...on the Vegas debate. First, it seems everyone has found a chance to take a shot at Bushco™'s lawlessness and neglect, and everyone's found the target. I like that in a Democratic debate.
First notable quote (though I joined the party a bit late...) to Hillary...
"NAFTA did not do what many hoped…"
Perhaps not, Senator, but it's done exactly what many of us warned. Pretty much the same stuff we've been saying about Peru...
More...I didn't get the exact wording, but my ears perked up when Joe Biden used the I word regarding the Bush push for war with Iran.Ya know, Barack, I really don't want to hear anymore about all your fine Republican friends. Oh well, at least he didn't invoke the bigot from Oklahoma this time.
Richardson's cheap shot at the Democratic Congress sounded like something straight out of a GOP briefing book. Your state needs you, Governor, and the Senate is beckoning. Time to fold this tent.Gag me with a diamond and pearl (I want both, too) encrusted spoon.
I dunno. I guess I missed the early fireworks show, but I suspect this event won't noticably reshape the campaign.
John fixed
it. He had some tough lines for the frontrunner, but I wonder if Hillary is overplaying the victim card. And of course she's playing the gender card (what's the whole 'comfortable in the kitchen' bit supposed to invoke?), but so what. You play the cards you're dealt, after all.
Credit to Obama, by the way, for admitting that missing the vote on Kyl-Lieberman was a mistake, and for taking the hit for that mistake rather than passing it off to leadership or a staff bungle. "It was a mistake," without equivocation, is the model for straight talk.Labels: Barack Obama, Bushco™, Debates, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden