Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Finnabair Daydreamer Workshop At Artist Trading Post

Hello everyone! Just wanted to pop in to share what I was up to last weekend :)

On Saturday I attended a workshop with the amazing Anna Dabrowska aka Finnabair. The workshop was hosted at the Artist Trading Post in Wirksworth. 

For those who are not (yet) familiar with Anna's work - Anna is an incredible Polish mixed media artist, known for her signature eclectic industrial collages.

I waited for almost two years for an opportunity to attend Anna's workshop. So you can imagine how exciting it was for me to be able to finally make it :).

The class I attended was for the Daydreamer collage. It was packed full with fantastic metal embellishments from Anna's Mechanicals range (Prima Marketing). It was like an early Christmas treat for me! 

I was really lucky to share the table (and quite a few laughs, too!) with wonderful ladies: Karen, Michele and Tracey. I also learned a thing or two about crafts industry people - I won't go into details but let's just say 'size matters' :) ha ha ha!

Here we are with Anna and our completed projects (from the left: Tracey, me, Michele, Anna and Karen).

And here is an obligatory selfie of the day :).

The whole group together...

And my completed canvas :).

If you ever get a chance to attend Anna's workshop - go for it! Anna is an amazing artist and a fantastic teacher. Her art is truly inspirational and so is she!

Big hugs

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Thursday 13 November 2014

Sparkly Christmas Workshop At Sparkle Dreams

Hello Friends! 

Popping in today to give you a shout out about my next workshop on 6th December 2014 at Sparkle Dreams in Swindon.

We'll be playing with Stampendous stamps, dies, Frantage embossing powders and glitters and great adhesives from Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L to create a beautiful seasonal wreath. 

You will leave the workshop with a bag of new techniques and a unique festive home decor piece - perfectly timed for Christmas!

We are required to advise the participants that this workshop contains a lot of glitter and may contain flash photography. Therefore viewers may find this workshop truly dazzling!

For booking information hop over to Sparkle Dreams blog. The seats are selling out fast so booking early to secure your place is highly recommended! 

I look forward to seeing you on the 6th December!

Big crafty hugs

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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Fran-taging Away At Sparkle Dreams

So here it is. The workshop day finally arrived! And what a day it was!  A day full of inky and sparkly fun. Just as it should be during a Fran-tage workshop at the Sparkle Dreams!

A big thank you to Julie, Pat (not at all a trouble maker!), Helen, Sharon, Julia, Annette and Jackie for making this workshop so much fun!

During the workshop we played with some lovely stamps and Fran-tage beauties from Stampendous and with some great adhesives from Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L.

And here the girls are busy Fran-taging away :).

And here - encrusted jewel technique at its finest!

I had so much fun teaching the workshop and I hope the girls enjoyed it, too!

And my biggest thank yous go to Jackie (above) who traveled all the way from Warwickshire and to Sandie (below) for inviting me to share the Fran-tage fun at Sparkle Dreams.

And here is the obligatory 'family group shot' :). 

If you'd like to organise a day of sparkly Fran-tagey fun at your venue, feel free to get in touch! :-)

I will be away for a little while traveling to visit my family in Poland so may be a bit MIA blogging wise. But I shall look forward to seeing what you've all been up to when I'm back!

Thanks for stopping by today.

Big hugs

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Wednesday 7 May 2014

Only 10 Sleeps Left! Workshop Reminder

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to pop in to say thank you and a big welcome to my newest blog followers - please make yourself at home :).

And also a quick reminder about my day workshop at Sparkle Dreams in Swindon on the 17th May 2014. Only 10 sleeps left - yay!!!

I believe there are a couple of spaces left so if you don't want to miss your chance to play with some Fran-tage goodness, book your seat now :). This is going to be a super exciting day - you really don't want to miss it!

For booking details hop over to the Sparkle Dreams blog here

Hope to see you there!

Big hugs

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Monday 24 February 2014

Save The Date - Four Seasons of Fran-tage Workshop

Hello friends! Apologies for being so quiet at the moment but I've been awfully busy with redecorating at home. I promise to share some crafty stuff and catch up on my blog visits soon (I so miss seeing what you have been  up to !). 

But for now I just wanted to share some exciting news with you!

I will be teaching a workshop at Sparkle Dreams in Swindon on Saturday 17th May 2014. 

The project we will be making is Four Seasons of Fran-tage, packed full of Stampendous goodness and Fran-tage beauties. And yes, we will be playing with the encrusted jewel technique, too!

You can find all the details and booking information here

I look forward to seeing you there!

Big crafty hugs

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