Showing posts with label Berberidaceae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berberidaceae. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2009

Look close...

How often do we oversee the little things? We pay attention to things which are rather obvious, which jump into your face. Often you have to look really close in order to see the peculiarities of little things - in this case tiny blossoms.

I have visited this very same bush a couple of times. It has become a personal issue! But still - I somehow don't like this bush - you want to know why? Each time I am standing in front of it to photograph its tiny blossoms I am devoured by ants. So this is the ant bush for me. Apparently they consider me as an intruder into their home. And who could blame them for this?

People who might have watched me not only cycling through the same little streets for the 100th time in order to photograph the same gardens for the 200th time certainly will assume that I am nuts, jumping from one foot to the other like a loony - to get rid of the ants again who try to conquer my legs. But then I AM nuts, my aunt was it too. So what?

And don't forget to click on the photos - they are large!

"Berberis" (Berberidaceae)
barberry, Berberitze

daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Barberries in Yellow and Orange - the last ones

These are the last ones of 2008 - I promise - no more...
And as usual - don't forget to click the photos for enlargement - looks much prettier...

"Berberis" (Berberidaceae)
barberry, Berberitze

Monday, January 05, 2009

Those bloody Barberries again...

It's meant literally - don't you think?? I just cannot get enough of this colour...

"Berberis" (Berberidaceae)
barberry, Berberitze

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mind-boggling Colours of the Barberry...

This is a plant with about 500 species - can you imagine that?
I only know that this is a plant with the most incredible autumn colours I can think of - even more intense and differentiated than those of the maple.
Now click on the images and your eyes will be dazzled...

"Berberis" (Berberidaceae)
barberry, Berberitze

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mahonia - More Blossoms in Yellow

"Mahonia aquifolium" (Berberidaceae)

daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle