I thought I would show some of what is in season...
I think this is Mint and Parsley...
Breadfruit is back...
I was told that the below fruits are Avocado, but I am still suspicious and didn't want to buy one just to confirm. Bananas were everywhere...
Cinnamon from Dominica...
Cashew Apple amongst the Mangoes...
aint touching that with a ten foot pole (and there is currently no reason to pay for Mangoes, they're literally falling off the trees into the roads)...
these were called 'sweet cherries'...
the Coconut Guy plowing through dozens of Coconuts....
Lunch was at the The Tap and Still. The Veggie Burger and Fries are vegan, I am 95% sure the Bun is as well, but contains mono and di-glycerides....
Below is a flower called 'Shell Ginger'...
Lots more to come. Bye for now.