to see everyone and embrace their hugs. When I got home I thought my friends would be there because Haley, Lauren, and Andrea said they were so excited to see me today. When I walked in I expected them to be there waiting, but they weren't. I figured since my plane was delayed it got too late and thats why they weren't there. Bromley then told me to come check out his room which I did. Then he said go check out your room we cleaned it. I quickly spat back at him YOU cleaned my room? I cleaned it before I left. He said well just go look. I flip my lights on...