November 22, 2010


I wondered if we should worry more about the condition of the sign
or the condition of the bridge.   (Actually, the bridge did worry me.  The horse trailer made the crossing with only inches to spare.)

November 21, 2010

Rock Art and Windows

Varnished rock panels are prime territory for petroglyphs.  As we rode on Wild Horse Bench, we kept our eyes peeled and found this:
It appears to be snake wearing a headdress, with an anthropomorphic figure drawn just under the snake.  The art is pecked into the rock and has probably been there for up to 1000 years.  The petrolyph style is similar to the Fremont art found in Nine Mile Canyon, located 12 miles south and on the other side of the Green River.
We also saw this little window in the rocks:
And of course Daisy and Steve had to do some climbing:


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