Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas in My Neighborhood #2

These decorations made me stop my car and get out to photograph them because they are so gauche! Located at a dry cleaning establishment; my neighbors have better taste, and I doubt that anyone would display these. I think they're humorous and completely tasteless!

Today in Minnesota History: 1994- Demolition begins on the Metropolitan Sports Center in Bloomington, former home of the North Stars professional hockey team and venue for entertainment events. (Reference: MNHS.ORG)


  1. colorful, but all I can say about the decoration is: egads!

  2. il a prevu de bien beaux paquets cadeaux. ils ont beaucoup d'imaginations tes voisins.
    Je te souhaite une bonne journee

    it envisaged quite beautiful packages gifts. they have many imaginations your neighbors. I wish you a good day

  3. Amen to that. I really dislike all the blow-up decorations around. The colors of the packages are wonderful though.

  4. they must have huge family for such big presents =)

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Yes, plastic and vinyl in bright colors just doesn't look good in the yard! And these babies aren't cheap either.

  6. Well, if they were in front of the dry cleaner's, that's not so bad...
    Otherwise, pretty yucky!

  7. ohh I hope I will find so huge presents under the christmas tree:)

  8. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Yep some more of those ugly things. I hope its a phase and will die out in a year or so.

  9. I have to laugh about packages full of air. It reminds me of the practical joke that was occasionally played on someone in my childhood days.

  10. This is my favorite, definitely.

  11. Have never seen anything like it in Australia - Inflatable Santas, yes, but none of this sort. Just had to laugh!!!! Call it China's Revenge?

  12. wow...:))
    i luv this decor for Christmas!!
    so colourful and creative.

    shanghai daily photo


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