Showing posts with label Malus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malus. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Apple Blossoms


daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Apple Tree Blossoms in magical Light...

Appletree blossoms are undeniably beautiful - as all blossoms are. They are the latest to arrive in the year when cherries and magnolias and all other are gone.
To photograph them the best is to look for special lighting, when the sun is not quite on the blossom but is coming from the side or from behind. Then you can notice how transparent these blossoms are and how magical. I cannot stop looking for these scenarios...

"apple blossoms"

daily photos from Munich, photographed by Petra Voegtle

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pink Splendour...

Is this a yummy colour or not? I love this deep pink. Trees look so lovely when they are covered in these thousands of blossoms. What could be more beautiful? I only wished it would last longer than just the 2 weeks or so when you can enjoy all those natural miracles. We have to wait for sooo long to see these again. But at least I have the photos to enjoy whenever I want to...

Btw - I have a problem here - I actually could not find out what this tree is. Do YOU know? I found out: these are apple trees!


daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

Friday, February 13, 2009

Last Year's Apple Trees...

Are you crying? I will give you a reason for more...
Remember these?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Apple Tree Blossoms in Abundance

Could there be enough of these beauties? Never. I could go on and on and I want to share them for anyone to see and enjoy....

"Malus" (Rosaceae, Maloideae)

The Apple Tree Blossoms

Slowly the apple trees start to bloom now with their intriguing colour shades between white and pink:

"Malus" (Rosaceae, Maloideae)