It is flu season again and at work people are dropping like flies!
Who you ask is getting ill well it is parents and grandparents of young children.
How as a grandparents and parents can we not pick up, kiss and cuddle an ill child?
What do the expert say we should do to keep the winter flu bug at bay?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention offers us three basic steps:
Get your flu vaccine as soon as they are available.
Did you get a flu vaccine this winter?
The CDC website provides a list of why you should answer yes.
Last year we got the flu from kissing our ill granddaughter. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do but in hindsight we missed an important teachable moment. We could have offered her physical comfort and taught her that when we are ill we do not kiss other people.
Take Flu antiviral drugs if your doctor prescribes them.
Grandparents we are joining the high risk category and with flu viruses becoming stronger and stronger these are lessons worth teaching and learning from.
When our grandchildren are ill, if possible, ask their parents to keep them home.
We can call them on the phone or Skype with them to provide comfort and support.
We can call them on the phone or Skype with them to provide comfort and support.
If you have to provide direct care, which many of do, talk your ill grandchild about the reason you are washing your hands, or using alcohol wipes and in a loving way tell them up front that there will be no kissing and why.
Grandma Snyder
Note: I am not a doctor or an expert on flu please visit the CDC website and vet all medical advice through your physician.
Graphics without a source are from
Note: I am not a doctor or an expert on flu please visit the CDC website and vet all medical advice through your physician.
Graphics without a source are from
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