Spring flowers are blooming, and the woodlands are beginning
to show colour I cannot wait for the first Trillium's to appear in our area.
The past week presented us in Southern Ontario with frosty
mornings and warmer days.
Sunday was full of music with singing at the morning service
and a Sunday night hymn sing. I have fond childhood memories of going to hymn sings with Aunt Marjorie.
There was also great food with a finger good potluck that followed.
We took Banana Cupcakes using up the last of the frozen bananas. This is another recipe of Aunt Marjorie’s and
I have included the recipe for you to enjoy.
Banana Cupcakes
3 bananas mashed
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sugar
2 cups flower
2 teaspoons baking soda
Mix together in order listed and bake at 350F for 35 minutes
or until done.
Gentle yoga has become a big part of our self care routine. Both Paul and I are becoming aware of how
important increasing our flexibility is as we age (I am not saying we are old!)
Standing in warrior 1 and looking out the studio window |
We enjoy spending the early part of the week with our grandchildren.
The horse barn was an
interesting place to be this week with lots of animal activity.
Our youngest granddaughter finished her semi formal dress it
looks wonderful on her.
We were able to get into our garden twice this week and set up
a bird feeder so that we can enjoy bird watching from our front window.
And twice this week we ate out with friends.
A busy week full of joy.
Grandma Snyder
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