Showing posts with label cherry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cherry. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The way all Things go...

photography ©Petra Voegtle

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cherries in white...


daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, July 02, 2009

A very special Composition...

Have you ever seen magnolia and pink cherry trees blooming side by side? Here in Munich it was an unusual view this year. Normally these trees don't bloom at the same time. So this sight was truly devine. And as usual it was gone much too quickly. But at least I have the images for you to enjoy...

cherries and magnolia

daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An amazing Composition...

This year I was lucky to photograph this lovely compostion of two different cherry blossoms. Normaly you either find the light one OR the dark ones but rarely 2 of them together in one picture...


daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More pink fluffy Balls...

I truly hope that I do not bore you with just some more of these wonderful, amazing fluffy blossom balls. Each year I am standing there in awe, wondering how this is possible, this incredible burst of new life after the hiatus of a long long winter with nearly no colours, with that awfully cold and wet weather and days where you do not see the sun. I very much hope that you can share all that enthusiasm with me because this is what life is all about - the wonders of our nature, our beautiful planet.

It is not the kick you might experience through skydiving or bunjee jumping, go on a race with a racing car or any other of these activities. It is not the kick you get through taking drugs or filling you up with any buzz, it is not spending your nights in bars and clubs or travelling through the world as far away as possible. It is not the most extravagant house you can own or being part of renown societies.

Life is where possessions and desires end, life is where things grow on their own, where you need not do anything about it. Life is where you experience the smallest and the largest of all things, life is where you discover the universe within yourself and where happiness is unconditional.

Now imagine a world without all these blooms and blossoms, without the happy chirping of all the birds that can be heard right now. What a world would that be?


daily photos around Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Alley of the Cherries...

I am photographing this alley each year and each year it is different. Sometimes the blossoms are rather small and hang in small groups from the branches and sometimes they are thick, fluffy and seem to be much too heavy for the branches just as this year. A majestic view, a miracle of Mother Nature...


daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, June 07, 2009

And after White comes Pink...

There is not much to say about these colour intense blossoms trees - only that the whole glory disappeared too quickly this year, much too quickly...

daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blossoms behind the Fence....

Sometimes the beautiful things are hidden behind bars or fences and the public is excluded to see them. In this case we can sneak peak through this wire fence and still enjoy what spring has to offer...

daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Balls but in Pink...

This time I have balls in pink to offer (not what you are thinking!). This year the cherry trees were exceptionally loaded with blossoms so that the branches seemed too fragile to carry their load...

"prunus cerasus"
cherry, Kirsche

all photos are from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blossoms like Snowballs....

These cherry blossoms look really funny - they remind me of snowballs which is crazy of course but somehow looking at these makes me smile. And I like them much more than snowballs!!

"prunus cerasus"
cherry, Kirsche

daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cherry Blossom Trees

I am photographing this special street with the pink cherry trees since 3 years now and I still could not get enough of it...

"prunus cerasus"
cherry, Kirsche

all photos are from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cherry Blossoms in rosé...

This very light pink cherry tree you won't see too often in our area. It growing form is different from all other cherry trees - somehow it reminds me of a poplar.


Photo from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Thursday, May 14, 2009

These Blossoms are gone but....

We have to be patient and have to wait another 11 months!!! But there will be other delights - the summer flowers are waiting for us...


All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle

Saturday, May 09, 2009

The lucky Blossom House

I think any house with such glorious blossoms trees in front of it must be a lucky house...

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Friday, May 08, 2009

Cherries in pink and white on ONE Tree

A lovely combination - but these are growing on one tree - no joke!!! Apparently a pink cherry tree has been engrafted on a white one - you could see the place where it had been done...

cherries in pink and white

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cherry Blossoms - gone now

All of them in their green dress now - the blossoms are gone - but what a glory it was this year....


all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle

Friday, May 01, 2009

Cherry Blossoms in white - gone now

The white cherries are also gone now - a hard time until they appear again....

All photos from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle