Showing posts with label blessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessing. Show all posts

Lighting Up

Chanukah is here!

Giving your children something they ask for is the most incredible feeling in the world. Not being able to do it is like ripping your heart out slowly.

This year has been a tough one financially in the Trip'n House. The fact the the Trips are getting older and more aware of material things has made it tougher. Last year, we were able to put the girls in dance classes. This year they asked for Gymnastics (A), Ballet (B), and Karate (C). We just couldn't do it. It really broke my heart. Since I have recently taken a part-time job, we are hoping that things are going to ease up a bit, but it might take a while.

Meanwhile, Chanukah has been on my mind for a few weeks. Philosophically, I believe in Chanukah Gelt, but the Trips are pretty young for that. They are just now beginning to get the concept of money, and that it is just not for giving Tzedakah. We are hoping this will help (a present from dear family friends):

So Chanukah presents it is. Since this year is tighter, I tried to plan a little more in advance. Watching the web for sales, I have had gifts arriving in bits and spurts for weeks. They have been sitting in their shipping boxes in the front room, waiting to be unpacked and wrapped. The Trips haven't suspected a thing.

People have been asking them what they want for Chanukah and the replies have been consistent:

1. A Nintendo DS(especially C)
2. A Wii
3. Things for their "collections" (the girls)

I was pretty sure that the first two were not going to happen, so I worked on #3.

A has started a collection of snow globes. She picked her first one in Sesame Place (Zoe) this summer and has been asking for a Cinderella and a Sleeping Beauty one. Thanks to a sale at The Disney Store, I was able to snag them, plus a few more for future surprises.

B has been talking about collecting Golden Retrievers ever since they saw the Buddy movies. Do you know how hard it is to find Golden Retriever toys that won't break the bank or take over the house? When I saw this one, I just melted and gave in. (I hope Trouble doesn't take issue with it!)

C already has an abundance of cars, Cars, and trucks, so I got him No Stress Chess. He loves playing Chess Titans on the computer and this one will help improve his skills. Maybe I can finally learn too!

Of course, there are many more suprises (including Up, which I just couldn't, well, pass "up") from us and UM & AM, Grandma & Zaide, and others.

But the most amazing thing has been the arrival of dream items #1 and #2.

My wonderful aunt and uncle gave the Trips a DS to share. Since they are about to be grandparents for the 5th time (B"AH) and we may not see them actually on Chanukah, the Trips got this one early. They have been waiting to play with it with eager anticipation, but honestly, Trip'n Daddy and I each wanted a turn first!

As for #2, we had received a gift certificate to Toys R' Us from old family friends. We were able to pair this with the incredible generosity of the S family, and Saba and Savta, is in the house! The Trips have absolutely no idea that they are getting it, and I absolutely cannot wait to see their faces. Or play with it.

I wrapped up the presents last night with a full heart. They are going to be so happy. I feel so blessed that my children are going to get everything that they have asked for and want.

This is going to be a magical, light-filled Chanukah.

Speaking of collections and getting what you want, the always-spectacular-and-incomparable Trip'n Daddy has given me this (and I have yet to take it off):

This Is How We Do It! (or the Ss post)

One of the questions people feel compelled to ask when they hear that we have triplets is "How do you do it?" 

What I want to respond is "Do you really want to know?"  I mean, the answer is so long, we'd be there all day.  Sometimes I just smile and laugh.  I used to joke and say "I work full-time!" (Can't say that one anymore)  So here are a few ways we do it:

1. We try to have a sense of humor. 

I remember the first time I was left home alone with the infant Trips. Of course the minute H left the house all three started crying at once. What can you do in that situation? Freak out or laugh.  I chose to laugh.  Then, I picked up the most hysterical baby and went from there.  

Or this past Friday, when the Trips had their 5 year old check-up at the pediatrician and I had to take them by myself.  The visit was going great and the doctor and I were using clever euphemism for the shots that were going to come at the end of the visit. Finally, we couldn't avoid it anymore and I had to tell the Trips that they would each need a shot.  Well, they ALL freaked out. Screaming, crying, yelling, running away from us.   I couldn't get angry. After all, they were having a normal, age-appropriate reaction, just times 3!  So I laughed. 

2. We have an amazing family.

Both Saba & Savta and Grandma & Zaide live within 4 blocks of our home.  From the minute the Trips were born (even before!) they have been supportive and helpful.  They care for the Trips and their parents.  They are generous with their time and babysit and shop like the Champion Grandparents they are.  We are so grateful for them and all they do for us. 

Our brothers and their wives are a great part of our support system as well.  They were all veteran parents by the time our Trips came around and are always there for us, ready to share experience, advice, and sometimes just an ear to vent to. 

3. Volunteers 

At the beginning, we had lots of different people who came to help with feedings, laundry, etc. Without them, we never would have made it through the first few weeks. As the Trips got older and the feeding schedule changed, the amount of volunteers slowly petered out. With 2 exceptions. The first is J, a friend from the school I worked in when I had the Trips.  She still comes every Sunday morning to give the Trips their breakfast and read them stories.  Her visits and H's benevolence allow me to sleep late most Sundays.  Those few extra hours mean so much to me.  I am incredibly thankful for her devotion and we all love her. 

The next are the S Family and honestly, they are SO important that they get their own listing.

4. The S Family

I can't believe that this is the first time the Ss are getting mentioned on this blog (they can't believe it either!) They are so much a part of our lives and "how we do it."  

CS and AS and their 6 children (S1-S6) live across the street from Grandma and Zaide. We really didn't know them before the Trips were born.  Right from the beginning, CS was one of the volunteers who would come by to help with a feeding.  She told me that her teenagers would like to come do feedings on Friday nights.  Since that was not such a popular time for volunteers, we were thrilled to have them.  First it started with just S2 and S3, the girls.  Then S1 (a boy) started to come too.  They each claimed a baby (A=S3, B=S2,C=S1) and would have feeding races, burping races, and other silly things.  We will never, ever, forget the sight of C "riding a roller coaster" or "reading" Harry Potter.   

The bonding with the Trips must have really stuck, because pretty soon they were asking if they could bring the Trips to their house.  I figured that CS had 6 kids of her own, so if she was up for it, we could trust he with our precious Trips. (I have to admit that this was pretty hard for me and H, not only because we were letting our kids go on Shabbos, but because we loved hanging out with the 3 coolest, funniest teenagers we'd ever met! Now that they are all in their 20s they are still some of the coolest, funniest people we know!)

So the Trips started going over to the S's on Shabbos.  The best part? The S children come and pick them up and drop them off when they are ready to come home. They eat there, play, go to the park, don't go on the trampoline...

Some of the Trips most important "firsts" have happened at the S house or involved the Ss in some way, including:

1. Their first taste of chicken, Pringles, ices, soda
2. A's first time vomiting on some one's bed
3. B's first pair of lost shoes
4. Bentching contests
5. First sugar highs
6. First teenage babysitters
7. First time breaking Mommy and Daddy's rules...

CS was incredibly helpful in teaching us how to give medicine to a fussy, uncooperative child.  She also shops for the kids and gives them some of the funkiest editions to their wardrobes. The shoes she buys the girls are far preferred then anything I buy them. 

Not to be left out, AS has also been extremely influential in the Trips lives.  He is a real kibbitzer and loves to tease.  The atmosphere in the S house is fun-loving, jokey, and happy.  There are tons of nicknames and family jokes. The kids are the same way and the Trips are treated like members of the family.  So, the Ss have also taught the Trips how to handle teasing and how to take a joke. 

With 6 babysitters in the house, I know I can call there when I need one, and 99.9% of the time, someone will be available.  (S4 never comes though, something having to do with Trouble).  My kids love all of them and the biggest treat is a visit from one of the Ss. 

The Ss are the best role models we could ever want for the Trips.  Torah and Chesed permeate all they do.  The men are all wonderful layners and know the entire Torah by heart. (Don't try to match them in Parsha knowledge, though S3 can really hold her own.) As I understand it, there is already great debate over who will be responsible for teaching C his Bar Mizvah parsha.  It's Shabbos Shirah and a tough one, but I don't have to worry, I know the Ss have it covered.   AS and S1 are members of Hatzolah and can be called on (and have been) to help with illness and injury for the entire extended Trip'n family.  CS is involved with the girl's school PTA, and bakes her own challah every week (!!!!) All of the S girls are bright and personable, and models of tznius with and ease and comfort we should all feel.  AS and CS are incredible parenting role models for me and H and with their help and influence we know the Trips are going to be as great kids as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 (but without the trouble with Trouble!) 

People have asked me how they can get some Ss.  My answer is "have triplets."  Other then that, stay away, they are ours!  We love them, thank them, and owe them sooooo much.

And that is "how we do it." 

Happy Birthday!

Happy 5th Birthday my precious, adorable Trips!

The past 5 years have been full of trials, tribulations, long nights, long days, tears, shouts, and whines. But more importantly, they have been filled with health, blessings, hugs, kisses, cuddles, joy, genius, precociousness, giggles, and

In the next year, may
Hashem grant you good health and growth both physically and emotionally. May He increase your learning and your hunger to learn. He should fill your lives with love, happiness, harmony, and all the joys of childhood. May He grant your parents strength, patience, and the ability to provide for ALL of your needs.

Thoughts on Thursday the 5th

Thursday, February 5th 2004 was a day pretty much like today.

I woke up, had something to eat, spent some time online, took a nap, and hung out with the dog. Just like today, I was standing at a bend in life's road. Something big was about to happen, something that would change the course of my life forever. I was full of anticipation, excitement, plans, and ideas. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring.

I should also mention that I was achy all over, could barely move, and had a HUGE tummy.

When I tried to go to bed that night I noticed that the aches and pulls of my poor over-stretched muscles seemed to be coming less sporadically and in a more rhythmic manner. In the middle of the night, (after H had a shower!) we left to go to the hospital.

Friday, February 6, 2004, at about noon, three miracles entered our lives. They were HUGE (for triplets) each weighing over 5 lbs. They were tiny. Perfect. Healthy!

While I know it won't be triplets, I can't help but wonder what tomorrow might bring...

Sometimes you just need a reminder

I had a particularly rough day at work today. Actually, it has been a rough week. I have been sick and under stress.

Tonight I came home distraught, disturbed, and faced with rethinking my life and my priorities.

I did not get a chance to see the kids before they went to bed, so when I came up for the night I went to give them kisses in their sleep.

They were all together in C's car bed. B and C laying next to each other with their "friends" tucked in next to them. A was laying across the top of the bed, with her head touching C's and B's head in her belly. They looked so sweet, so loving.

Boy, nothing like a nest full of ducklings to get all those ducks in a row.

The Report

Okay, so the Parent Teacher Conference wasn't ALL that surprising. Here is the summary:

1. My girls really look alike and sometimes the Morahs call them by the wrong name.

Our reaction:
NO, they don't! We also call them by the wrong name all the time. At least she never calls them by the dog's name (we do!)

2. They are VERY close and loving, and the Morah has to make an effort to make sure they go to different work centers and sit separate at Ma'agal (circle time.)

Our reaction: Awww. We didn't realize they love each other so much. It makes us feel so good as parents. Thank G-d she separates them!

3. When one is absent, the other really shines. She recommends splitting them up next year.

Our reaction: Damn! It makes it MUCH harder on us, but if it is best for the girls....

4. A is very verbal.

Our reaction: Really?!

5. B is very, umm, determined, opinionated (insert any nice word for stubborn and bossy)

Our reaction: You don't say?! Actually, we see her as a bit Type A... But how is it affecting her socially?

Morah's answer: B is doing fine socially. She is not so bossy that the other girls don't want to play with her. She is also open to mediation when then Morahs step in.

Our reaction: Baruch Hashem!

6. A is more easy going, has a generous nature (will give things up if someone else wants it)

Our reaction: We see this at home (have for some time) and are trying to teach her siblings not to take advantage.

7. B needs practice writing her name, and give positive encouragement and don't let her become frustrated.

Our reaction: Oh, is she easily frustrated?! No problem, we will work on this.

8. The Morah sees no issues for them academically.

Our reaction: Baruch Hashem!!

We also heard how well-adjusted and sweet they are
from the Preschool Director.

The entire experience was humbling, encouraging, and generally painless.

We really do thank
Hashem everyday for the multitudes of blessings that he has bestowed on our family. We pray for his goodness and blessing to continue and our children continue to grow and flourish and follow in His ways and the ways of Torah.


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