Showing posts with label erysipelas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erysipelas. Show all posts

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Acute Lymphedema

Presented by Dr. Henry Foong
Ipoh, Malaysia

The patient is a 50-yr-old man with a history of swelling of the right leg for 2 months. He noted that the right foot was swollen initially and a few weeks later the swelling has progressed to the right leg.  Over the past week the swelling has progressed to the right thigh. The swelling was mildly painful but overall the past week the swelling has progressed a lot.  The swelling was so severe that he was unable to wear his normal shoe. He has a history of hypertension and a history of “stroke” where he lost his consciousness and was told by his doctor he suffered from a minor stroke.  He was treated as cellulitis by his doctor with penicillin but did not improve.  In fact he had developed a generalised maculopapular eruptions over the trunk a week after starting on IV penicillin.

O/E: Shows a severe unilateral swelling of the right leg extending from the foot to the thigh.  There was superficial erythema, desquamation with small blisters. The affected areas are well-demarcated especially on right thigh.  The leg swelling was indurated and mildly pitting.  The measured circumference of the right leg at mid-calf level was 51 cm compared with the corresponding left leg of 39 cm.  His right inguinal nodes were markedly enlarged. Rest of exam was unremarkable.


Differential Diagnosis
1.  Erysipelas right leg
2.  Filariasis
3.  Deep vein thrombosis

Hb 13.5 gm%, TWBC 17,900 (N87%, L10%, E0.1%, B1% M2%) ESR 79mm/hr Biochemistry unremarkable. Culture from the right leg grew Staphylococcal aureus.  Doppler ultrasound right leg did not show any evidence of deep vein thrombosis but enlarged right inguinal nodes.

He was advised to stop penicillin and started on IV moxifloxacin 400mg od, IV hydrocortisone 200mg qid,  and wet compress. Blood was sent for microfilaria (x3) which was negative.

Follow-up Photo after 5 days of IV moxifloxacin and IV hydrocortisone.


Marked improvement after 5 days of IV moxifloxacin and IV hydrocortisone.  There is a 5 cm reduction in the circumference of the right call. The patient would be scheduled for a MRI lower pelvis/right thigh soon, but he has refused since he is feeling so much better.

Your thoughts will be appreciated.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Erysipelas in a 69 yo Woman

presented by Henry Foong
Ipoh, Malaysia

A 69-yr-old woman was seen with a 2-day history of rapidly enlarged swelling on the right cheek.  Initially she felt some discomfort on the right ear and then involved the right cheek.  She had no fever.
There was no history of trauma.  She had a history of hypertension. 

Examination showed unilateral swelling on the right cheek with increased temperature, tenderness and redness extending from right forehead to the right lower jaw.  It appeared oedematous, with swelling of the ipsilateral upper eyelid. It had a well defined raised border. The rash did not cross the bridge of the nose to the opposite cheek. No blisters were seen. Her regional nodes were not enlarged.

Clinically she has erysipelas.

TWBC 12,900 (N84%)
blood sugar  8.5 mol/l
BU and serum electrolytes normal
LFT normal

Erysipelas affects the superficial layer of the skin while cellulitis affects the deeper part of the dermis. There were no clusters of vesicles or erosions to suggest herpes zoster. She was not keen to be admitted and preferred oral medication as an outpatient  She was treated with oral cefuroxime 500mg bd for 10 days with wet compress dressing on the affected face. The erysipelas cleared with the treatment.