ABC of Weather: Umbrella

A most necessary object to have to hand owing to the fickle nature of our British weather. This is the one I always have with me in my bag. Hopefully I'm not having to use it at the moment...
How's the weather with you today?

For more Unusual posts have a look over at the ABC Wednesday blog.


  1. Overcast here. An umbrella would certainly have been useful yesterday, I got wet - but the garden needed it.

  2. Overcast in Derbyshire with a slight breeze and that feeling of imminent drizzle. Chancing the washing line though........

  3. Sunny and clouds but warm and dry and time I went out into the garden after a trip to town.

  4. Overcast today - very blue sky sunny yesterday.

    In the night, it had rained. I now know why rocket is called rocket - though I'd rename it 'Bolt' if I had the chance.


  5. Snap - you and me both with umbrella for ABC Wednesday :) Dared not venture out without mine today but despite threatening skies the rain has held off.

  6. It's a sunny, cloudy, clear, rainy kind of day here today...very common spring weather for us...but wait...isn't it almost summer? Our summer's a bit late here. :) Love your blog!

  7. The wet,wettest spring ever in the Pacific Northwest (USA) Perhaps followed by a hot summer? fingers crossed.

  8. Its june and its overcast and cloudy, oh where are you sunshine?!!

    Although the rain over the past week has perked up my chard, beetroot and carrots, its not helping the bees to pollenate my crimson flowering broad beans or my mange tout! Rain or not I have to venture out to plant my french beans.

  9. I've at least four umbrellas but they always seem to all end up in the wrong place at the wrong time! Flighty xx

  10. Hi everyone - sadly the umbrella was needed on our holiday in Staffordshire but we still managed to have a great time :)

    Chicken Lover, Joan, Linda and Tracey - welcome :D


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