Showing posts with label Orrin Hatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orrin Hatch. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2007


I did not think that the arguments in favor of telecom immunity could get any more ridiculous, but they have.

Today, John Cornyn and Orrin Hatch both argued that one of the reasons the telecoms must receive immunity for their lawbreaking is that their employees might become targets of the terrorists if we ever learn what these companies did to assist the government with its warrantless wiretapping.

Are there no Republicans who believe anymore in the rule of law?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I caught Orrin Hatch on Imus for a few minutes this morning. While I was listening, he said one pretty funny thing, and one utterly stupid thing. Guess which is which.

Regarding Mitt Romney, fellow Mormon and presidential hopeful:

    Of the major Republican candidates, the Mormon is the one who has only one wife.
Regarding Valerie Plame Wilson, former undercover CIA operative working on nuclear proliferation in Iran:

    She wasn't a covert agent.