For military officers, it's not just a bad idea, it's
against the law. From the
Manual For Courts-Martial of the United States…
Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
I've considered McChrystal's public relations end runs around his superiors borderline insubordination for awhile. The insubordination is now explicit. This is a Truman-MacArthur moment. One of the Constitutional principles that McChrystal and I and every soldier is sworn to uphold is civilian control of the military. It the General ever had the integrity to merit his commission, he should resign it now and save his Commander in Chief the trouble of relieving him.
Labels: Civilian Control, Contempt, General McChrystal, Insubordination, President Obama, Resignation