Thursday, December 07, 2006

Double Wreaths

Several days ago Annie mentioned that it would be interesting to find wreaths in unlikely places. Well, this isn't one of those sites, but it's an attractive display by the homeowner.

Today in Minnesota history: 1941 - Outside of Pearl Harbor, the destroyer Ward, its crew primarily reservists from St. Paul, attacks and sinks a Japanese midget submarine, the first shots fired on the date of infamy. Inside the harbor, Minneapolis-born Captain Franklin van Valkenburgh is killed on the bridge of his ship, the USS Arizona. He would be awarded the Medal of Honor by Congress. (Reference: MSHS.ORG)


  1. It is a little bit unusual, two wreaths neither of which are on the gate doors. Nice, very nice, I think.

  2. Nice and neat. The purple ribbon on the wreaths is different.

  3. Oh, this is charming.

  4. c'est marrant, les couleurs de ces couronnes, me font plus penser a des couronnes mortuaires, qu'a des couronnes de la fete de noel.
    Etrange choix

    it is funny, the colors of these crowns, make me more think has funeral wreathes, which has of the crowns of the festival of Christmas. Strange choice

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Someone has very good taste. Including the photographer. :)

  6. So American for a French eye...

  7. Nice and very tasteful wreaths! Congratulations Kate, you won my "little thinkers" contest! To collect your San Diego postcard, send me an email with your address -

  8. thats quite unique!

  9. Anonymous11:49 PM

    it looks like two ship buoys:)

  10. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Someone has a good sense of decor. I'll bet the house is beautifully decorated as well. Nice find.

  11. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I love it!!

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

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