I am so excited to be hosting this week's Haveil Havalim, the Jewish blog carnival!
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It’s hosted by different bloggers each week.
Next week, HH is being hosted by Ya'aqov at Esser Agaroth submit your entries here. Please join us at the Haveil Havalim facebook group.
Opinions expressed in the posts linked below are those of the respective bloggers and not necessarily endorsed by me.
I have showed considerable restraint in adding my two cents to the The Jewish Press article on the "Shidduch Crisis" that caused such a firestorm last week. The Press has printed responses by readers, as well as responses by Jewish notables like Gila Manolson and Shmuley Boteach. More pertinent to our purposes at HH, the following thought provoking responses were blogged on Morethodoxy by Rabbi Zev Farber in Frum Bridalplasty? and on Ingathered in Where is God in the Shidduch Crisis?
Passover is coming! There were a variety of posts on preparation, cooking, and anticipation of the Chag.
Mrs. S. of Our Shiputzim shares the Shattered Dreams of kids on Pesach vacation. While Hadassah at In the Pink reminds us of Pesach in the Good Old Days.
Me-ander's Miracle, Rosh Chodesh Nisan Kosher Cooking Carnival has some great links with cleaning tips and recipes. Marc at Culinart Kosher is doing an entire Series on the Pesach Menu. He is presenting different recipes for the symbolic foods of the Seder Plate. Check out his deconstructed Charoset recipes.
An emotional time for many, both Kiss a Mezuzah's Freedom Doesn't Mean Everything is Perfect and my own Trip'n Up's Pesach Preparedness reflect on finding joy in the holiday while the shadows of sorrow.
Finally, Shiloh Musings offers us some words of Torah for our Seders in her Message of Passover.
As always, there were a plethora of posts on Israel, its politics, policies, and beauty.
Shiloh Musings stresses the importance of a name in Tel Shiloh, AKA Shiloh HaKeduma, Ancient Shiloh. Religion and State in Israel (Section 1) and (Section 2) provides an in-depth review of media coverage this week. The Torah Revolution warns Italian Government Seems To Be Bracing For War In Israel.
In the political sphere, Esser Agaroth asks Migron Residents, Are You Still Whining?, Yoel Meltzer pleas that it is Time for New Thinking, and Shiloh Musings examines Kadima, Great Name, But Empty of Values and Vision. The issue of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement are tackled in AQtext's BDS Hits Home and The Real Jerusalem Streets' take on the real March Madness.
Life in Jerusalem is never boring. The Real Jerusalem Streets' What Did You Hear? and Esser Agaroth's More Western Diaspora Politically-Correct Codependent Insanity discuss the responses to the "riot" in the Malha Mall.
Avital at This and That asks Who is Citypass and Why are We Stuck with Them for 30 Years?
Jewish in Israel tells the story of Pastor John Hagee's use of Aish HaTorah's Rooftop and Aish's response in Hagee Preaches the Gospel from the Aish HaTorah Rooftop.
There is so much beauty here in Israel that I wish that's all the world would see. Thanks to Batya at Me-ander for sharing some laughs in Medical Clowning and to Marina at A Letter from Israel for bright, pretty Wild Mustard Flowers of Israel.
In the family department, Ima2Seven reminds us that a parent's job is never done in Abba, Are we there yet?
Finally, regarding the online Jewish community, Hadassah Levy (@Hadassah_Levy and contentandcommunities.com) is profiling Jews Who Tweet on Jewneric.com. This week she featured @hsabomilner of In the Pink.
Thank you all for stopping by to read this round-up! I loved putting it together and hope you will all come by more often for a regular dose of Trip'n Up.
Chag Kasher v' SAMEACH!!
Trip'n Mommy
Thank you all for stopping by to read this round-up! I loved putting it together and hope you will all come by more often for a regular dose of Trip'n Up.
Chag Kasher v' SAMEACH!!
Trip'n Mommy