GBMD: The Columbine

Early evening on the allotment with my Columbine
Still, still my eye will gaze long fixed on thee,
Till I forget that I am called a man,
And at thy side fast-rooted seem to be,
And the breeze comes my cheek with thine to fan.
Upon this craggy hill our life shall pass,
A life of summer days and summer joys,
Nodding our honey-bells mid pliant grass
In which the bee half hid his time employs;
And here we'll drink with thirsty pores the rain,
And turn dew-sprinkled to the rising sun,
And look when in the flaming west again
His orb across the heaven its path has run;
Here left in darkness on the rocky steep,
My weary eyes shall close like folding flowers in sleep.

Jones Very (1813-1880)

Until recently these honey-bells were 'mid pliant grass' until I freed them to stand tall with my raspberry canes up at the allotment. I've no idea where they came from: they appeared the first year I had my plot, so I don't know whether they are the result of a deliberate act by one of my predecessors or if they self-seeded themselves from elsewhere. I love this white one above all the others which appear at this time of the year.

One year I'll remember to collect some seeds and add them to the Aquilegias I have in my garden. Or would that detract from the special feeling I have for them when I see them up at the plot?

Garden Bloggers' Muse Day is hosted by Carolyn Choi at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago.


  1. whatever the source, they look truly beautiful!
    do you know, that columbine blooms 1 month later here?

  2. lovely words as well as blooms.

  3. Fab plants!
    Used to dismiss and hoik out and now I let seed and they are everywhere. Lovely!
    Beautiful white form you have.

  4. Most especially beautiful...truly a fine form and how uplifting it would be to share the early evening on your allotment with such a specimen ...almost a wedding gown affect!

    Poetry, lovely.

  5. Pretty, what a lovely thing to have at your plot. I would definitely collect some seed, not just because I am sure it would delight you just as much in your garden, but to see what it and the others you have would combine to create. Though I have just spotted a fluffy pale pink one with chartreuse leaves, fortunately growing out the front where I rarely see it, proving that not all offspring are attractive... It would not get to survive in the back garden...

  6. Noooooooo!
    Columbine has become a nightmare to us on the allotments. Many of the old folk on the plots have tried everything but napalm to eradicate it (and would probably give it a go if they could get hold of some).

  7. One of my favourite flowers although they do seed about a bit too much sometimes but only have self to blame. I enjoyed the poem.

  8. Hi everyone - glad most of you like my Columbine :)

    Chris - sounds like your plots are good for aquilegias. Mine has never strayed away from my plot in 7 years.


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