Thursday, January 15, 2015

Roselle Plum Ice Pop

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My fridge always has stock for homemade Roselle syrup. Preparing Roselle syrup into ice pop is another great way to let kids enjoy. Sourness from the plum pairs well with sweetness from the Roselle syrup. These ice pops are great to serve on hot humid weather like us.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Roselle Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream (without ice-cream maker)

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Do you familiar with this kind of ice cream cup? My kids used to buy and I keep these used cups. Now, they are perfect for my roselle ripple cheesecake ice cream ^^

The ice cream do not need ice cream maker and yet yield smooth and creamy texture. Being inspired by Wendy Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream I used homemade pickled roselle instead raspberry. As like Easy No Bake Cheesecake I blend the pickled roselle into purée to create the ripple. Making into individual serving cup not only easy to consume but also save storage space in freezer. 

Adapted and slightly modified from Wendy Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream
Roselle Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream
250g cream cheese, room temperature 

80g sugar
200g plain yogurt

200ml whipping cream
30g condensed milk
pickled roselle purée (see pickled roselle recipe here) 

*Drain pickled from syrup then blend in food processor till fine. If the puree is too thick just add in syrup to get the right consistency purée. 

1. Beat cream cheese with sugar until smooth and creamy.

2. Mix in plain yogurt. Taste it. Add more sugar if it’s too sour. Different brand of plain yogurt taste differently.

3. Add cream and 30g condensed milk (
(less if the cheese mixture is too sweet) in a chilled bowl. Whip the cream until soft peaks.

4. Fold the cream into the cheese mixture.

5. Fill the ice cream cups with the cheese mixture about half way. Dollops some roselle purée over and swirl with chopstick to spread it around. Fill again with cheese mixture till almost full. Again dollops roselle purée over and swirl again. Cover and keep in freezer for few hours or more to set.

6. When about to consume, remove the ice cream cup from freezer and leave at room temperature for about 10 minutes before serve. 

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Ms. enPlace

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One Ingredient Ice-cream

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When I browsed recipes from MasterChef web page I found Black Banana Ice Cream. After read how it is prepared make me recall One Ingredient Ice cream posted by Lena, Frozen Wing.

Yes! The only ingredient is Banana! It is unbelievable right? I'm pretty sure most of you like me very curious about this one ingredient ice cream. The only way to find out is prepare and try out!

With some honey, chocholate chips and candy for my kids
Ooo...I like it after the first taste! Silky smooth with natural sweetness. I can have all I can eat without guilt. You will know the banana aftertaste. And not all like this. My younger son still prefer the 'real' type with artificial flavourings and egg powders etc, used in commercial ice creams :D
Banana with Yogurt
You can reduce the banana aftertaste with added honey, chocolate, peanut butter etc. Some like to add fresh fruits like berries, apples, mango etc. My personal choice is with yogurt! Nowadays I addicted to this ice cream :)

Do make some for your family and enjoy this silky, smooth and yet healthy ice cream.
Arrange nicely to be frozen
2 - 3 large ripe bananas, sliced and frozen (at least 2 hours).
*sizes of the bananas depend on the type of machine that you used. Since I process with food blender, banana had to be sliced very thinly. Slice according to the capacity of your food processor or blender.

~I used food blender
Place frozen bananas into food blender. You might need to thaw a little (but still frozen) for easy blending.

Pulse the blender until bananas turn into ice cream consistency.

Serve as soon as possible. Enjoy!

*It's better to eat it immediately as it melt very fast (as you can see in the picture). Try not to re-frozen as it gets too soft. You can freeze the sliced bananas. Just blend anytime you feel like having.
*For yogurt banana ice cream just add 1-2 tablespoons yogurt and blend together with frozen banana. Or add in any ingredients you like.

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~Recipe Box 12 hosted by Bizzy Bakes

~Sweet Treats and Swanky Stuff by Something Swanky


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