Showing posts with label München. Show all posts
Showing posts with label München. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Early Summer Aster...

Sweet little flowers you can often find in a bowl for plants at the entrance of homes...

"Callistephus chinensis" (Asteraceae)
aster, Sommeraster

daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blooms - It's only Wallcress but the Colours...

I love wallcress. Tiny little flowers which are often neglected but did you realize that if they are cared for with love they become real jewels - the colours are so intense, amazingly beautiful in their simplicity - but see for yourself...

"Aubrieta" (Brassicaceae)
wallcress, Blaukissen

All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cherry Blossom Trees

I am photographing this special street with the pink cherry trees since 3 years now and I still could not get enough of it...

"prunus cerasus"
cherry, Kirsche

all photos are from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Monday, May 18, 2009

Blossoms like Silk Fabric somehow....

These blossoms are already beyond their zenith - and start to decay. But nevertheless they look beautiful and somehow like silk fabric...


all photos are from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wisteria Blossoms in Abundance...

These are my favourite climbers - if their beauty would only last forever....
(Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge)

"Wisteria" (Fabaceae),

All photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Cherry Blossoms in rosé...

This very light pink cherry tree you won't see too often in our area. It growing form is different from all other cherry trees - somehow it reminds me of a poplar.


Photo from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, May 14, 2009

These Blossoms are gone but....

We have to be patient and have to wait another 11 months!!! But there will be other delights - the summer flowers are waiting for us...


All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Wallcress is blooming....

The wallcress is now blooming everywhere and creating "cushions" of bold colour. How would this be as a cushion to sleep on? The right ones for a fairy. But there will be more - much more...

"Aubrieta" (Brassicaceae)
wallcress, Blaukissen

All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tulip Blooms in red, yellow, purple...

Tulips on the fields are always a spectacular view - all those colours which please the eyes and compensate for the long dull months of winter...

"Tulipa" (Liliaceae)
, Tulpen

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Colour between blue and purple....

Depending on the setting of your monitor - this colour appears blue or deeply violet. I have hardly seen a colour so intense such as this on a bloom.

"Aster" (Asteraceae)

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Magnolia Blossoms

I think these belong to my most beautiful magnolia photos...


all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Blossoms of Magnolia Stellata in white...

The last images of my favourite blossom tree for this year. The perfume of this little tree was beyond words - I just could have stood there for hours and continue to stick my nose into those lovely blossoms (btw - the owner whom I asked for permission to photograph - had not even realized that the magnolia had such a strong and lovely fragrance - well - isn't it often like this?)

"Magnolia stellata"

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

The lucky Blossom House

I think any house with such glorious blossoms trees in front of it must be a lucky house...

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Friday, May 08, 2009

Cherries in pink and white on ONE Tree

A lovely combination - but these are growing on one tree - no joke!!! Apparently a pink cherry tree has been engrafted on a white one - you could see the place where it had been done...

cherries in pink and white

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, May 07, 2009

A lovely pink Blossom Bush

I don't know what these are and haven't found them yet...


all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cherry Blossoms - gone now

All of them in their green dress now - the blossoms are gone - but what a glory it was this year....


all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Magnolia Blossoms in pink...

This was one of the most beautiful magnolia trees I have ever seen here in Munich...


all photos from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Monday, May 04, 2009

Blossoms in white again....

Could there be enough photos of this majesty of a blossom?

"Magnolia stellata"

all photos from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Little Blooms in blue...

I love these unspectacular little blooms for their heavenly blue colour...

"Myosotis" (Boraginaceae)
forget-me-nots, Vergißmeinnicht

All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle