Showing posts with label Atlanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlanta. Show all posts

November 30, 2012

More Atlanta Fun

Good thing I had a lot of help blowing out all those birthday candles.  Otherwise, we would have needed a fire extinguisher!
My eldest granddaughter was a trooper on our hike to Amicalola Falls.  She floated up the 500 + stairs like a butterfly.
While some of us hiked along the Chattahoochee River, two of the kids led the way on their bikes.  One grandson spotted this red-bellied water snake.  Grandpa Steve did the catching.
We found time to visit friends at the Georgia Aquarium,
read stories and play games,
and practice our wild jumping skills.
We paused for a group photo, pre-stuffing.  Besides our oldest son and family, our second son and his wife also joined us for the day.  The framed painting behind us appears to be a bit askew, but the house looked amazingly good, considering the workout our group had put it through.
Then we all dug into the delicious turkey dinner that my daughter in law had prepared.  We were fortunate indeed to have such good company.  We enjoyed it all with thankful hearts and grateful bellies.

November 27, 2012

Sope Creek

We spent a lovely Thanksgiving week in Atlanta with our son and his family. 
One of many adventures featured a walk down Sope Creek, a branch of the Chattahoochee River and part of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. 
The trip involved lots of barefoot rock hopping,
a great blue heron,
and the ghostly ruins of a 19th century paper mill. 
The mill was built in 1855, utilizing the creek flow for power.  Burned down by Union troops during the Civil War, the mill was rebuilt a few years later and operated until 1902. 
After so much excitement, some of us were worn out!


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