Showing posts with label frog ponds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frog ponds. Show all posts

July 20, 2010

Through the Woods

On a hot day, there's nothing better than a hike through the forest on a mountain trail:
We saw lots of wildflowers:
(penstemon, lupine, and scarlet gilia)
I love columbines: 
This pretty golden beetle seems to like them, too:
This is a monument plant, also known as deer's ears, for the shape of the leaves.  It's in the gentian family:
The plants I saw were 2-3 feet tall. Deer like to browse on this forest dweller. The individual blossoms are unique and lovely:
A blue grouse attracted our attention:
Fortunately, Daisy didn't notice.  She was too busy hunting up some mud to enjoy:
Later she found a nice pond,
decorated with yellow pond lilies:


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