Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble! Gobble!

Not exactly a turkey, but poultry will do. Handsome devil, isn't he? My dinner plates for our Thanksgiving dinner. To see my many blessings, click here!

Today in Minnesota History-2006 at the home of Kate Mura and Jim Neher, a Thanksgiving prayer, courtesy of William Shakespeare:
"Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts." King Henry VI, Part 3.IV,vi.


  1. My friend Karen would kill for this. She loves all things with Chickens (bags, keyrings, t-shirts etc.)

  2. c'est un coq gaulois. belle assiette, c'est de la porcelaine de limoges ?

    it is a French cockerel. beautiful plate, it is Limoges porcelain?

    Happy Thanksgiving

  3. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving,Kate! Nice plate design..

  4. Anonymous1:27 AM

    He is handsome, indeed. Hope your Thanksgiving Day is wonderful.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Kate! Cute plate - you'll have to have seconds and thirds!

  6. in one article I read that in each family there's special set of crockery for thanksgiving, its nice to have seen yours.

  7. Very nice plate Kate :)

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am impressed that you were so gracias to take the time to post as I'm sure you might be very busy today! Are you cooking?

    Remember all that you have to be thankful for.

  9. Your blessings are many, and fine.

    I went to bed last night trying to decide if I should serve dinner today on the big everyday plates or the small pretty ones. Should I encourage eating till stuffed or eating till satisfied?

    This morning I decided to use the pretty china which has littler plates. After all, everyone can return for more if they want.

    As I look at my white and blue china, I'll be thinking of your chicken plates - very festive, you.

  10. Time to Eat!!! Well almost :(

    Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for all the kind words you have posted at my site over the past few months!


  11. looks like the portuguese 'barcelos' cock...

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I like those plates, Kate. I hope your time together today with loved ones is wonderful. I like your gratitude list. Beautiful people!

  13. Happy thanksgiving, hon! I love your rooster plate!

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving Kate!
    Nice family you have.

  15. Cool shades, Kate. Cool hat. Makes me want to play tennis. Are you up for it, or what?

  16. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am just reminded of an old hymn title Count Your Blessing Name Them One By One. How appropriate.


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